Monday, March 21, 2011

China's real and true life story of the road

Reflect the true essence of China's road course
- China's reform and opening up three decades: Review, Reflection and Prospects (Economic papers II)
text / Watson, Zhuang Yong Luo Xiaopeng Zhang Xuejun Zhang Shaojie
side to explore the practical reason
reform and opening up the other side, then, based on the characteristics of the above aspects is the essence of what the Chinese way? is, as some people think, this is known as the Chinese model or the success of the Beijing Consensus and the proof of the existence, or as some people think as, this is only known under the Western side of the transition have been very simple, because is not confined to China's national conditions and thus become tortuous or inconvenience that transition? Deng socialism with Chinese characteristics needs only a political slogan or contains substantial content? Obviously, this is our 30-year review and reflect on the course of reform and opening up the question can not be avoided.
we all know, China's reform and opening up began in 1977 and 1978 who criticized the two practice tests the sole criterion of truth originator brewing discussion. In fact, this has included the reform and opening up export the fundamental turning point in epistemology, this is the model of Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution and the first 30 years of planned economy prior design the ideal model stick and the pilot, steering practice comes real knowledge of the trial and error exploration. from epistemology, said that from the model to predict future economic and social assumptions and practices designed to post-rational knowledge and bounded rationality. Later developments show that the actual practice of the standard broken Mao not only in who is also breaking all previous theories of those who are gods. From the historical process of reform and opening up, especially starting point, in addition to some big goals, to achieve modernization, and keep up the pace of the times, Chinese people with lofty ideals to achieve the dream of several hundred years of power, while allowing common prosperity of the people of polarization and confrontation rather than outside, with Deng Xiaoping as the representative of the generation of leaders must not know specifically how to do in China, but China must not know to do anything (such as poverty is not socialism), only gradually in the exploration and make reform and opening up (such as 3, 1978, the 11th has not explicitly mentioned in the opening plenary session, speaking only comes to economic management reform and management system reforms, but to explore a variety of realistic already beginning to come). rural reform is really just the initial response to the peasants food and clothing problem of backward areas, building the first export processing SAR seems only to change the lives of border residents to discuss cross-border embarrassed. In this sense said that the reform and opening to force out as just an expedient measure. But the famine in the 1960s did not extract a greater reform and opening up, and the late 1970s, where even the grass-roots nature seems to be a rational response has caused a chain of major institutional change It is clear there are even more profound after the background and philosophy.
should be noted that these seemingly chance events in the back of Deng Xiaoping generation of leaders represented by the open attitude and practice comes real knowledge emancipating the mind and spirit of exploration is that the whole epistemological foundation for change. In an open mind, study tours frequently visited the Western world (which is absolutely not the Mao era), the still insists on touching the stone across the river, step by step, the practice of the wrong reason to change it from Since reform and opening has been ridiculed as pragmatism and short-sighted and criticized by many people. In fact, the prophet from the idealistic assumptions and design knowledge and rationality to bounded rationality, after practice, the Chinese people's great leap forward in the theory of knowledge. This is a recognition that the future is uncertainty, a nation and the whole perception of the future of human society is limited, prior experience in the design after the investigation is required. previous theory, the model contains a number of other people the truth for themselves the extent to which and what changes needs to be done, as what kind of shoes for your feet, and only through their own practice, really know. and even the science of mankind has known, it is only able to observe the practice of people have verified the knowledge and information, it may be a new practice or information amendment. the history of such a thing has occurred many times. China's reform and opening up the other side is not objective or not a historical and cultural traditions have changed with the resources we have completely different endowments and the United States, more Not many people own a country also took exception to the other, but the modernization of the Chinese people for generations to pursue common prosperity increases. to achieve this goal itself is a world-class problems. Furthermore, how in China, the burden of historical heritage and the development of both heavy power to achieve this dream of the Chinese people in modern times, it is really only the Chinese people themselves have to face the top concerns and challenges. from the reform and opening up, there are many people that only their own grasp of the truth, and therefore proposed option is the only correct way. but come back to see, is only the history is not comprehensive Yikongzhijian, because there are too many things have yet to find out and explore. From this sense, the standard practice of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the whole of China's reform Open the basis of the philosophy and epistemology.
