Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Braised master will be - braised Daquan

 Braised dishes, and everyone is doing, but to be red and shiny and sour sauce thick, will happen a bit more, oh.
First of all, to stir through the meat, fish to fry.
stir through the so-called, refers to the pot and stir fry all the meat color, fat Mao You, see a light. General market to buy meat, it is best boiled water, then stir-fried. Billy is about the removal of the smell of meat, stir-fried Do not put too much oil, stir-fried finished, you can Decanter Stir the lard out some to be fat but not greasy.
If you do braised fish, fry both sides must be so golden, crusty surface when you put a thin layer can be burned pan. This step is the formation of shiny key stewed vegetables, or vegetables into bleak, fragmented.
Second, the first color, then add water, in one step. When the raw or stir-fried Jian Hao, should be poured into the rice wine, soy sauce and other condiments. The color of soy sauce, etc. attached to the raw materials, together with the soup or water, and put one foot, cover, fire boil over low heat and simmer. If the color ranging from raw materials to turn on the water, spices to be diluted with water, into the dish will be gray light. Time to put a foot soup, pork is best marinated raw materials, broiled fish may be less. If the soup and more difficult to receive thick gravy; soup less water will affect the way food tastes and colors.
fire burning on the stew, or listen to the chef's When the raw materials close to the Su Lan
, we should move immediately to close the fire concentrated broth. At this point, should adjust food tastes, ensuring accurate food mature taste, color and bright red, thick soup.

one, braised lion head
raw materials: pork 150 grams, 10 grams of water chestnut, winter Ru 10 grams, five Chinese cabbage, ginger slices a little.

Seasoning: peanut oil 500 grams (actual fuel consumption of 100 grams), 12 grams of salt, MSG, 10 grams, 5 grams sugar, 30 grams of raw powder, 150 grams of chicken broth, soy sauce 10 grams of the king, sesame oil 5 grams.

production process:
1, pork chop mess, water chestnuts, winter Ruqie Mi, add salt, MSG, starch glue from the fight to the meat, made four large balls. Drain cooked cabbage scalded with boiling water put into the dish, the ginger slices.

2, burning pot of oil, oil temperature 130 degrees into large meatballs, fry until golden outside picked up within the mature stand.

3, leaving the oil pan, the next into the ginger, add chicken broth, into large meatballs, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, soy sauce Wang, low heat till thicken the sauce, and then wet powder Serve the sauce thicken install disc.

Second, braised trotter
raw materials: 300 grams of fresh pig knuckles and winter Ru 10 grams, 10 grams of ginger, garlic 10 grams.

Seasoning: peanut oil 20 grams, 10 grams of salt, MSG, 8 grams, 5 grams sugar, 10 grams of soy sauce Wang, sesame oil 5 grams, 15 grams of wet powder, rice wine, chicken broth 150 grams.

production process:

1, the net fresh Zhushou burning hair, clean cut decision, winter Ru slices, ginger slices, garlic meat fried golden brown.

2, burning pot of oil, to lay down ginger, trotter, sprinkle some rice wine, stir-fry for a while.

3, stir-fry, add chicken broth, low heat till Sulan, and then add salt, MSG, sugar, soy sauce till Shu Lan Wang Zhinong, then wet powder, starch, Drizzle Serve sesame oil.

three, braised winter melon just

raw materials: 300 grams of wax gourd, winter Ru 10 grams, ginger 5 grams, 5 grams of onion.

Seasoning: peanut oil 20 grams, 10 grams of salt, MSG, 8 grams, 5 grams sugar, 20 grams of wet powder, soy sauce 5 grams of the king, 50 grams of chicken soup.

production process:

1, winter melon, peeled, seeded and cut into large pieces, winter Ru slices, ginger slices, scallions cut into small pieces.

2, burning oil in pan, add ginger, winter Ru, melon just, add chicken broth, salt, MSG, sugar, soy sauce king.

3, with the till cooked, add spring onion, then into the dish.

four, braised pig kidney
raw materials: 150 grams of fresh pig kidney and winter Ru 10 grams, ginger, onion 10 grams each.

Seasoning: peanut oil 30 grams, 10 grams of salt, MSG, 8 grams, 3 grams sugar, soy sauce king 10 grams, 5 grams of oyster sauce, pepper, wet powder 20 grams, 5 grams of sesame oil, broth 50 grams.

production process:

1, kidney cut into thick slices, winter Ru, ginger slices, spring onions and cut into sections.

