Thursday, April 7, 2011

I do not know can not actually treat the water to drink law

 Sudden rise in body temperature, a lot of sweat discharge. This time people will feel tired, and proper drinking water is the most urgent health care. Water can adjust the normal blood and tissue fluid circulation, dissolved nutrients, so that supply of the physical, the heat dissipate into the atmosphere, regulate body temperature and increase endurance. But note that: a very taboo violent campaign pay, such as breath and drink two bottles of drinks, this will further increase the burden on the heart, so the movement of the intermittent, small mouth pay is appropriate. The pay is very good pre-exercise maintenance program.

to be so early in the morning to drink a cup of cold boiled water yo →
morning, many people have heard about a glass of water good for your health, some people drink salt water? some people drink honey water? There are people in order to drink lemonade whitening? in the end what to drink water is the best? the metabolism of the human body through the night, the body of waste requires a strong external role in helping to excrete, no sugar and nutrients in the cool water is the best ! If it is sugar water or nutrients into the water, which requires time in the body into, can not play the rapid erosion of our role in the body. Therefore, the early morning cup of white water is clear recipe for detoxification.
to be so cold to drink yo →
drink more water than usual
cold every time, you will hear doctors nagging: is the best prescription. Because when people, when a fever, the body for self-protection function of the response of the self-cooling, then there will be sweating, shortness of breath, skin, increased evaporation of water to speed up the metabolic performance, then you need to add a lot of water , the body will also be called the thirst of the performance. A lot of water not only promotes sweating and urination, but also help regulate body temperature, prompting the body rapidly excreted bacteria and viruses.
to be so often drink to drink porridge
yo → people who have stomach problems or feel upset stomach, you can take porridge Porridge temperature to exceed 60 ℃, the temperature will produce a gelatinization, Ruannen Teng porridge hot entrance, you'll feel was very easy to digest, it is suitable for human consumption, gastrointestinal discomfort. Rice contains a lot of water, but also effectively lubricate intestines, clean up hazardous substances in the stomach, and smooth them out of the body.
to this water to drink yo → shoveling
Simply put there are two causes of constipation: a stool without water body, and second, intestines and other organs without the excretion of force. The former need to find out the cause of the water daily. The latter temporary prescription: drink several gulps of saliva, swallowing faster, so that water can reach the colon as soon as possible to stimulate peristalsis and promote defecation. Remember, do not drink a small mouth small mouth, so slow water flow, water can easily be absorbed in the stomach, producing urine.
to be so induce vomiting with salt water to drink → yo!
nausea situation is very complicated. Sometimes eat bad food for a protective response, encountered such a situation, do not be afraid vomiting, because the body can spit dirty things more comfortable. If you feel particularly hard to spit it out, you can use light salt emetic, for a glass of salt water on hand, drink a few big mouth, prompting the dirt spit. Spit clean and later, you can gargle with salt water, play a simple anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the treatment of severe dehydration after vomiting, light salt water solution is also a good supplement that can alleviate the patient's state of weakness.

to be so hot to drink yo → intermittent, small-mouth pay is appropriate to say here
fever, strenuous exercise is that when you, after a sudden rise in body temperature, a large number sweat discharge. This time people will feel tired, and proper drinking water is the most urgent health care. Water can adjust the normal blood and tissue fluid circulation, dissolved nutrients, so that supply of the physical, the heat dissipate into the atmosphere, regulate body temperature and increase endurance. But note that: a very taboo violent campaign pay, such as breath and drink two bottles of drinks, this will further increase the burden on the heart, so the movement of the intermittent, small mouth pay is appropriate. The pay is very good pre-exercise maintenance program.

to be so fat yo → drink some water to drink half an hour after the meal
some MM has such an absurdity, do not drink water to lose weight! now medical experts can clearly tell you: This is a wrong approach . If you want to lose weight, but do not drink enough water, so the body can not metabolize fat, the result is weight increases. Many chemical reactions are the body of water in the media. The body's digestion, endocrine function, need water, toxic metabolites to rely on water to eliminate, adequate drinking water to avoid gastrointestinal dysfunction. You can eat half an hour later, drink some water, strengthen the body's digestive function, help you maintain the body.
to be so drink plenty of water to drink yo →
experience cough, phlegm such symptoms, many people feel suffocating, uncomfortable, difficult to cough up sputum. At this time there is any good way to relieve it? Is to much water, but also to drink plenty of hot water. First, the water can play mucus, phlegm easier to cough up the role; Secondly, the increase in drinking water increased the amount of urine, can promote the rapid excretion of harmful substances; in addition, can soothe the trachea and bronchial mucosa congestion and edema, to decrease the frequency of cough. In this case, a lot of people will feel comfortable smooth.
yo → to drink hot water so that massage is potent sedative agent
gradually into the dream state of the human body is a process of hypothermia. And appropriate environmental requirements of human sleep, the warm environment is essential. Hot bath and foot bath with hot water before going to bed, like, you can give a warm external environment, to make up for the discomfort caused by hypothermia, urging them to sleep. It is worth mentioning are: water massage for the body has a unique effect, playful, gentle, moisturizing effect is the best sedative agent

to be so irritable a lot of water to drink yo →
people If the mental state and physical function linked to contact with a substance that is the hub of the two, it is hormones. Simply put, hormones are divided into two types: one produces pleasure, a produce pain. Created by the brain called endorphins When a person suffering irritability, the adrenaline will surge, but it can also be the same as other toxins from the body, one way is to drink plenty of water.
to be so drink a glass of water before going to bed yo →
heart if you are a bad person, you can develop the habit of a glass of water before going to bed, so you can easily occur in the early morning to prevent, as angina, myocardial infarction, this disease. Myocardial infarction and other diseases is due to high blood viscosity caused. When people sleep, due to sweating, the body's water loss, resulting in reduction of water in the blood, blood viscosity is high. However, if you drink a glass of water before going to bed, you can reduce the blood viscosity, reduce the risk of heart attack. So a glass of water before going to bed, but a glass of Water of Life Yeah.

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