emancipating the mind and nature: the fetters of ideological liberation Pan
emancipate the mind, Deng Xiaoping in 1978 to report on the Third Plenary Session 11, the opening of the title, it is With 30 years of reform and opening up until today's slogan. But what is the real emancipation of the mind, many people still do not really understand. from the course of 30 years of reform and opening up view of emancipating the mind first of all that Mao Zedong from two continuing revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat extreme leftist theory, from class struggle to liberate economic construction as the center, from the anti-imperialist revisionism, the liberation of closed-door policy to the outside world, equality and mutual benefit, from a planned economy, public ownership dominating the world can be freed to market regulation, market economy, multi-ownership component, in fact, also includes the privatization from the West, out of democratization model for the liberation of China's national conditions, to the modernization of common prosperity. In short, the issue is to Currently, the family name from first ask capitalist society, ideology surnamed Li Zhang freed sake of discussion, practical, no label, so that can make all the historical and cultural heritage of China, the revolutionary heritage of the essence of all foreign economic , political, and cultural achievements of civilization, we used to do can be used, not self-styled opportunities, and not afraid of people put labels, big stick, paste what Marxism, ideological labels. This was even more powerful national development. Without this emancipation of the mind, everything All roads on the books, the first label, it can not do anything, what can be accomplished. Therefore, the liberation ideology of pan-labeling is the most important ideas of reform and opening up the basis and premise.
fact, the ideology, including religious of information is costly in human society on the stage of public and social mobilization and organization of a form. With the modern society, the sharp decline in information costs, costs of labeling more and more ideological, and social progress of mankind to get rid of a yoke. U.S. President-elect Barack Obama called on the face of severe financial crisis in the United States, the difficulties of economic recession, must go beyond the ideological barriers, the United States back on the right track. This shows that out of the Ideology of fetters, not only faced by developing countries such as China's problems, it is also in varying degrees, the contemporary world and the common challenges facing society. because of ideology tend to value human pursuit of the realization of the goals and the form of solidification, and thus beyond themselves to achieve these goals and values. China's reform and many of the puzzles and paradoxes are often generated there. We used to add long-term planned economy is the promotion of socialist public ownership, will be able to equality and common prosperity, but the result is totally different, not equal Instead they come to realize the common poverty. Xiaoping objections to the Post name the ideology of capitalist society of labels, it is because the past is not really self-righteous socialist common prosperity of the socialist cause, and modern capitalism is an evolving complex forms, both great American wealth gap model, Latin model, there are quite different and more equal and the Nordic model. the objects and their evolving understanding are still in the simple things that ideological labels affixed , will close its way forward. Obviously, there is no ideological emancipation of the mind and to free prices and the market economy, private economy and employee management, shares of state-owned enterprises and public officials, intellectuals into business, etc., which used to be totally unbelievable economic foundation and the historical changes in social attitudes are completely impossible.
30 years of reform and opening up, Chinese people's freedom of choice more and more widely, the government increasingly wide choice, from the ideological basis for is due to emancipate itself from the fetters of ideology. From the First Emperor of the Qing Dynasty literary inquisition Burning of the Books to China's Pan-revolutionary ideology is not just a product, but has a profound economic, political and historical cultural roots. Now, China is becoming increasingly pluralistic and tolerant society, more and more away from the past, people familiar with the frequently engage in political campaigns and random labeling, engage in critical times, it was a great advance in Chinese society.
course , the decline in the information age the importance of ideology, rationality does not mean the importance of human values ​​has declined. the value of the information age is still the era of competition. But the values ​​and ideals does not rely on empty slogans to achieve a high profile, but for the nation through the accumulation of knowledge stock, collective action, institutional resources and organizational mechanisms designed to achieve. mechanism design is to solve the last ideology or boat under the bridge issue. Therefore, China needs most now is not whether or not the ideology of reform that of the declaration, but rather to what the reform discussion and explore how to reform, the reform models and mechanisms for different design criticism and competition. because of freedom, equality, democracy, rule of law and common prosperity goals such as these values ​​are not dependent on high-profile ideology, but on the mechanism, the path that the design of the bridge or boat. casually crossed with the reform of anti-reform, reform is easy to close the discussion and criticism of different paths, so in fact, not out of ideology or the stereotype of the performance. < br> reform process and the true meaning of the real emancipation of the mind not to say that Deng Xiaoping
to doubt and deny everything, but there are boundaries and the bottom line, which is let from the beginning of reform and opening up some things very confusing and disappointing. because They do not understand the ideology of emancipating the mind is free and the only goal of the yoke and border. This can at least get rid of economic and development areas of the burden of seeking truth from facts, a pioneering spirit. but either due to divergence and a social disorder, we must Convergence can stand on their own and a relatively stable political foundation and framework. China's reform and opening up the first 30 years, a comprehensive reform of the economic reform drive, the truth is here. In fact, in a large developing country has a different interest demands, value of the identity and moral orientation is a natural state. Therefore, left and right, and even extreme conservatives and radicals are completely normal and not surprising. Now people are slowly getting used, and even began to learn to respect some may seem absurd , derailment, but actually see or grasp a side of society, side point of view and value of demand, which itself is an important progress in reform and opening up. But for a country to be able to organize and mobilize their own history and human resources, organizational and institutional resources, not into disputes, friction and even confrontation, turmoil, catch up on the road of modernization, we must consider and give priority to the interests and aspirations of the majority, following the logic of collective action and the formation of collective cohesion and strength to catch up . by Deng Xiaoping as the representative of the generation of leaders in the reform and opening up the left and right conflict, overcoming all obstacles to the generation represented by leaders of Jiang Zemin in the market, privatization of state-owned enterprise reform and accession to the WTO in bold, as the representative of Hu Jintao generation of leaders to the scientific development and people-oriented, is the trajectory of such a collective action.