2, burning pot of oil, thrown into the ginger, winter Ru, kidney stir for a moment.

3, add broth, salt, MSG, sugar, soy sauce king, oyster sauce, pepper, till thicken the sauce with the wet powder when the thickening, into the dish.

five. Pork row
raw materials: 150 grams of pork ribs, winter Ru 10 grams, ginger 10 grams, 10 grams of onion, red pepper 1.

Seasoning: peanut oil 30 grams, 10 grams of salt, MSG, 8 grams, 3 grams sugar, 10 grams of soy sauce king, oyster sauce 5 grams, 20 grams of wet powder, sesame oil 5 grams, 50 grams of broth.

production process:

1, ribs cut into pieces, winter Ru, ginger, red pepper cut into slices, green onions and cut into sections.

2, burning oil in pan, add ginger, ribs, stir fry till fragrant winter Ru, add broth, salt, MSG, sugar, soy sauce king, oyster sauce, low heat slow burn.

3, till cooked, use wet powder, starch, Drizzle sesame oil Serve.

VI. stewed pork stomach
raw materials: pig stomach 150 grams, 10 grams of Ru in winter, red one, ginger 10 grams, onions 10 grams.

Seasoning: peanut oil 30 grams, 10 grams of salt, MSG, 8 grams, 3 grams sugar, pepper, soy sauce 10 grams of the king, 20 grams of wet powder, sesame oil 5 grams, 50 grams of chicken soup.

production process:

1, pig stomach washed, cooked slices, winter Ru, red pepper, ginger is sliced, onion cut into sections.

2, burning oil in pan, add ginger, winter Ru, pig stomach saute, then add chicken broth Sprinkle the salt, MSG, sugar, soy sauce king had burned through.

3, and then thrown into the pepper.
braised lion head
* Materials: 1, pig meat sandwich front legs half a catty, cut at the end.
2, Nenou section.
3, egg.
4, cabbage eight.
5, a small piece of ginger.
6, three onions.
7, three tablespoons of soy sauce.
8, a tablespoon of dry starch, and the other with a spoonful of starch, add water and turned into sauce.
9, salt, MSG amount.

: 1, chop fine the lotus root, ginger with a knife mince, eggs into the dry starch in some water in a clockwise direction Jiaocheng full bowl. 2, the custard poured into the meat, ginger, lotus root into the end of the next, put the right amount of salt and, stirring clockwise to pull its weight.
3, the meat, shape into 4 large balls, put the oil till Qicheng hot pot, fry for about five minutes under the 5 ball, remove and drain the oil transfer to a plate stand.
6, will be dishing out the oil pan, the left a little oil the ginger, onion, pepper flavor blow, into the ball, add some soup or a couple of pounds of water, three tablespoons of soy sauce, slightly changed after the fire in boiling hours or more.
7, after the meatball cooked remove and transfer to a plate stand.
8, Cook the soup into the pot in the heart burn for about one minute until cooked. 9, remove and install ball cabbage dish, thicken the pot after the Drizzle plate Serve.
fourth paragraph makes you drool - the pork cooking method
1. secret altar meat
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Ingredients: pork
materials: onion, ginger, garlic
spices: salt, MSG, soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine, aniseed , dried tangerine peel, licorice
cooking methods:
1, select the thin pork, cut into three centimeters square, square, marked crosswise knife easy tasty;
2, the pork with the wine, onion ginger, licorice, aniseed, dried tangerine peel, sugar, salt, soy sauce marinated 2 hours;
3, the marinated meat into the soup along with the pressure cooker, add the appropriate amount of hot water, the air half an hour after the stew.
features: Xianxian soft rot, unique flavor.

2. burning halogen pork
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ingredients: 600 grams of pork skin ginger 3 onions 2 garlic a
halogen package: If a pepper grass 5 grams 5 grams of licorice anise cinnamon 5 grams 5 grams 5 grams cumin
Seasoning: salt, sugar, 4 tablespoons soy sauce, a little cooking wine chicken
practices: 1 pork cut into thick slices, green onions and cut into sections, add cooking wine, soy sauce 30
2 minutes into the oil pan into the fire 8 hot, add the marinated meat, deep fry fish meat color can be deep-fried meat itself out, it would not be too greasy
3 把 join Cong Jiangsuan remove and stir the fragrance to spare
4 5 into the pot stay in base oil burning heat, fry sugar from sugar big yellow bubble, add the meat, soy sauce, stir-fry until color
5 plus Cong Jiangsuan, brine bag, wine, boiled with water, for a small fire until the meat slightly rotten
6 Add salt, chicken seasoning can

