Thursday, December 30, 2010

Uniform of the fascist era of discipline and the temptation to be used by the U.S.

 The far-reaching effects, far beyond the boundaries of World War II, has been filled so far.
mention France, everyone can think of their power, war, interest in the camps. In fact, fashion is also a fascist regime, the play of hands. Mussolini publicly declared: century, and therefore must be the century of the State. Among the major projects, from Mussolini to Hitler, dictators all pains and began to transform the aesthetic and fashion a large project. (
marks the transformation of the best example of fashion fascism, that is, their obsession with uniforms. In militaristic totalitarian regime under the uniform became a symbol of status and power of identity. more terrible, because the theory of racism impact of the Nazi uniform as a uniform ethnic Germans demonstrated excellent props. has now become a can be described as meticulous. Nazi Germany military, uphold the Prussian military tradition, both military theory, weapons training, and even the military capacity of equipment, all adhere to a strict style of uniform is no exception. At this point the military uniform, and continued the German tradition of military uniforms basic features, plus to improve the creation, designed not sloppy. summer uniform with blended cotton materials, wool fabric used in winter combined with man-made fiber woven materials, uniforms crisp and tidy surface.
though with the advance of World War II, In order to meet wartime production of raw materials, the characteristics of tension, due to lower late in the fabric of cotton, wool cloth ratio, resulting in less uniform appearance of the early stiff. but generally speaking, the quality is still called the German uniforms of World War II leader.
from establish the beginning of the Third Reich, the Nazi propaganda machinery to promote the concept of militarism. German uniform design has become a pawn in the propaganda war, Hitler even personally involved in the design and production of military uniforms. uniform added a number of decorative objects, appear to be more eye-catching appearance, everyday clothing, dress with waist Slim design, highlights the U.S. military posture. According to reports in Germany at that time, many young recruits to participate, is to get a nice uniform. fascist In the young people received miraculous.
since World War II, the reasons for war in tight, late German military uniforms in the style design, tailoring and sewing process on the requirements of simplification, reducing production time and production equipment, quality of personnel requirements. But , the class is limited to ordinary soldiers, officers uniform standards for the basic fabric has not been reduced, from simple sewing of cut, and some top military officers uniforms, are looking for senior tailor made to order. German military uniforms every year, the publication of the custom books, which will be the basic styles of various uniforms, plate size, production technology, accessories, pictures and more details to facilitate the generals have what you want to find their favorite tailor to produce a satisfactory uniform. Germany's top the importance of the uniform is evident.
researchers of today's war history of German military uniforms during World War II brought still conceal his praise of the color. It is like a coquettish opium poppy, but charisma is extremely toxic, with a total to bring bad luck to meddle in it. Britain's Prince Charles's younger son Prince Harry, who once dressed in Nazi uniform fancy dress party, prompting the world's media accused the sound again and again. Maggie Cheung is also the main reason because of his party, fashion brands, a large number of elements of the Nazi military uniform who were shelled.
top of infamy because of a Nazi uniform and who, indeed, a lot. but relied on benefit, but also a lot of people. today's well-known brand of men's founder HUGO BOSS Hugo. Ferdinand. Boss (Hugo Ferdinand Boss), is one of .1923, the Hugo near Stuttgart, Germany, Michael Chin root (Metzingen) opened a clothing store, offering customized services to suit. But after a few years, because Germany recession, business bankruptcy Hugo 1931, he joined the Nazis, and obtained for the SS, Hitler Youth, Emergency Unit and the work of making uniforms, from the beginning of his rapid development of garment factories.
With World War II broke out, in order to complete the military orders, Hugo began extensive use of concentration camps in Poland, France, to do the labor of prisoners. After the war, Hugo. Ferdinand. Bosnia was recognized as the right to vote was canceled, a fine of 80,000 marks .1948, he died. But as the post-war German postman, police uniform manufacturers, HUGO BOSS brands tenaciously survived. Since then, Hugo launch men's clothing, and gradually open visibility. Although this production less glorious history of Nazi uniforms, and now the HUGO BOSS brand also hopes played down, but long-term under the uniform production of the valuable experience accumulated, but it won the world men's in the post-war world recognition. ( 1800, Berlin is a production and export of garments and the famous city. Hitler came to power, to his people that: Most first-class boutique operation by the Jews in the Nazi Ma Jiada. Goebbels, should write to complain to her friend's depression in the fashion industry in Berlin.
garment industry without the support of dictators really depend on what method to German women think of themselves as the most fashionable people? Nazi choice is to lure or force women to obey their aesthetic ideas. Third Reich a build, the Nazi propaganda machine would start strong, always toward the public about the consistent The name were confusing times. For example: all have young professional women are out of time to make, in a careful manner modified their hands, nails, and they had no regrets to be a lot of time and money into it, buy a lot of rouge powder, lipstick and other cosmetics, they think that will be presented decorate themselves in front of others, especially in the day. In addition, the worship of slender to be added to the point. , suggesting that the It seems like today, also developed a body of general instruments of torture and electric appliance plastic masks, women can achieve .1943 year, Goebbels ordered the closure of all beauty salons, as they are on. In Hitler's theory, the full value of women is to reproduce. infamous Nazi philosopher, Alfred. Rosenberg (Alfred Rosenberg) brazenly declared: there is the special value of the German women in the Lee's blood and racial prosperity elegant, graceful manner, and ; German Mother Cross Medal of Honor publicity. Majia Da was born in an upper class family, married Goebbels had been married before, and has one son. remarried, and after another six children, she also won the German Cross of Honor mother. And Ma Jiada all child's name is used ; Third Reich first lady infidelity and third party provocation, and to defend the so-called go, Germany is not culture, life would not be truly happy, there will be discipline, blind obedience, restraint and order. mother six children together, doing the devil their sacrificial lambs. (Let. fascist dictator are never bored on the convening of a grand procession, but in the era of Mussolini's march we look at photos, you will find an interesting phenomenon, participate in the activities of the Italian women, divided into three distinct dress styles : uniform uniforms, sportswear and regional costumes, especially the women dressed in traditional costumes will be worn a variety of decorative jewelry, like necklaces, earrings and even lace shawl, religious decorations, costumes, travel, and our impression of the fascist very different from Marxist uniform requirements.
Italian women how to explain the difference shown in the parade dress style? Some fashion experts believe that this represents a rebellious personality, is a kind of public choice (no doubt, uniform style was the most commented: a fashion designed to monitor the domestic production and innovation (especially twice a year in Turin fashion release) of government agencies: EAMPNM (Ente Autonomo Per La Mostra Permanente Nazionale Della Moda). Two years later, institutional renamed ENM ( Ente Nazionale Della Moda), responsible for organizing and promoting all of Italy's fashion industry production, and supervision of female style of dress.
fact, ENM is an important principle of the work is to convince the female customers and manufacturers from the Italian cultural tradition for inspiration. Thus, each of the local traditional costumes, are treated as straw and so on. places no longer just a traditional dress clothing accessories, made to patriotism, national pride synonymous.
lengthy media from the time of the argument in the propaganda, we can see, the Mexican cable Rini government hopes to emphasize national traditions, culture and national pride and thus expulsion. hh only wear these clothes to get back to the country's sacred memory and sophisticated and poetic life. glamorous model (which even the royal family), Italy's fascist regime warning to those who go to Paris (fashion center of Europe at that time) purchase of the richest women: you are guilty. also is offering a one within the pages of fashion magazines, the Italian ladies attracted droves. in shaping the national image and the subsequent World War II, her performance could use satisfied with the marriage. Mary. Josie get along with Prince Umberto is not in harmony, with the decline of the royal family of Italy after the war, they also early Laoyanfenfei.
rely on traditional clothing and other means to promote national pride established and it gave a taste of some sweeteners Mussolini regime. aggression against Ethiopia, many of the Italian women decided to donate their jewelry to bring about military spending. But this did not push the Italian China powerful.
1945 年Angry Italians to Mussolini's body hanging on the square in Milan Luo Leituo. Mussolini classic Italian fashion by attempting to set up national pride, and eventually turned into his grave.
open war the impact of social practice far beyond the boundaries of World War II, has been filled so far. Before World War II, uniform style, rarely appears in women uniformed elements of the stream, and since 1945, Dynasty, uniform fashion by designers in letters, in particular shadow of the Cold War more and more concentrated in the sixties and seventies, or for the post-war European fashion center.
Although elements of both uniforms or traditional ethnic style, have become an essential element of fashion after World War II, but we have no reason to credit recorded in the totalitarian account. only rooted in free will, fashion have its own value. rely on power, violence, deception, brainwashing, wantonly imposed upon all citizens of the Monthly

