Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Antonyms Daquan ( learning essential )

Antonyms Daquan (learning essential) calm calm turmoil in the narrow wide - wind up No. waves roar - down hidden - voices are silenced rapidly increasing savings to reduce waste spread slowly gather Maunsell - withered beauty - ugly silence - lively clear - Fuzzy calm - panic spread out - the mighty purse - smiling depressed - crying and wailing trance - clearly exactly the same - different great - a small secret - usually original - modern cold - hot precious - General deep - shallower and narrower - wide distance if they had the same level of hot and cold - iso Hun - Qing Harvest - leap year way out - exhausted, sick sick straight up the slack in uniform bending the poor old fresh strong weak positive out without a negative light and shade retracted fine old dry and wet crude tender flat rough rugged simple complex and delicate happy happy sad sad modest pride strong broad weak narrow muddy diligent Lanlansansan clear sparse success or failure to understand the cold dense confused anger warm pleased flexible clumsy

Refused to allow hard-working lazy indifference spread enthusiasm - together quickly - slow careful - careless failure - victory hesitation - a firm and decisive - shake the swelling - shrinking slow - Flexible heavy - light sloppy weak interim long-term careful strong and smooth rough dry and wet embossing a new quiet excitement began at the end of the old ugly pretty quiet noisy easy to difficult withered bloom Friends enemy cold cold warm mountain valley warm smile lit off the magic usually busy looking over a quiet cry grabbed a solemn opening lightly care aloof and arrogant humility meticulous calm panic Agile luxury shabby muddle together the male and female open slowly drifting gentle calm panic honest brutal cunning rich hate the poor happy to sad mischief rule like warm against the cold winds treacherous obey honest straight steep rugged flat fuzzy clearly the great vulnerability of small beautiful ugly modern same old vague different clearly burly world-renowned small grand plump little obscure dry weight unknown enemy Chaomu famous new friends cool warm lazy diligence satisfactory down the line towards the same direction contrary to the withered bloom bright easy to difficult dim hope that the poor security risk disappointment hateful cowardly solemn light dawned warm and strong cold puzzled constraints, the joy of grief off an air of happiness, sadness, depressed depression bustling downtown quiet; ragged gorgeous actively clear negative soft fuzzy rough sketch carefully the specific risk of careless exhausted and full of energy security awareness haste slowly alienated strangers close to the ancient wise foolish strengths and weaknesses dependent on self-reliance beautiful ugly modern comfort strange hard input and output familiar with the open light heavy slow off fierce mild contrast sensitivity similar to the special and general laziness wonderful hard-working poor bad good

large - small multi- - less - down left - right
ago - after the cold - heat - down into the - back
black - during the day - to men - women inside - outside the
Death - live public - private fast - slow spear - Shield
wide - narrow strong - weak light - heavy slow - urgent
loose - tight good - or bad the U.S. - ugly Good - evil
is - non-busy - busy to - to - to co-exist
- die static - dynamic concentration - short side - are
hungry - eat love - hate up - down - off
start - end fat - skinny welcome - send profit - loss
true - false false - is indeed - no Ya - Su
Yes - No thin - dense coarse - fine East - West

clever - Zhuo Yan - resentment New - Old is - evil
pass - blocking only - line of the ancient - This Photo - Chi
song - Direct light - dark pro - sparse collection - put
lose - and win against - cis bitter - sweet Zhong - rape
vertical - horizontal too - loss of the South - North thin - thick
cry - laugh Man - Wu Push - Q - A
master - slave Buy - Sell Deep - Light Poly - San
dry - wet he - this life - Cooked Single - Double
first - the end of you - my enemy - Friends of Police - bandit
Sheng - decline victory - defeat Canada - less soft - hard
Yin - Yang Shun - Converse - are evil - Fu
letter - the wrong suspect - the possession - Lu old - less
off - continued blunt - sharp concentration - Light Female - male
awake - sleeping only - line of salt - light is - crooked

worthy of the name - a misnomer Xuezhongsongtan - worse
crooked - straight and calm - wind storms
daze - clearly preoccupied - absent
intermittent - continuous feast for the eyes - shocking
meticulous - tired Shenpi careless force - energy
full steam ahead - silent and warm and - desolate
hesitant - ado not hesitate - hesitate undecided
unique - ordinary hustle and bustle - desolate
gripped - calm and composed justifiably - Liquciqiong
overnight - repent course of time - come to their senses
team work - sleepless nights takes two to tango - -
uproar eat all day long - silenced over and over again - simple
noisy - desolate war of words - calm
shoddy - with great care to live and work - back and forth