3. honey pork
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materials: pork, raw sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine, ginger, vinegar, honey, rock sugar, star anise, cinnamon, salt, peanut oil.
1, Wash pork cut into thin slices, with the soy sauce, cooking wine, ginger marinated spare.
2, boil under the oil, add pork fry both sides of the Gan Xiang, Dish and drain points.
3, adding the right amount of soy sauce, vinegar, rock sugar, star anise, cinnamon, water and honey, cook until thick over low heat, then back into the pork, simmered in the sauce, seasoning on the dish can be.

4. of Small Pork
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Ingredients: pork
accessories: beauty pepper, Hang pepper, onion, ginger, garlic, spices
: steamed fish soy sauce , soy sauce, cooking wine, sesame oil, oyster sauce, MSG
cooking methods:
1, add the pork slices, oyster sauce, soy sauce spare, Hang Law, Law Americans were cut in half from the middle of standby;
2, the cut-Hangzhou pepper, stir in the beauty of soft pepper into the wok out, filling the pot, the pork, stir fried Cong Jiangsuan into uniform, transferred to the cooking wine, stir into the pepper over the Hangzhou, beauty pepper, add steamed fish soy sauce, soy sauce, MSG, sesame oil seasoning to pan.
features: meat is tender, spicy and tasty.

5. pork stew turnip
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Ingredients: pork
accessories: white radish, onion, ginger, shallot
seasoning: soy sauce, sugar, cinnamon, aniseed
cooking methods:
1, the pork cut into pieces, white Luo Buqie hob spare;
2, the hot boiled turnip been removed after the pot into the oil, will cinnamon, aniseed, after Hong stir into the pork, continue to stir-fry meat color, transferred to soy sauce, sugar, salt a little water, simmer for 20 minutes, add white turnip, stir well, then the end of the pan sprinkled with chives .
features: delicious taste, rich nutrition.

6. Pork
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Ingredients: pork
accessories: spring onions, ginger and spices
: rice wine, soy sauce, sugar
cooking methods:
1, into the boiling water blanch the pork after a while the same size cut out of the box;
2, casserole using spring onion, Ginger bottom, laying down the pieces skin is good, then added to the rice wine , soy sauce, sugar, boil, turn the fire simmer 2 hours, the pan into the bowl with a lid, the pot and then steam for 20 minutes.
features: color, red sauce, fat but not greasy.

7. homemade stew
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Ingredients: pork
materials: potatoes, eggplant, pumpkin, beans, onions
spices: salt, monosodium glutamate, miso, soy sauce, star anise, cinnamon
cooking methods:
1, cutting the eggplant, pumpkin, potatoes, steamed pressed into the mud, shredded onion, beans and cut into sections, sliced ​​pork spare;
2, sat ignition to the oil pan, the next star anise, miso saute, stir-cooked pork into the next, then followed by adding onions, eggplant, lentils, vegetables Dunshu will remove, stir well with a pumpkin soup and mashed potatoes, pan before adding MSG in the dishes can stir casting.
features: Xianxian palatability, nutrient rich.

8. Qinchuan cold plate
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Ingredients: pork
leather accessories: Roupi Dong, silk tofu, bean sprouts, vermicelli, garlic
spices: salt, monosodium glutamate , garlic, chili powder, vinegar
cooking methods:
1, the bean sprouts, vermicelli, tofu, boiled hot wire were too spare;
2, will be a good scald bean sprouts, vermicelli, tofu, dry wire cool into the dish, well above the skin followed by laying flowers meat, Roupi Dong pieces, sprinkle with green
garlic, reserve on plate shape;
3, the bowl into the chili powder, garlic, green garlic, salt, MSG, pouring hot oil, pour the old vinegar Mix well and pour over vegetables can be.
features: hot and sour and refreshing, unique flavor.

9. smoked dry summer squash
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Ingredients: Smoked dry
accessories: summer squash, pork, red pepper, ginger
spices: salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate , soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper, water, starch
cooking methods:
1, the pork slices, smoked dry cutting, diamond-shaped pieces cut zucchini, red pepper cut into strips, parsley stems mince add salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate , sesame oil, pepper, a little water, water, transferred into a bowl of starch reserve juice;
2, wok pour oil, incense under the pork stir fry after the dry down into the surface of yellowish smoke, add ginger, soy sauce, zucchini , cooking juice into a bowl, stir the fire evenly.
features: Xianxian crisp, unique taste.