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Shanxi vaccine event press conference now in progress

 Notice: Shanxi Provincial Government Information Office is scheduled March 22 at 4:30 pm, three in Shanxi Electric Power Building, Conference Room (39 Yingze Street East), held a verify the results, 14 minutes, the press conference has not yet begun.
start the test was completed
wait microphone microphone placed
Brand: People's Government of Shanxi Province, Deputy Secretary-General Ju Xing Xian Shanxi China
Department of Health Deputy Director

Monday, December 27, 2010

Hacking effort

 Glance at the camera turned to signs outside bars Men who have one foot in leather jacket, gold spectacles vicious and roared: currency to be gang fights in Internet cafes around you? there no justice? there no law? was just a junk with?
leather jacket: (vomited blood) and old ~ great, I really do not know Tsang months is the ax to help the girl, and spared me this time it, you forget, I've also been to prison with you that it ....< br> gold spectacles: Monitor your mother's head, GM had to give us ax to help face, steal your number is this for you, you soon freed from the game, you TMD's ungrateful, PK have to live at home to know I'm sorry two old ah? from today, which not even think about opening a cafe, What is the name check is not good, and Among them, the hacking group pig strains, digging for a little progress, could not help but shook his head, he looked at the empty cigarette with a sigh, not survive the addiction so he decumbent to find cigarette butts, and finally he found in a corner cafe, a long cigarette butts He picked up the cigarette lit puffed in two, and then Master Kong from the ground to pick up a bottle of green tea bottles shook, and discovered that there are drinks, so the Yang-mouth to turn up ...
cafe the other side of the lens, one wearing hat boy lying on the bathroom door shouting: > died in the pit anyways, you depriving me of urine in the green bottle ...; I like the acid that is really my sweet, I have a little bit of adolescent narcissism, the big people of the world waiting for me to take risks ... , sitting in front of the counter greeted smiling boss said: grow up ... seriousness of Jane said: I forgot the account password!
boss: do not remember Ye Hao, memory is the source of the pain, you can not remember your password, it may be a blessing.
buck teeth Jane: Listen to what you said, mixed feelings.
boss: the password as valuable as the hearts of young girls, to cherish, Jane, you remind me of my first love of Warcraft, sometimes with people who really want to battles with the likes of Azeroth, and death are together ... (sorry for the boss took the opportunity to seize the hand of Jane)
buck teeth Jane: (throw off the boss's hand away) Would you like to die with you, make a pair of mandarin ducks Warcraft? I Bah! I have not agreed to accept your love it.
Long Hair: network management, what broke the machine, but also crashed and I do not give money out.
a fat woman suddenly ran in from the bar back door, she grabbed live aboard long-haired head hit the monitor, the mouth constantly cursed the house .. What is called! (readily grabbed an ashtray and dashed towards the Rattus, Rattus middle of the head and bloody)
【A Lin Zhaobao dressed middle-aged man walked into the cafe.】
Webmaster: Big Brother internet connection?
middle-aged men: the machine you have WoW?
Webmaster: of course, ah.'ll give you a fast machine, you take the No. 10 machine it.
middle-aged man opened the computer log of the game, sitting next to the Rattus met with middle-aged man after the game equipment, could not help crying out loud: wow, the wind sword, wow, fearless ...
【pig strains cafe door The two young men in black suits down to discuss.】
Yeh: This came out first, through combat training team, the second is to investigate the new, Internet cafes and thought today we took the hand, take a look at our usual training in how much water mixed with a tall and mighty ...
: Professor Tao since I heard the speech, I felt very noble profession, I expect to save the young people very excited, and sometimes see children are not in class all day long soak in Internet cafes playing games, can not wait to Cafe computer all smashed.
Yeh: I hope you every success in future work more on the first step, we must completely destroy the hard-core gamers the enthusiasm of Warcraft, the number of young people addicted to online games save, so they entered the classroom and the workplace, more than the state and society to make some contribution, Robin Hood, the task of maintaining peace of Warcraft to you a, s good?
tall and mighty: good! you're putting me first, who is called What happened to hell hh
Yeh: Yes, you who do not play Magic World of Warcraft beast, thou who trash when the garbage, go! we are hacking into the Internet cafe!
tall and mighty: and so, I do not think that simple, just put Trojans certainly do not work, Internet cafes are now all fit the ;, and a restart Trojans all gone, except ....< br> Yeh: Unless what?
tall and mighty: Unless you use software cracking : hackers Kung Fu? I will.
tall and mighty: You will?
Yeh: Well, can I study Buddha's Palm would say to you Well?
【Yeh turned to the beginning recalls the events of his self-taught】
when Yeh was a student often to stay up late night bar in front of the school, when the energetic Chunxindangyang on Nannvzhishi Yeh very curious about the Internet to search for those who can not help but Passion of small films, but those who have a web site can not open the yellow, because the Internet cafe computer installed the to crack, read a lot of information of a few days of the system registry did not succeed, and finally one day, Yeh angry, of course, very serious consequences, he held his breath condensate internal forces beat up body shot toward the host computer to Buddha's Palm was beginning to achieve power ....< br> tall and mighty: I guess you take the bad things in the computer, and coincidence.
Yeh: You do not believe is not?
tall and mighty: Pirates in the end you have been number ah?
Yeh: Of course, I am famous in the industry.
tall and mighty: Oh, that to listen to.
Yeh: long story , then there is software called Half the sky was a number I steal ...
tall and mighty: Oh, I know the sky software, is that every day, I do not know how long, in almost every response posted there, but also to the major forum for hair, can not believe you actually be able to steal her number, you are really high profile!
Yeh: Those are just .. Fuming .
【Xi Yi Shuihan wind Xiaoxiao, the two went into the net!】
Yeh: network management, what broke the machine, speed so fast, do not give money out!
network: speed soon it not okay?
Yeh: Why not download something?
Webmaster: You can download, but download a virus file to not work, we have dozens of computer anti-virus software ... oh , you open the page with the Trojans, shielded by our machines.
Yeh: wow card, you or our professional expertise?
【tall and mighty off the black suit and wearing a pair of black gloves, face and glared at network】
Yeh: Well, black suit and black gloves you saw, the ax to help the hacker comes, do so many anti-virus software, for an expert, to the dead know?
【 ],[M: As far as I know, the African people known to hackers, little brother you see, I remember this is not the account number and password is secret treasure card.
Yeh: Haha, it is also close and treasure card, ensuring ah you ...
stolen boss came】 【
Webmaster: he downloaded Trojan horse virus, do not want to give money.
【boss looked disdain Yeh, took off his slippers】
