Monday, April 11, 2011

Formal procedures of makeup (girls should know that Yo ..)

 Of the makeup of the formal procedures (girls should know that Yo ..)
1, clean the skin
2, Moisturizing Lotion, or (as the skin, but with different nature) added to the skin moisture or shrink pores
3, on the nutritional cream (for skin nutrition)
4, sunscreen (isolated air dust, dirt, UV rays, protects the skin effect, we can be selected a little sunscreen, sunscreen for dry skin, use sun protection for 6 hours, Sunscreen milk for oily, sensitive skin, use sunscreen for 2 - 4 hours)
5, Revised Yan solution (to adjust our skin color, yellowish skin with lavender, white side with light green skin and general)
6, fight Foundation (skin appears delicate) skin color darker than their election, or with their own color, equivalent to the foundation, this makeup will seem transparent, not a fake feeling.
7, on a pressed powder or loose powder (hold & use)
8, thrush (pale brow, eyebrow deep slope, Mei Feng Gao, Mei Wei to clear mission)
9, eye shadow (shape the eyes of and personality profiles) from the outer corner of the beginning of the light outside the dark, use light-colored eyebrow at the bottom. Sorting and matching eye shadow clothes
10, eyeliner (upper two-thirds from the eyes began to draw, paint the bottom half, it was not painted eye liner)
11, painted lip
12, lipstick (to match with their clothes) must use light-colored lipstick lipstick brush up.
13, playing popliteal that
14, clip eyelashes (first root, central, mascara tip)
15, on mascara (painted up and down first, then a pull together longer, thicker)

make the general procedure:

first step: looking finish

perfect makeup is the most critical looking finish. Time permitting, can be deposited more crystal Mask glossy skin, choose the same color with the color number of the liquid foundation, even in the face and then use foundation liquid foundation brush, swipe back and forth, to avoid leaving brush marks, as marked in the face of countless small transparent. The second step Dingzhuang

MM have been a lot of my makeup why does it feel dirty oily, the problem lies in the absence of careful Dingzhuang. Most of the powder is divided into a lot of color number, and the number is not just how good-looking multi-color, but has his reasons, such as pink is suitable for pale skin, green for the skin has redness, purple for dull skin, using a purple model. First with a dry powder puff stick to take the right amount of kneading to the fold with your fingers playing the excess powder, even push on the skin, and then go to the extra large powder brush makeup, do not forget his eyes, nose, mouth these Oil lush region. Powder is not just a good play sucked hold & shine effect, more importantly, play a secondary modification.
third step will be a mirror on the liner
at 20cm away from the body, eyes looking down, with the ring finger to gently pull up on the eyelids. Close to the roots of eyelashes, painted by the end of eye to eye segment. Elongated outer corners. With a liner brush, eye liner from the corner to push the end of eye to absorb, so that clear lines of nature. Smudged eyeliner with a liner brush is a must not be spared this step, this step can make eyeliner look natural and will not be too rigid, if you are in pairs, the oil of MM eye easily recommend you to use eyeliner. Makeup eyeliner pencil or liner durability than the powder to be better than the liquid eyeliner is not so rigid easily smudges easier to control.
fourth step with a medium eye shadow eye shadow brush
picks white highlights, from the inside corner sweeping over a large area outside the corner of the upper eyelid stressed structure. With a small eye shadow brush on the eyeliner repeatedly swipe at several brown, brown control of the area, only small-scale use, this could make the eye look more solid. Gradation levels should pay attention to the transition, to avoid feeling dirty smear caused by uneven.
Step mascara eyelashes
MM model itself is more dense, in this ever thought possible to help her choose a type of mascara. Mascara is to adjust the eye is an important step. If mascara smeared in a very neat, clean, very Alice eyelash curler, so a lot of eyes will look larger. Also help lighten dark circles caused by fatigue, curling eyelashes can make you look more spiritual. Take along from the outside - and then the middle - the final sequence of segmented root folder eyelashes, this folder and natural and curly eyelashes, curling can reach 80 degrees. To take the 'Z' eyelash brush approach, not painted too much mascara, eyelashes because of heavy and Alice is not up.
sixth step is easy under the liner
select color black outline at the end of eye liner, more emphasis on the intensity of the eyes, upper and lower eyelid liner within the outer 2 / 3, and then use a small eye shadow brush light halo. Note that the depth liner level, the more makeup the better the control will be beautiful. Can be painted at the end of eye a little heavier. Finally, painted with white eye shadow and eye including the eyelid first place, so that the contours of the eye will become bigger and brighter. Xiu Yan