normal - - abnormal extraordinary - an extraordinary special - General
disappointed - pleased contempt - respected happy - depressed
unusual - unusual breach - follow the doubt - believe
strong - the decline of respect for - intense insults - quiet
noisy - still beautiful - ugly believe in - back on
promises - and trustworthy lead - follow the degradation - Evolution
condensation - a great solution - small gather - Distributed
add - less active - dull and bright - dim
cold - heat peaceful - noisy warm - cool
soft - down flat - agree sober - confused
desolation - - farming clear - turbid strong - weak
micro clouds - thick clouds proficient - strange strange - familiar
flat - smooth and rough - rough seriously - just
like - dislike happy - uncomfortable quiet - noisy
rough - smooth strong - weak and hurried - Stabilization
familiar - unfamiliar clever - clumsy shy - generous
calm - panic unity - split shy - - generous
cold - hot free and easy - stiff clear - gloomy

heavy - light roundabout - straight clear - turbid
fragile - strong and full - dry weak - strong
hesitation - a firm Harvest - failure complicated - simple
makeup - wiping thick affordable - not free - bound
usual - strange hard-working - lazy love - hate
intensive - sparse victory - failure of advance - retreat
spacious - narrow Tilt - Vertical known - unknown
know - strange interesting - boring comfortable - Depression
end - began to get nervous - Easy and tidy - chaos
safety - dangerous lie - honest and kind - ferocious
cute - damn tight - Easy carefully - careless
near - the distance approval - against the fresh water - - salt
happy - sad, very fast - slow wonderful - plain
heavy - light tension - relaxation interesting - boring
listen to - defy honest - hypocrisy admit - deny
happy - sad vigorously - boring, simple - complex
easy - difficult to skilled - rusty accurate - errors
moderate - severe temper - a modest near - far

angry - happy careless - careful beautiful - ugly
white - black pleasure - pain wide - narrow
new - old boom - the decline of solidarity - split
Agility - slow dangerous - Security is often - occasionally
naive - sophisticated vague - clearly a serious - minor
dense - sparse light - dark weak - strong
Outstanding - mediocre bad - good bright - dark
Special - General exceptions - usually crude - Luxury
sincere - insincere Liqu - straighten refusal - to accept
punishment - reward delay - early sign of weakness - try to be brave
kind - Malicious broken - full melt - hard
hot - cold, honest - lying carefully - careless
clever - stupid empty - full of quickness - clumsy
narrow - - wide dark - bright brave - cowardly
Tolerance - strict recognition - has been criticized - sometimes
good - evil silence - lively intelligent - stupid
poor - rich fine - Rough Health - weakness
worries - rest assured that bad - brilliant wet - dry
love - hate risk - Security lonely - noisy
slave - masters of tension - relaxation Unity - split
prosperity - decline delicate - rough right - obligation

black - white handsome - ugly light - heavy bright - dim added - cut and lively - rigid gather - Decentralized stop - start Delicate - clumsy and flexible - rigid steep - flat special - General off - Meet comfortable - uncomfortable sad - happiness healing - the famous crack - left unnamed - Return
fear - courage sad - happy fast - slow success - failure of calm - panic cold - warm and bad - good wetting - drying difficult - easy upright - crooked intense - quiet embarrassed - casual courage - cowardice comfortable - Satisfaction surprised - surprised hazy - Fuzzy discount - discount compact - - exquisite perfection - perfect rebuttal - against logic - rule Antonyms: danger - security concerns - ease hazy - clearly happy - sad cheap - expensive love - hate exhausted - perhaps motivated - perhaps light - easy to take the lead - in the first busy - hard work appreciate - appreciate looking - looking to meet - met with feeling - feeling excited - angry spirits - life kind - loving intimate knowledge of - well-thought Antonyms: strapping - small sharp -... despair - despair grateful - thank Antonyms: despair - hope tense - lax wears a worried look - one with a smile, synonyms and antonyms synonyms: Jinye - paid respects to the shock - shock simple - simple respect - respect for the famous - famous serve - to serve the special - especially strong - tough as - play simple - a concise and clear - a clear opposite: a prominent - humble simplicity - Luxury Special - General agitated - calm contempt - Attaching importance to the traditional - modern close - distant tense - easy to be strong - weak, clear - fuzzy synonyms:
burst - split hot - Night Calls - calls safe haven - off on settling
Dawn refused to accept poverty on the evening of the ordinary for special
spear the shallow depth of the shield on the sale to buy good strong light on the evil out of the dark
modesty of the proud hard on the soft open on the secret