Yeh: Oh, fat woman, the responsible person is you, right?
【boss black slippers gave a slap in the face】
Yeh Yeh: Hello, ax to help.
【snapped, proprietress of a slap in the face】
Yeh: him for the medical expenses!
【】 Yeh again suffered a slap in the face
Yeh: dynamic Superman!
【】 Yeh again suffered a slap in the face
Yeh: Pig bacteria (Jun Zhu)!
【】 Yeh again suffered a slap in the face
Yeh: (Internet cafes to escape the door) wow cards, there is no mistake, you dare to beat pig bacteria? well, you kind of, I ask somebody to, ah, you are dead you, broken bars waiting to be acquired it ...
Yeh: an arrow through the clouds, to meet brother of Warcraft! (out with a lighter and lit a large firecracker thrown out .)
【firecracker sound, siren then sounded, a police car pulled up, two police officers came off】
Police: Who put the firecrackers? thrown into the car was!
Stephen Chow: one of us, ah, big brother, my uncle's wife's uncle's son is also a police station, number 9527, Liu you should know, right?
police: you lost?
Yeh; a nice day , put a firecracker to celebrate, huh, huh.
Police: Since it is our own people, it would be dealt with leniently, in the forbidden zone fireworks explosion 1,000 fine, pay!
Yeh: Do you still take me away it.
police: not so serious, since it is one of us good money penalty.
Yeh: Who told you it was people, I'm bad I'm a hacker, ah, I steal other people's games and equipment, to jail!
Police: Who cares Pirates of the game equipment, ah, eat a hold of, you've got to dig the number of how many, you understand?
Stephen Chow: I see you mug me! I'm not afraid!
【Yeh black and blue came out from the station entrance, tall and mighty greeted.】
tall and mighty: Big Brother, think also put a firecracker in detention ah?
Yeh: (Wei readily to tall With a sudden slap in the face) shit, met bad people have beaten you fart. I did not loyalty ah, just run so fast!
(twisted ass then a beautiful pass in front from the duo, the two stared the beauty of the twist of the hips.)
tall and mighty: Memories can be misery,
Yeh: A World of Warcraft Do not look back,
tall and mighty: a year or so later, thinner than yellow,
Yeh: three to five years later, the ugly like a skeleton.
tall and mighty bird: hey, no WoW I used to be handsome, now so ugly, no longer than foam woman.
Yeh: What is the use handsome, more handsome you think I still can not MA bubble, to the rich and equipment for the job and this community, like World of Warcraft on, with the equipment there will be a woman, who can be determined to go deeper into the hacking technology, who will be able to succeed, and now the opportunity comes, we go to learn hacking, formally joined the ax to help, then all the equipment and the woman had.
tall and mighty: Listen to Jun's words, Mine wins dug decades.
Yeh: get rich by robbery, piracy by rich, riches to play gambling, the richest man to buy!
tall and mighty: I think we played it dry hacking from the basics, go to learn computer technology, yesterday I saw a game on the site in the recruitment game participants.
Yeh: how to say it?
tall and mighty: (a newspaper from his pocket, read it) you would like to from a game player to the professional game producer, Evil Dead you?
Yeh: Evil Dead the idea of me every day!
tall and mighty: the company make your dreams come true, the company has a complete The Evil Dead and training system, from the living to the disability, from disability to the dead, for different horizontal and vertical positions for the training program. covers professional skills, personal qualities, career planning and other aspects of training. for the staff Evil Dead development of the necessary preparations. a planned, step by step to carry out Evil Dead work ....< br> Yeh: wow cards, play games, but also with training ah? game company with such a money cheat?
tall and mighty : So how are we to do?
Yeh: Hackers ----- day disabled list to the first residue, is my buddy, want to learn hacking techniques ask them to drink a bowl of chaos on the line.
【street a barbecue at the door, snow and groaning, very cold. street voices, wine tepid. Yeh, tall and mighty with the day residue to sit and drink residue brother】
Yeh: This meeting with such a professional Hackers drink with it, little brother honored hh
day disabled: a sausage off, where to find Concert of Warcraft. Yeh talent unrivaled, no I do not know ah human Warcraft.
Yeh: Two ranking first among the hacker bit Big Brother, you are the real big man ah.
day residues: wrong, we ranked fourth, hackers list the top three is the , ranking the first knife was a singer went to the wolf, the wolf repented second curls disappeared, the wolf is the third ax glasses to help the current boss.
to Disability: Strictly speaking, we only businessman. because tired of hacking career, had left to start the sale of Warcraft, Warcraft obsession if it continues, will not be operating today, such a large industry ....< br> Yeh: wow, successful people !
to Disability: (Chow Yun-Fat hollow imitation of twice) Oh, a success? I just do the road.
【next to someone shouting: kebabs, but also do not do business with you?】
to Disability: You first talk, I went to socialize my most important business partner to go, he would buy a 10 day lamb skewers ....< br> tall and mighty: Two is a computer expert, it is a pity to sell mutton string . might as well go when the network does ....< br> Stephen Chow: What Webmaster ah? ah you will not speak, the two brother retired IT industry fame and fortune, to reappear at least properly a ; group owner ....< br> Days residues: job is equally divided, Although we have kebabs, but consistent with million fortune.
tall and mighty: (immediately knelt down and bowed) Master ah, you are my regeneration of parents, saying father day life as a teacher, you do not forget the will to write my name ah ....< br> Days Disability: No problem, I left a lot of World of Warcraft, G coins You take it slowly to enjoy.
Yeh: Closer to home, the two of you please run for it, is to deal with the gang of Internet cafes pig bacteria, they are all anti-virus computer software, we can not start.
day disabled: No problem, we must all engage in the paralysis of their computer.
【probe into the tiger's den Xi Jiao Palace, Come into the sky and call Bai! accompanied by the sorrowful sound of Zheng Ming's hit buildings, four swine strains toward the Internet cafe residues around ....】
days: As a professional hacker, in addition to a superb hacking techniques, it also must be tailored hacking tools. (a black box and took out a hammer )
Yeh: This black box is what?
day disabled: it is a set of digital camera, camera, sound recording, computer camera, USB flash drives and other functions in one product, it is the price of only more than 1700 yuan's Disability: very simple, as long as you stand in someone else's hand behind the machine, photographed under his fingers enter the account login password when the game moves slowly take home after the study finished you can break someone else's password ....< br> tall and mighty: If someone found how to do?
day disabled: Good question! people found to use the hammer to knock his halo.
to Disability: you will be waiting in the cafe door, semi- hours we'll get this Internet cafe.
【about as a Zhancha the effort, the day residue to residue was boss hit with a stick out of the meat they have is the open skin wounds covered Ding, at the door of the Yeh and tall and mighty scared seeing the back hides the trash ....】
day disabled: Please do not fight, we give you your singing is not enough?