the existence of the so-called silent majority, collective action and the interests of the majority, in the information age is a number before the warm taste of space. But in today's Internet age, this used to be called the silent majority, in fact, did not silence has started. Although not always the voice of the network does not accurately reflect public opinion, but it is not difficult to see it and love extremes, or have a say in the interests of elite demands and value judgments are not always the same, and often conflict. It is not difficult to understand why the emancipation of the mind not and can not be elite-led, they go. reform, collective action to force the formation of , we must resist the demands of the poles disturbances, especially not to the extreme demands of hostage and put an end to reforms.
Because of this, we see that from the beginning of reform to get rid of Deng Xiaoping put forward both the original Soviet and Maoist models of superstition, closure of the original rigid planned economic system overhaul while rejecting a simple transplantation half of the 20th century, the practice did not succeed in China, the Western model. In view of Deng Xiaoping, the political system, the continuity and stability, reform and opening up to expand and the smooth progress of the basic premise. Therefore, the history of China's reform and opening up, not as many people as described in the reform and anti-reform struggle, the leaders of the ultimate final word of the single-line comic book history, that is not true and complete picture of China's reform . Just as Deng Xiaoping Theory in March 1979 retreat to point out that the reform started to face accusations from the left side pressure to reform is the deviant, while the right side facing the fundamental denial from both the economic and political system, required copy the Western model of the overall pressure of transplantation. The true history of the reform is in practice, knowledge, opinion and policy interaction in order to achieve modernization to catch up without derailed, overturned, the highest decision-making group balance the demands of different interests and values ​​of the process and history. reform and opening up the other side, or the ultimate goal is to Deng Xiaoping's speech in his repeated declaration of all of China's modernization and allow the common prosperity of the rich after getting rich first, and this is Deng Xiaoping put forward the substance of socialism with Chinese characteristics. in the path Deng Xiaoping recognized the need to reform and opening up and learn all the achievements of modern civilization, or can die. But in the past, Therefore, the process of globalization in today's interest in the face of Western superiority and hegemony, preserve our national thinking and competitiveness is essential. Xiaoping plot their own experience of the 20th century all know the dangers of social disorder in China, he was convinced that copy the western migration of privatization, democracy model, the lifeline of the national economy fell into the hands of a private family, China will be chaos, not only polarization, modern and certainly can be done. Thus, Deng Xiaoping's line is the modern development is the top priority, the market economy bold attempt to use, can allow the existence of private economic development, and not affect the overall situation, to adapt to conditions of democracy-building, step by step, conditions are ripe, after half a century, and also practice universal suffrage (see br> come back to see, not only refused to adhere to the traditional model, old-fashioned back, refused to simple model of the Western model, comprehensive portable copy, become someone else's with the poor, and insisted on proceeding from national conditions and national interests, not only to learn, imitate and learn , and independent innovation, and explore the road of China's national conditions, is 30 years of reform and opening through the main line.'s reform and opening are in almost all the important history of tension and to resist the impact of these two areas came to be in the. explore such a China characteristics of the modern road, one that recognizes the historical inheritance and the status of rationality, also stressed the necessity and urgency for change; affirmed China's historical and cultural heritage, including the legacy of the Chinese revolution, most people adhere to the general public, especially vulnerable interests of the flag, while the times, adhere to the development is of overriding importance and the direction of market reform to allow and encourage some people get rich; that recognizes various types of institutional arrangements in any elite group will give priority in the necessity and benefit reasonable, but large-scale polarization suppression efforts for the majority of people, including both strong and vulnerable groups in the reform and opening up benefited to varying degrees. Thus, by the pie bigger and practice to consolidate the success of each step reform of the position, crossing the river by touching stones, trial and error to explore, to understand and determine the next steps forward, in practice the Chinese people changing the face of this country, while changing their own ideas and ways of thinking. through economic and social life change, the time of accumulation and alternating generations, so that support for reform rather than take the two extremes of a turning point in every person can win, so that those who obstruct reform was neither conservative nor radical graft was copied by those who half-channel interception. this period, although there are too many unsatisfactory, and even pain, disappointment and loss, although there are many development or associated products do not meet different people and sometimes including our own mind, and the pursuit of value judgments, But in the end and outside observers can not fail to recognize that this is China's modernization efforts and the nation's most successful collective action in 30 years. Therefore, China's reform path, with Deng Xiaoping's own description, is the only anti-left, and anti-right, but in particular Left guard against such a representative of the majority, do not go to extremes the line.