calm turmoil in the narrow the wide calm - wind up No. waves roar - down hidden - voices are silenced rapidly increasing savings to reduce waste spread slowly gather Maunsell - withered beauty - ugly silence - lively clear - Fuzzy calm - panic spread out - the mighty purse - smiling depressed - crying and wailing trance - clearly exactly the same - different great - a small secret - usually original - modern cold - hot precious - General deep - shallower and narrower - wide distance if they had the same level of hot and cold - iso Hun - Qing Harvest - leap year way out - exhausted, sick sick straight up the slack in uniform bending vulnerability of poor solid shade of fresh negative stereotypes with positive non-small thick retracted out of the old dry and wet tender flat rough rugged simple complex and delicate happy happy sad sad modest pride strong broad weak narrow muddy diligent Lanlansansan clear sparse success or failure to understand the cold dense confused anger warm happy to allow flexible clumsy lazy refuse to warm cold hard dispersed - gathering fast - slow careful - careless failure - victory hesitation - a firm and decisive - shake the swelling - shrinking slow - Flexible heavy - light and serious long-term temporary Smooth soft strong and dry and wet sloppy rough bump quiet lively new start at the end of the old ugly pretty quiet noisy easy to difficult to warm bloom withers Friends enemy cold cold mountain valley warm smile lit off the magic usually busy looking over a quiet cry grabbed solemnly open interest aloof and arrogant reckless calm modesty panic meticulous luxury shabby muddle together the male and female quick slow downs on the open honest cunning
calm panic
Happy to sad, gentle and brutal rich-poor naughty obey the rules against hate like the cold wind straight, honest and treacherous warm fuzzy steep rugged flat clear the great vulnerability the same small beautiful ugly clearly different world-renowned ancient dim obscurity of modern grand plump little tiny shriveled burly Chaomu light new friends old friends cool and warm lazy re-unnamed famous hard-line satisfaction and disappointment towards the same direction contrary to the bleak withered bloom bright easy to difficult security risk disappointing the poor hope strong cold hateful cowardly solemn light dawned warm and generous constraints puzzled air of sadness happiness, sadness, joy depressed depression bustling downtown quiet; ragged gorgeous enthusiastic clear negative soft fuzzy rough sketch carefully the specific risk of careless haste slowly exhausted and full of energy security awareness close to smart stupid alien alienate strengths and weaknesses of modern comfortable and self-reliance beautiful ancient ugly hard to open input and output Strangers slow off fierce light moderate heavy contrast sensitivity similar to the special and general beauty of bad quality hard-working poor lazy

big - much smaller - less - down left - right
ago - after the cold - heat - down into the - back
black - during the day - to men - - Women in the - outside
dead - live public - private fast - slow spear - Shield
wide - narrow strong - weak light - heavy slow - urgent
Song - bear good - or bad the U.S. - the ugly Good - evil
is - not busy - busy to - to - to co-exist
- dead static - dynamic concentration - short side - is
hungry - eat love - hate up - down - off
start - end fat - skinny welcome - send profit - loss
True - False Virtual - Real Yes - No Ya - Su
Yes - No thin - dense coarse - fine East - West
How - Zhuo Yan - resentment New - Old is - evil
pass - block only - line of the ancient - This Photo - Chi
song - Direct light - dark pro - sparse collection - put
lose - and win against - cis bitter - sweet Zhong - - rape
longitudinal - transverse get - lost the South - North thin - thick
cry - laugh Man - Wu Push - Q - A
master - slave to buy - Sell ​​deep - shallow Poly - San
dry - wet he - this life - Cooked Single - Double
first - the end of you - my enemy - Friends of Police - bandit
Sheng - Decline win - defeat Canada - less soft - hard
Yin - Yang Shun - Converse - are evil - Fu
letter - the wrong suspect - the possession - Old Lu - - less
off - continued blunt - sharp concentration - Light Female - male
awake - sleeping only - line of salt - light is - crooked

worthy of the name - a misnomer Xuezhongsongtan - worse
crooked - straight and calm - wind storms
daze - clearly preoccupied - absent
intermittent - continuous Feast for the Eyes - shocking
meticulous - tired Shenpi careless force - energy
full steam ahead - silent and warm and - desolate
hesitant - ado not hesitate - hesitant
unique - ordinary hustle and bustle - desolate
gripped - calm and composed justifiably - Liquciqiong
overnight - repent course of time - come to their senses
teamwork - tango sleepless nights -
uproar eat all day long - silenced over and over again - simple
noisy - desolate war of words - calm
shoddy - with great care to live and work - back and forth