boss: Well, you sing Three Bears TM really cute teddy bear, day by day grow up ....< br> boss: Enough! Get out of it, next time you come back trouble dogleg break!
【boss turned back to the cafe, Yeh secretly climbed out from the trash pull after the day residue in】
Yeh disability: can not think of two also go out of hand?
to Disability: We originally appeared to be succeeded, who knows at the last minute .. .
Yeh: how?
to Disability: bar protection system appeared to be cracked, this time Computer Tip: Because you are using counterfeit money online, the administrator has locked your computer, please go to front negotiations ....< br> Days residues: boss took us a stick on the pursuit of this ruthless woman, hey, legs Haoteng ....< br> 【boss holding a wolf with a stick ran out, Hu Shi Delays Delays staring】
Yeh Yeh: Do you have any civic-minded ah, the Internet with fake money, Internet cafes do not make money? people have to pay the electricity bill at the end of Na ~ Go away.
boss: (combat roar) you these garbage, do not Get out!
【Yeh ran away, too fast by a four Aberdeen knocked to the ground.】
Yeh: four young, will not walk ah? do not have eyes ah?
four earners: obviously, I hit you first, took the liberty do?
Yeh: medical expenses ah! much holding point out, put a ten tables eight tables, or half of the table are four rows ~
【Aberdeen ran into cafes, laughing at the cafe door to make faces】
Yeh Yeh: ah you kind of not into the bar, I'll kill you ....< br> tall and mighty: You're going to kill?
Yeh: Why, yes, I kill the four Aberdeen, scrapping Internet cafes in the fat woman with that network, Well, fat woman can under the roar 2 intimidated by me? we are ready to weapons first.
tall and mighty: that is to kill robbers do, lose the skill to kill, and that spread out before us hackers face off.
Yeh: less wordy, Do not stop me!
tall and mighty: If you really want to kill it, my family has sworn brothers of the Sword (AL), was prepared specifically for the kill, you go home and get me, I fixed a human anti- .
Yeh: What? I think, or select some light weapons to facilitate the better.
tall and mighty: There is a saying called It is scary to be cool, my career there are two sets of clothes ...
Yeh Warcraft: they can scare you?
tall and mighty: I think it should be no problem, at least in the game effective, and it took me the AL is looking for a few hundred pieces to create the master blacksmith, AP force high ....< br> 【Cut to cafes, four earners in the foreground was stopped】
network four earners: It seems that Mr. network who wear glasses, have a deep prejudice, actually not allowed to let me online.
network: four young, I know you.
four earners: As a student, wearing gold spectacles, is very normal and very logical. I'm wearing look good, why are you not allowed to let me online, I'm not money.
Webmaster: I do not know an ax to help the boss come to this backwater of small cafes, What are you doing?
four earners: Oh, the wolf turned out to be curly, straighten your hair a little not cute, how do you hide this place from the network when it ? Well just a waste of your talents.
Curly Wolf: (finger 10 middle-aged man machine) you far away to come, it must have been to kill prey.
glasses Wolf: Yes, he's No. The only region of the wind on the sword, and I followed him for a week, from the provincial capital chases here, can not get his number I never give up.
Curly Wolf: I will not let you come by .
glasses Wolf: We two hands to make a success of the result, in the words of a row, lost a second thief, that you look at that person, within ten minutes I steal his number, I did not get, I go, I get to the hackers list I had in front of you.
Curly Wolf: I'll give you ten minutes to see you in the end more powerful.
【eight minutes later, Yeh go into the cafe】
Yeh: four young, you come with me.
glasses Wolf: (glasses wolf turned contemptuous smile) Give me a break.
Yeh: Oh, that is not too to discuss, yes, World of Warcraft rules, gang fights ah, that is, the two of us hit you one, Shui Yebie want to foul ah.
glasses wolf: a serious point, which is hacking it.
Yeh: Well ! Hell. hacking effort you even close, to let you know my Buddha's Palm!
【Yeh Tsai force palm toward the four took to the computer, power cord loose computer crash was shot, at the moment glasses can wolf half a minute short of a successful password cracking.】
glasses Wolf: I'm big bad boy!
Yeh: tall and mighty on!
【tall and mighty was wearing a black anti-armor gigantic AL came out, his eyes fierce, much like World of Warcraft that LM just go in the eyes of soldiers.】
glasses Wolf: wow! you're filming ah? COSPLAY show?
【network and boss came up with a stick】
glasses Wolf: many people right, you wait.
【wolf ran out of glasses, cafes, from his pocket and pulled out a wolf rockets】
glasses: a Arrow through the clouds, a mighty force to meet!
【wolf sounding rockets glasses, fireworks onto the air, burst upon the horizon appeared a huge ax】
Yeh: wow, what a great a broken away!
【siren sounded, a police car pulled up, two police officers came off】
Police: Who put the firecrackers?
glasses wolf: one of us, ah, big brother My uncle's wife's uncle's son is also a police station, number 9527, Liu you should know, right?
Police: Fuck! again this, the first beat to say ...
【meal face lightweight nose swelling of the glasses on the police car pulled away by a wolf, and pig strains cafes finally resumed their former quiet】
Yeh: how many times I said to you, point to hard Well ~ your armor and sword so cool , is all the more scary eyes Zaihen Oh.
tall and mighty: install hard tired.
Yeh: tired? subsistence ah brother.
tall and mighty: Now what? still hacking up ?
Yeh: hacking and more no future, ah, we go directly to the robbery!
tall and mighty: Well, we went to Qiangdian practical things, like lollipops do not need to rob.
【next day, corner stand tall and mighty Yeh and underestimated, Yeh took the dog wearing Bloodfang teeth, Xiao Cai anger sets of birds wearing leather holding a knife aside,】
Stephen Chow: wear it clothing to rob other people will not laugh at us ah?
tall and mighty: (legs shaking) does not, and if we caught the crew said.
Yeh: Do not be afraid, I go to sneak, AL today, how can you not get it?
tall and mighty: rob do with good equipment.
Yeh: I remember a little to hard Well, the drop in to hit, you ready?
tall Vermeer: ready!
【they wear diving helmets, entered the corner shop】
a tall and mighty: I get down all the robberies ~~~~~!
Yeh: the most expensive to pay out all of inflatable dolls, Viagra on the cabinet in the ...
【camera slowly pulls away, the final aim of the shop signs ---
Studio Highlights:
【boss: Let Big Brother take you to open the room today, guaranteed to make you grow up overnight ...】 Yeh: CUT! actor professional point of OK? lines are not Do not handsome ah, laugh ass Ah .......< br> 【tall and mighty wearing black armor AL against a gigantic knife came out swaggering, ... audience uproar】 tall and mighty: I'm sorry, it does not move ...
anti 【Yeh: Oh, that is not negotiable, yes, WoW rules, singled out ah, that is, we Two hit you a ...】 riffraff hui: wrong, is the gang fights ...
deleted fragment:
long hair in a corner at last found a long cigarette, he picked up cigarette butts light puffed two, suddenly found the edge of the computer desk corner shake violently, the ground was still littered with a lot of toilet paper, long-haired shouted: hold back hair stood up red-faced and whispered: licking dry lips of the strange smiles ....< br> Yao Qi Shan practice, four districts had just stolen the dragon roar training small numbers, the server updates, boring, purely YY ...... < br>