seventh step to laugh in the ears of the triangle part of muscle, the mandibular angle brush on the site from the back of deep pink color, or repair Yen One color than the color of deep foundation liquid, with a white tone repair Yen lit from top to bottom this line bridge of the nose, forehead, chin. Create a sense of visual contours to enhance the face. Blush

Step eight years in the makeup, eye shadow is the visual center of gravity, it should be a touch of blush and lip color processing, model selection is pink blush pink, because MM is the Diamond model face, to help her round brush Blush Blush Blush is gradually opened halo, this is only suitable for diamond-shaped face, or like cute points. Step IX
choose light pink lip gloss
sequined lip gloss can be painted.
-looking of them very charming.

cosmetic choice:

1. we must first learn to analyze your skin
If you are not targeted, just want to select some suitable cosmetics, please first make sure your skin Quality:
dry skin is characterized by small pores, almost shiny surface is easy to form expression lines, especially eyes and lips four weeks the most obvious.
neutral skin look healthy and smooth texture, a balanced oil and water, there is little acne and clogged pores.
combination skin look healthy and smooth texture, only the T-zone - the forehead, nose, chin area to some greasy, while the cheeks and the outer face there are some signs of drying.
the formation of oily skin because the sebaceous glands secrete too much oil, oily skin, sometimes in a clean feeling after a few hours the skin will be sticky, oily skin and other features of the pores of the skin than other bulky, easier to block, and easy to long acne and other skin blemishes.
sensitive skin vulnerable to environmental factors and stimulated local coating materials, thin skin, tiny blood vessels visible.
2. Second, we must choose their own products
water if you are a dry type of skin cleansing products, please select moisture and rich texture of the cream, the weekly pay mask is a must, when young, you delicate skin, but with age, beginning to feel the skin tight scaling, moisturizing cream and mask can be added to your shopping list again, and disposable type of mask is also a good choice for lazy MM. If you have whitening needs please do not use a full set of whitening products, may be relatively dry, the selection of a whitening essence with the moisture of your existing products can be used together, it is necessary to have moist white thing.
If you are a neutral combination skin is desirable, maintenance can be based cleanser solution, simply select the texture with the seasons winter, rich emulsion cream, summer, choose oil-free lotion or a mile. Light aging is that you most need to worry about, no matter how good the capital will be more sunlight away, even if you have sun in the room.
oil if you are MM, do not walk into oil control errors, not more than three times a day to wash face, do not wash the painted nothing, do not think they consequently does not lack is more than oil, in fact, you are likely to be extremely dry skin, your skin clean and start over water, a large number of oil glands secrete oil to seal in moisture, you find that the use of oil absorbing tissues of the cleansing products to remove oil, water attached pitiful removed with the skin once the oil, you immediately go to wash, wash cycle the more oil the more oil the more oil the more washing ... MM ... so need a good cleansing product, do not over to the oil, wash my face immediately took on the meeting water, while applying make-up water, oil-free lotion or a mile lock in moisture replenishment to a large number of oil control yo. MM
sensitive skin must be careful selection of cosmetics, in particular, the choice of whitening products have to be careful, most likely caused by sensitive whitening ingredients, even non-sensitive skin whitening ingredients may also be allergic to some, not over-scrub, yo can not use the tearing-type mask, gentle product is best for you.
concluding remarks: every day cleaning up remover is a must, even if you do not have to make do with a Cream cleaning work during the day or whether you have to wipe out segregation and the sun, not the few pieces of light cream aging will be able to make back, careful, careful, ... ...

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