normal - abnormal extraordinary - an extraordinary special - General
disappointed - pleased contempt - respected happy - depressed
unusual - unusual breach - follow the doubt - believe
strong - - the decline of respect - an insult to the fierce - calm
noisy - still beautiful - ugly believe in - back on
promises - and trustworthy lead - follow the degradation - Evolution
condensation - a great solution - gather small - scattered
add - less active - dull and bright - dim
cold - heat peaceful - noisy warm - cool
soft - down flat - agree sober - confused
barren - farming clear - turbid strong - weak
micro clouds - thick clouds proficient - unfamiliar and strange - familiar
flat - smooth, rough - rough seriously - just
like - dislike happy - sad quiet - noisy

rough - smooth strong - weak and hurried - Stabilization
familiar - unfamiliar clever - clumsy shy - generous
calm - panic unity - split shy - generous
cold - - hot free and easy - stiff clear - gloomy
heavy - light roundabout - straight clear - turbid
fragile - strong and full - dry weak - strong
hesitate - firm Harvest - failure complicated - simple
makeup - wiping thick affordable - not free - bound
usual - strange hard-working - lazy love - hate
dense - sparse victory - failure of advance -
spacious retreat - a narrow inclined - Vertical known - unknown
know - strange interesting - boring comfortable - Depression
end - began to get nervous - easily tidy - chaos
safety - dangerous lie - honest and kind - ferocious

cute - damn tight - Easy carefully - careless
near - the distance approval - against the fresh water - salt water
happy - sad, very fast - slow wonderful - plain
heavy - Light tense - relaxed fun - boring
obey - disobey honest - hypocrisy admit - deny
happy - sad vigorously - boring, simple - complex
easy - difficult to skilled - - rusty accurate - errors
moderate - severe temper - a modest near - far
angry - happy careless - careful beautiful - ugly
white - black pleasure - pain wide - narrow
new - old boom - the decline of solidarity - split
quick - slow dangerous - safety often - occasionally
naive - sophisticated vague - clearly a serious - minor < br>
dense - sparse light - dark weak - strong
Outstanding - mediocre bad - good bright - dim
Special - General exceptions - usually crude - Luxury
sincerity - - false Liqu - straighten refused - to accept
punishment - reward delay - early sign of weakness - trying to flaunt
kind - Malicious broken - full melt - hard
hot - cold and honest - - lie carefully - careless
clever - stupid empty - full of quickness - clumsy
narrow - wide dark - bright and brave - a cowardly
Tolerance - strict recognition - has been criticized - Occasionally
good - evil silence - lively intelligent - stupid
poor - rich fine - Rough Health - weakness
worries - rest assured that bad - brilliant wet - dry
like - hate risk - Security lonely - noisy
slave - masters of tension - relaxation Unity - split
prosperity - decline delicate - rough right - obligation

black - white handsome - ugly light - heavy bright - dim added - cut and lively - rigid gather - Decentralized stop - start Delicate - clumsy and flexible - rigid steep - flat special - General off - Meet comfortable - uncomfortable sad - happiness healing - Cracking famous - left unnamed - Return
fear - courage sad - happy fast - slow success - failure calm - panic cold - warm and bad - good wet - dry and difficult - easy upright - crooked intense - quiet embarrassed - casual courage - cowardice comfortable - Satisfaction surprised - surprised hazy - Fuzzy discount - discount exquisite - exquisite perfection - perfect rebuttal - against logic - rule Antonyms: danger - security concerns - rest assured that dim - clearly happy - sad cheap - expensive love - hate exhausted - perhaps motivated - perhaps lightweight - easily took the lead - in the first busy - hard work appreciate - appreciate looking - looking to meet - - Meeting with feeling - feeling excited - angry spirits - life kind - loving intimate knowledge of - well-thought Antonyms: strapping - small sharp -... disappointed - Desperate grateful - thank Antonyms: despair - hope that tension - lax cheeky sad - a smiling, synonyms and antonyms synonyms: Jinye - paid respects to the shock - shock simple - simple respect - respect for the famous - famous serve - to serve the special - especially strong - tough as - - play a simple - simple and clear - a clear opposite: a prominent - humble simplicity - Luxury Special - General agitated - calm contempt - emphasis on traditional - modern close - distant tense - easy to be strong - weak, clear - - fuzzy synonyms:
burst - split hot - Hot Call - calls safe haven - settling
refused to accept the poor rich dawn of an ordinary evening special
spear of the shallow depth of shield to buy for concentrated on the short selling of good out of evil on the dark
hard on the soft, humble the proud public of the secret

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