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sohu Football Lottery joe first half of the audience of 06,019 busy Chelsea home grab points

 Sohu Football Lottery No. 06019 joe half the audience of Chelsea at home is busy rush hours
1 1 Blackburn VS Middlesbrough half the audience 3 / 0
Blackburn blocking the Red Army in the week at home, to the current low morale into a tonic, but the poor state of the team's main case, the defense team may be a fatal weakness; Middlesbrough Everton away it is words and the performance of the team state of gradual recovery, in particular, the defense maintained 2 clean sheets, both for the present situation in the edge of relegation circle, the two sides will face the presence of gas; indices out of the main Asian plate to the disk hemisphere, and in half the audience to support both sides of the market index ceded victory negative.
half Portsmouth Bolton VS 3 / 1 Grand 3 / 1
the devil during the Christmas schedule Bolton has made four game winning streak, the players experience play a key role in home sound play to enhance the team's defensive ability is obvious; Portsmouth's six undefeated teams return to Section 5, but slightly away a little bit tired, which most of the main players and the team's age a great relationship. indices out of the main Asian plate to the hemisphere-high water, it seems to run out the main bad win, but also provides a spot-liter disk space. to view the current schedule the devil, the home team should be worth looking at high-line .
Chelsea VS Fulham half 3 / 1 Chelsea 3
audience lost 3 consecutive games 2 goals, this and captain John Terry's injury and intensive schedule to have great players too tired state of the relationship between the gap between the league 4 points to cart home more strongly the desire to take points; Fulham will to fight on the road and a large gap between home and away Yu Gong has brought greater vulnerability in the defense, the team's situation also only make the team hope to score points against relegation the home; indices, sub-panel out Qiuban / water two goals of the session, on the home team's advantage is very optimistic about the defense of the visiting team lose confidence in the road.
Everton VS Newcastle half 3 / 1 Grand 3 / 1
Everton this season on the increase in attack power is very obvious, but defense also lost its former robust, but the team's offense and defense in the home to maintain a good balance; Newcastle out of the recent impact of the war in Europe after the return of some of the main too full, the team's attack force in the December increase significantly, the road is gradually being beaten out of the situation; indices, sub-out tie plate / tray of water hemisphere is a typical strength of the plate, the recent state of the two sides have more obvious evasion.
Spurs VS Liverpool half 1 / 0 Overall 1 / 0
Tottenham at White Hart Lane stadium in midweek to win Villa season, the team was the fluctuating performance of the state, after leading the team in the state conceded also shows that the fatigue, but the home has 8 wins 1 loss 1, 8-ball into the evil 19-fault, non-class home, a car in check Aberdeen player's performance under the mentality of the spirit can not be questioned; Liverpool in midweek defeat away to Blackburn Rovers were the team from the league the top four positions farther and farther, multi-line operations in the absence of time grab points for the Red Army now predicament, Benitez will certainly not give up. The sub-panel market is expected to draw out the main disk transferee, on the main chance of victory not as good as the home team ran out of the transferee's odds slightly.
Waugh Hertford VS Wigan half an audience 1 / 0
Waterford defeat in midweek at home again, the gunmen, although able to play at home to rely on to keep a tight into the ball into the 8-fault, non 9 wins, 5 to obtain a Level 3 negative, but it also made the conservative style of play and coach the team questioned by the fans; Wigan last round defeat at Old Trafford, Manchester United and the players are related decline in attention, but the team wins, 2 3 5 away 14 of 11 fault, non negative into active play the ball to obtain good results; the field out of the main sub-plate disk transferee tie, the home team on the current deal with the Gunners at home and in a deliberately exaggerated; Type the visiting team against tough teams have obvious advantages, may guarantee the unbeaten.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

IV contains a waiting Dreams of Brazil, Kimi finally win!