this way, we came to the reform of the special difficulties and confusion of the place. the great success of the revolution, failed heroic, and the improvement and reform is essentially a compromise. Open can not lose ourselves, change can not abandon the tradition of learning can not copy and to imitate the innovation. that is a revolution of reform, is the impact on its traditional values ​​and its sense the accumulation of changes. For each step of the road and words, the reform is the improvement, is a compromise move, protection and transformation in the recognition of vested interests, while promoting the development of new track increments. This reform has never been battered wings of the criticism: It has the remnants of the old system, but also naive new system; both changes in the disorder, and compromises the pain is not on the side of traditional or modern critics of moral high ground do not have to deliver their own utopian expectations. This is because in modern China and humiliating, poverty and backwardness, impatient for success has been leading the trend of radicalism, has created a great history and civilization of the Chinese people the most are not used to promote social change and the way forward. but in fact because of this, it is astonishing to avoid the social and economic change and political structures of the tear and confrontation, breaking the reform of China for several thousand years of history is always on the fate of the end in tragedy, but also out of the past is in an ideal vision of revolutionary violence and destruction of social, historical cycle all over again, this is the great success of China's reform and the real secret lies.
interactive chain of System Innovation and
reform since it is constructive change, we need the full open and learn from others, especially Western developed countries, and experience of modern civilization at the same time, the suitable conditions and can use local resources, institutional innovation and mechanism design. economic zones and development zones in the steps of opening up rural households in the system by the combination of the creation of the land contract system (sub- Tiandan dry can be a traditional regression, but to keep the family under the framework of collective land contract is the system model innovation), put tune with price reform, track the path of choice to promote the establishment of the Chinese market economy, macroeconomic management structure, the shares of state-owned enterprises Reforming the framework of state assets and the construction, financial phased implementation of the system of local competition and innovation, relying on these and other legacy systems, constitute the miracle of China's reform and opening up 30 years based on the economic system.
Therefore, carefully examine China's 30 years of institutional change, induced neither completely spontaneous, and not simply imposed by the government, but tend to be bottom-up practice or trial and error (such as home contracting, business contracting, the stock market), or the first top-down policy of trial and error (such as special economic zones, financial classification lump sum, state-owned shares and the share reform), or both (such as the combination tone put price reform, track forward, SOE), a word is In the process of trial and error, practice, knowledge, opinion (which include network theory was later played an active role) and the interaction between policy reform and the formation of a certain climate and consensus, resulting in institutional reform and innovation of the impulse or thrust, which stimulate and lead to chain Institutional Change. so that people see that the practice of path dependence, according to the development of practice and understanding of discipline and self-restraint by public opinion, government policies generated game, a few subtle cross between the role of fermentation changes, constraints the interests of the game and the overall result of a rational exchange of information and decision-making leading the trend of evolution, and eventually the system for innovation and social change. This interactive informal institutional change is China's reform and opening up 30 years of social change in the system and the real trajectory. Obviously, this kind of informal interactive communication and formal communication to the efficient transformation system is an important direction for future reform. Meanwhile, when a new 30-year internal and external challenges in a tough time in the open, how to reform once again gather potential energy and power, producing and promoting broader and deeper institutional innovation, determine the fate of the Chinese miracle could continue.
(The author is professor of Beijing Normal University, Department of Health of China, Luo Xiaopeng of China, Department of Rural Development Research Institute of Zhejiang University, Chair Professor Zhang Xuejun Department of China Certification Center Research Institute, Department of edge Zhuang Yong, chief investment on the mainland UOB economist. of the Sun Yefang laureate in economics are.)

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