10. pork steamed cabbage
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Ingredients: pork, cabbage
materials: onion, ginger, salt, aniseed, peanut oil, soy sauce, fuel, MSG or chicken
1. pork slices, hand-torn pieces of Chinese cabbage leaves (usually without cabbage).
2. 葱姜 cut wire.
3. pot add water, boil, boil pork look, color or remove. Cabbage into the pot.
4. boil add a good pork onion ginger, aniseed, monosodium glutamate or chicken, soy sauce, and peanut oil fuel, preserved a few minutes.
5. to re-code the marinated pork cabbage, bacon, juice with the remainder into.
6. the pork cabbage into the steamer.
7. pot open, steam for 10 - 15 minutes the pan (depending on the degree may be appropriate to add cabbage Laonen a long time).

11. potato burning pork
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materials: pork (150 grams), yellow heart sweet potato (2), green beans (100 grams), minced garlic (half spoon)
seasoning: Oil (1 bowl), Haitian gold standard iron fortified soy sauce king (1 tablespoon), rice wine (1 tablespoon), sugar (1 / 2 tablespoons), salt (1 / 3 tablespoons), chicken powder (1 / 2 tablespoons)
1 sweet potato cut into 3 cm long and 1 cm wide section; pork cut thin slices, green beans to the old bars, cut into 3 cm long segment.
2 Heat 1 cup oil, add to Guatiao fry 3 minutes over medium heat until golden brown.
3 green beans into the mix, and fry for 2 minutes to Guatiao with Dish and drain set aside. Pour the remaining oil
4 pot, saute minced garlic, stir-fry until the pork into the flesh a little white, add 1 tablespoon rice wine, stir-fry for 1 minute over medium heat.
5 Guatiao into the ground and fried green beans, and pork stir-fry 1 minute together. Haitian
6 add 1 tablespoon soy sauce iron fortification Gold Label King, 1 / 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 / 3 tablespoons salt and 1 / 2 tablespoon chicken powder and stir well tasty, you can dish up.

12. pork stew red mushroom
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materials: pork 100 grams, 150 grams of red wine mushroom sauce
: Salt, pepper to taste
practices: < br> 1, the first red mushroom foam, with a big tub to immerse themselves in water, sprinkle a little salt, rinse after 10 minutes, remove and drain;
2, cut into large slabs of pork with water boiled out of the first individual taste, with pressure cooker about 15 minutes;
3, the red mushroom pork soup into a good stew, a small fire in the fire boiling turn cook 10 minutes, adjust salt and taste when eating, sprinkle with pepper.

13. official Hong stewed
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Ingredients: pork
accessories: rape heart
spices: salt, MSG, soy sauce, fermented bean curd, sugar, Hua Diao wine , spices
cooking methods:
1, the pork for 5 minutes remove feeding Jiuzhu cut, pot, add water, turn into the fermented bean curd, Hua Diao wine, MSG, sugar, salt, spices, soy sauce , Kai Guo into the pork, pour in casserole small fire to burn for an hour;
2, the pot add a little oil, stir-fry into the rape center, Sprinkle the salt, MSG, pan yards into the dish, remove the meat transfer to a plate, and the remaining sauce is dry, pour on the meat can be.
characteristics: fatty but not greasy, mellow flavor.

14. Gold Medal Rou
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〗 〖Ingredients streaky Accessories〗 〖Article
dried meat cabbage onion ginger sauce〗 〖
oil salt MSG starch, sugar, soy sauce, rice wine practices
1. Streaky first wash, blanch the meat section, the entire pot, add water, soy sauce, sugar, rice wine, onions, ginger, boil with the text after the fire first color, remove and cool, set aside. Dried and then fired into the pot for 12-15 minutes.
2. The cooked meat cut into 15 cm square block, and then approved a knife into a pagoda-shaped, and embedded in the pagoda bamboo shoots, cage steam for 60 minutes, remove the buckle after steaming into the disk.
3. In the pot, put water, boiled oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, into the cabbage, boiled meat cooked picked up around the edge of water, starch, starch and then pouring juice on the meat.
〗 〖features beautiful shape, crisp but not bad, but not greasy oil.

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