 Fanfan sent a text message early in the morning to tell me that
Kimi Kimi won the championship
She is also excited
than four-minute set Raikkonen Dream individual championship in Brazil, at 02:58 on October 22, 2007 Source: Sohu Sports Author: cloverfor
Sohu Sports News when the checkered flag waved, when Kimi - Raikkonen finally aware that this time world champion shook his hand .1 in 270 hours, 28 minutes and 15 seconds, which is perhaps not the most long Brazilian Grand Prix. But Raikkonen, this is too long a wait for the drivers championship.
career jump
Before entering the real F1, Kimi Raikkonen's only full season of experience is the Formula Renault race. But in the end he proved himself in F1, although some long time.
2000 years Where 21 years ahead of Kimi Raikkonen won the British Formula Renault championship, he skipped the final year, directly participated in the year Sauber test driver. at the time Pitt - Sauber decided to act decisively in 2001, the Finnish youth into F1. from Ray the triple jump to F1 Formula promise unprecedented.
FIA as the Flyers were awarded a new super-Finnish driver's license, but it also F3000 or F3 experienced drivers. but soon Raikkonen to dispel all doubts, the first game of the season points and the first 10 in the rankings.'s skip the F1 students fully into the new favorite. < br> 2002 compatriots Mika in - an introduction by Hakkinen, Raikkonen finished second career jump. Sauber at the time the two young drivers, the final pick in the Kimi McLaren, Heidfeld dropped. year of the French station, Kimi had a hope to get their first race. However, Schumacher and Ferrari dominated in 2002, the wait seems to be inevitable. one year after Malaysia, Sepang 24-year-old standing on the highest podium Raikkonen, he was the first of his career into a brilliant start.
two-time world runner-up in Malaysia has become a sorry
Lecco Ning 2003 harvest only race. weak the MP4-18 McLaren fans can look forward to in the mortality rate stands, but is open MP4-17D, Kimi is still steadily reached the championship contender ranks. year and accomplished his opponent is Michael Schumacher and Juan Pablo Montoya talent in South America. bizarre, if not the U.S. stop the rain, the title may be in his 24 years old will be able to success. But the 2 points difference , is not Kimi Schumacher took away the trophy that year. Raikkonen before the first time in F1 experience the heavy disappointment.
Kimi Raikkonen for the test of God is far from over. In Schumacher and Ferrari swept the 2004 season with hand most of the victory, in 2005, McLaren finally saw a glimmer of possible hope. It can be said, MP4-20 McLaren and Kimi Raikkonen was the fastest in recent years combination, but from then on, the stability of the startling number of devices started to show catches hold of the championship candidates .2005 N��rburgring, in front of fans in the world, and he suffered terrible on the last lap suspension fault the spot will be away to the winner Fernando Alonso. This scene almost has become a microcosm of the entire season. At this point, between the Finnish driver with McLaren in 2005 as fate seems to have broken the championship came to an end.

2006 decision to move to Ferrari, the McLaren team has gone through the worst season in history. races throughout the year without a fact, almost to silver arrow shame. as the driver headed Lecco Ning won the pole position only to get some comfort meet. until September of Monza, Schumacher announced the official retirement. Kimi to stay has become a matter of course the fact that Ferrari. cold in December, before Christmas holidays, Raikkonen's first appearance in the Ferrari garage test. Although he did not get into Ferrari's racing, but everyone knows that he would like a red circle in the dream he waited four years.
story The beginning is always sweet. Kimi's career at Ferrari's championship with a beautiful start. Although Australia he could not stand the entire wireless communication with the team, but the champion is a good start. seems to be confirmed to there will be a beautiful ending. However, the story took place in Raikkonen who always twists and turns. Australia, the joy of not going to last, the rule of McLaren for the season to become a helpless fact. Monaco, F2007 three consecutive points McLaren's inability to fight back strong. and Raikkonen began his series of stability problems encountered, including two retired the final 10 points back

until the French station, Ferrari returned to Europe after regroup. Raikkonen consecutive gain in five games, two titles (the French station, British Grand Prix), two runner-up (Hungary, Turkey), several mid-season that he saved the decisive match in the championship the possibility of winning. is precisely at this moment, Ferrari decided to give Massa, Raikkonen efforts to help fight the final championship.
real reversal from October 7 Chinese stations. Kimi had in Shanghai luck is not good, half last year to retire early. But the stadium has been a strange blessing of Ferrari, in addition to 2005, the Rubens Barrichello and Michael Schumacher has won here once more .2006 Schumacher is re-registered standings by virtue of the first battle, the achievements of the last victory before retiring. So, when Hamilton's MP4-22 accidentally trapped in the pit entrance buffer, McLaren star a season Luck seems to stop there. When the 100% finish rate was broken when his last-ditch effort to see Kimi's hope. Shanghai Prix undoubtedly laid the cornerstone of this last championship.
Even so, 21 years The first three real battle, Kimi is still down on the next wind. behind Hamilton 7 points, 3 points behind Alonso, want to win, in addition to strength, luck must have helped. But this time, God The silent blessing has finally decided to Finnish driver .1 270 hours, 28 minutes and 15 seconds, Raikkonen took the lead saw the waving checkered flag. Jimmy raised his hands high, this moment of champagne on the podium for his last one and only bloom.
no doubt, two in Shanghai and Brazil won the final victory of Kimi key 2007 championship battle. Forward BBC commentator put it: the final victory of Raikkonen was completely benefit from the efforts of his last 10 points. Interlagos be called a true champion, Annual Competition Competition Interlagos in Brazil ended in the last game, Kimi Raikkonen won the championship, Massa and Alonso followed in second and third. in the drivers championship, Lecco Ning staged reversed, eventually get 110 points his first F1 drivers championship, two drivers with the plot McLaren 109 points, won the championship in the same circumstances, Hamilton more times to get to rank second Second, Fernando Alonso in third.
Name: Kimi - Kimi Raikkonen (Kimi Raikkonen)
Nationality: Finland (Finland)
Birthday: October 17, 1979
Height: 1.80 m
Hometown: Finland, lift Lanta (Espoo, Finland)
Marital status: Married
Hobbies: jogging, snowboarding, outdoor sports activities
F1 career: (closing the achievement to the end of the season 2007 season)
number to participate in F1 races: 122
races Views: 15
championship number: 1
podium times: 48
the number of pole position : 14
accumulated points: 456
debut: March 4, 2001 Australian Grand Prix
1st win races: March 23, 2003 Malaysian Grand Prix driver career
2007, at the last race in 7 points behind Hamilton, Raikkonen won the miraculous year champion.
2006 years, this is a season for Raikkonen the failure of the season, the year standings in the drivers only to finish fifth. and McLaren and Renault and Ferrari in the contest of a disadvantage. when Schumacher announced his retirement at the Italian Grand Prix at the same time news, Ferrari announced Raikkonen to join.
2005 �� 5 Kimi Raikkonen won the pole position, winner 7 races, and another 5 times on the podium. but because the car is not stable enough, penalized 10 times row bit, and ultimately only won second place. Raikkonen won in Suzuka greatest victory, his 17th on the grid, but in the last lap Fisichella Renault beyond, and finally obtained Suzuka winner.
2004, on behalf of McLaren Trulli lost by one point, get the drivers standings seventh.
2003 Malaysian Grand Prix in ;, and ranked second in the drivers of the Year.
2002 before the official start of the season to join the McLaren team, received a total of 24 points last season, ranked sixth in total points in the drivers.
2001 joined Sauber as the team driver. At the same time not have much experience because of competition, while the dispute by the parties.
2000 Renault 2000 Championship in Britain, won a total of seven races, six of seven starting position with the most laps fast; the European Formula Renault Championship won two races, two starting position and two fastest laps. as a test driver for the Sauber team.
1999 �� second Formula A Championship in Finland. World Super A tenth equation; for the first time to participate in the Formula Renault Championship was third; Formula Renault Winter Series champion, won all four points race.
1998 Formula A Championship in Finland first; Finland Championship first; second in the European karting championships.
1997 took part in karting championships.
1996 participated in the European Green Prix series; to participate in World Championships and Nordic Championships; Finland won the fourth tournament.
1995 to participate in the first station to win the Formula A victory in the Monaco Grand Prix on the way out of the race from the fourth qualifying.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Autumn and winter time.

 These words I am saying to you, or you seriously saying that the sentence

Harry Potter

grateful for you

do not remember You do not have anyone to rely on others their most reliable you can be strong Do not cry for what life is life

see the piece of elk in the dark, glowing eyes wet moment when the movie's mood and obscure plot as the film sticks pretty shot, like the hero and we all have grown more and more US-Ron, Hermione, I think more and more manly bear Kobayashi family in that order-order wood cafe reminds the story of Harry Potter stepped over the end of our childhood are those werewolf fourth boat was afraid I remember you said before that big pumpkin Haig house I remember I really wanted to we would like to boat Our big nose runny nose every piece of land we have taken those mountains that the river mouth of old well that it is the most beautiful I have ever seen well inside the bright lights of the most beautiful small pond feeding the fish to those bulimia ripples when thrown together with a one circle around loose in my heart forever now four of us do not live their lives and their four places Pucheng Fuzhou, Xiamen, Tianjin, I do not know that you will not particularly miss the Mid-Autumn moon on the roof and then the days Kobayashi scare stories told him that the red paint is the blood told him to kill the moon above the black spot is the monster they have long ears you remember all of you remember girl I do not know Kobayashi and did not see this article I really want to come with you to eat the eggs of the family restaurant barbecue festival memories of bad lots to talk too much I really want you really finish everything I hope we meet again when it comes to the four can be just as original as I know we can not do with another girl bullied by Kobayashi and beneficiary of the boat and then the

Thank you for an occasional half-hour phone and talk to you I always feel very happy end no matter what talk to hear your voice I'm always kind will want to cry too much to say so much I know I've left your world slowly fades I figure they can do me you do not I know you will not be me I said do not simply fall tears I cried writing this time it was really great when I saw the Q, but that seems to have been familiar with for a long time have not chat with friends I can only sigh trace it took my time away from the rush of your I had the world without leaving traces of always thinking about how to find you go back to how to play is to go back home now to see what books in the home, even he do not want to see me what qualifications I have walked the road again since then I will give the appearance of the lives of some people so I obediently waves to escape a sudden I hope never again to meet him unable to face his now become my sinful beans I know you know me I worry about you know everything and they do not come back saying that maybe I really can not speak a lot of silence than the original but I still fear I was really afraid of how much better even if the time has lived in the interval between us, I do not want you like beans I do not want you so I really do not want to imperial China in the spring of last year I jumped clamor for this I just want to go back and look at the audience I do not even want you to take good show I choose not to stay at home may Spend New Year's Day more appropriate short winter break winter break I see you know, I know you understand that I really have not had me, but I'll always be one of your course you understand me

flu Xie Yuejia never betray me the ticket booth at the BRT cold shiver in the cold waiting for me outside of your locker room in a variety of holding two packages waiting for me and my coat you in the darkness of the cinema with me waiting for you in the KTV opening movie to listen to me quietly one afternoon songs You go with me to see a course in the turbulent sea of crowded thanks to you I want to say out loud to say thank you to own.

as you go I found I was wrong a lot I do not Knowing I would grow up these days I go back to how long there will be more sorry I did not see how your attitude is what I do and I hate really hate themselves so why so why is it so old I'm sorry Dad I'm sorry I know you do not see these words but I still say I'm sorry

suddenly think of these words is that they are masters of just a few heartfelt words

I'm sorry.

I suddenly really want to understand this song to sing to the microphone and sing it for you to participate as a birthday gift I know that things can not go back only can read want to build a male and I said, I know that there is no need to fight not to force too much in fact Luanxiang words I now had a good mother that I like for her, so I'd better make her better I suddenly the significance of those who found themselves living not only for their own people can not be so selfish these days and I said Kin Hung is always to learn empathy I know my temper is not good enough to speak very often people do not care I can feel what I thought I found I could not have ignored a lot of people's every move can be easy to bring my emotions I can easily lose self-righteous do I know that is difficult to learn empathy impetuous said a hundred times the turtle fairy I changed my slowly change, please believe me I'm trying to change me 

En Ming what white people do anything to change what you say what is useful What is the goal of what is wrong what is fact is what

Monday, December 20, 2010

Network West swordfight serial of the first event

 The first Chaoyang, Ding Lei, Netease, Chairman, 8848 Chairman Wang Juntao and Alibaba CEO Jack Ma, the host is well-known Chinese and foreign well-known writer Jin Yong. The following is the full text of the summit participants to speak:
attend today's meeting Sina CEO Wang Zhidong, NetEase Ding Lei, chairman of Sohu CEO Charles Zhang, chairman of Wang Juntao 8848, Alibaba CEO Jack Ma.
Moderator: Please now played five of the elite.
Wang Zhidong: Comprehensive information content, as well as efficient and convenient tool to create multiple network of simple and quick to use Chinese Internet space, to provide free advanced means of communication with the world, around the world all the Website of the Chinese community. Next, introduce you to the CEO and president of Sohu, Charles Zhang President. < br> The third bit, please Netease technology officer William Ding. Netease company was established in 97 May, after its establishment, successful operation of the first Chinese Internet company based online community for the development of the Internet in China has played a pivotal role.
below 8848 for the introduction of guests, chairman of Wang Juntao. fifth out of our grand Alibaba CEO Jack Ma, please sir. Please Welcome Ma.
Ma: On behalf of Hangzhou, the five IT profession welcomed.
The five networks in Hangzhou engage in a dialogue CEO and Mr. Jin Yong is the last month came up with a second to think about this idea to compare a little crazy, but quite the significance of this forum, to play Jin Yong telephone, Mr. Jin Yong is support, followed by Ding, Zhang, Wang Juntao and Wang Zhidong have to call five people to support, I feel very good activities, so we came out. this is very pleased with the network community of people we are today The speech did not host, it was suggested that a sulfuric acid sulfuric acid out of five rows, casually utter chaos, the edge in the West about the network. today's activities, has been the municipal government of Hangzhou, Zhejiang People's Government's concern and support, Sina also done a live broadcast, on behalf of the network community to pay tribute to the nation's Internet users. now out, this guest, Mr. Jin Yong to us for the first 10-minute speech.
Yong: Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to participate in this event, I am on the computer on the network is not very understand the industry.
I came I was asked what to write next novel, because now tell a very short fiction very short story, the shortest is the short story. Mr. Zhang Zhaoyang, I recently told him. He is the Shaanxi people, I tell this story, for whom medical treatment. There was an old man for thousands of years ago, fishing, an old saying in China, Jiang Taigong those who are willing bait, not deceptive home hooked. Then the old man walked slowly toward the east, went to Hangzhou, he is not fishing, he took a net spread continues, volunteers online. He did not intentionally lie Internet at home, willing to come. Once the fish in the water, Zhang saw the fish very happy. in the same position, you ask Charles Zhang, you are not fish, how do you know the fish happy, Zhang said, you not me You do not know how the fish happy? today will be the first one is, the West Lake Internet, online volunteers, we are very happy about.
Ma: We are five individuals, each of ten minutes, will be a topic he was willing to talk about the things we talk about: How do I look to the future, look at the network.
Wang Zhidong: Thank you, Mr. Jin Lao opened a good start, thank you so Ma made an arrangement. but I have a little protest , Ma told me not to the future network. At first I called, not to say this, he told me to catch up with network and learn from Jin Yong's martial arts together. So, I think in such a situation, he just say, say anything, do not say that he mentioned, I say what he wanted.
to take this opportunity to say a special, what happen? In fact, I must first go back to Jin Yong's novels. In my estimation are Jinyong Mi sit, read Jin Yong's novels are all grown up from childhood, you know do not know of Jin Yong's novels there is a special feature? you may not know, I have personally experienced, and tried, the effect is quite good. I was almost ten years ago, ten to fifteen years ago, when Taiwan and Taiwan is still here with a lot of barriers, the first time I came to see friends in Taiwan, in some meeting room he stresses technology, had finished, I finally came out about him, eating a chat, do not try to talk to talk do not know what, for what? talk too sensitive political issues, in conversation with each other non- can not fight, for example, their non Kuomintang flag that they want to plug it, I said, flag inserted in the past. Later, I found a very effective topic to talk about Jin Yong, about martial arts, martial arts to talk about, whether from Taiwan , the United States to, and from Hong Kong, the mention of this, eight or nine of ten will come together very well to talk about, and I find that both sides talk about it, almost feel the same, or that you can not think It is across the strait, you seem to be the same quarters of the students in the chat. This very deep impression.
surface, a famous BBS, called Jinyongkezhan, I hope all have a look here, if 96 FIS at the time when the concern, Jinyongkezhan is ranked fourth in the introduction of Sina, a BBS, from the earliest chat and chat rooms, hoping Sina position in the global Chinese occupation, the subject played a significant role. < br> Just now, many journalists we met said, Wang Zhidong how do you now, I know you are Jinyong Mi. I said, how do you know? me in the past many of the interview, which I do often talk about martial arts is cited the novel some of the circumstances, such as the martial arts which fraternal loyalty, for example, who Xia Qi inside, how to absorb hundreds of rivers and lakes Thief long, and not a separate martial art, I talked a lot. In fact, I do not see much, because each times a look as I found with the poisoning, a novel, a novel continuous back and forth to spend a week watching, reading a down, the whole spirit of the stand, in which the intoxicated. On it, we are all Jinyong Mi, talk of two sentence to have missed.
hundred people read Jin Yong's novels, there are a hundred views, my views are not the same with others. is very simple, that romance is difficult to understand. I really did go I would think that experience is very deep. In martial arts there, it has its own history, its own kind of code of ethics. has its own full set of the whole of a thing, In it, I often compare the inside of the community with our real life, In particular, China's IT industry is to look at.
I often do a comparison, I say take gold gentleman's way to write about the Chinese IT industry, certainly written especially enjoyable. not only speak and write Chinese, but also to write the global IT industry. how coming out, each person's personality, which is almost the plot of the novels correspond. even I often able to conduct their practices in the industry often do a comparison. that is, for example, I really want to integration, to get such a big martial arts. The maximum depth of the martial arts have the following characteristics, one must have a very young and very active mind, and can be master of each group master's instructions, get the master's instructions in the time do not follow a fixed a routine, a fixed pattern, may be to each of the sects, each absorbed after thought, to mastery, with a kind of intuition and feeling to do it. and really get it types of martial arts also need a large, that is, life is love, but also a sense of balance, and other aspects of fame have a sense of normalcy. In addition, he should be very friendly and kind person. so I can see In martial arts there, every one I've seen a few people have such a feature. I thought, I often encounter is that some major decisions met, will hold Jin Yong's novel to compare plots myself, I think it should be how Zenmeyangzuo. I speak with you, I will understand this martial arts.
how much I read Jin Yong's novels, at least from my subjective point of view, this Novel inspired me deeply. I hope that one day, the real time, I can re-read this novel again, I went to analyze, IT industry, especially now with the Internet industry inside story of Jin Yong's martial arts plot, in the end How much of the similarities. Thank you.
Ma: Thank you. Zhidong talk network and the relationship between martial arts, I very much agree. five of us inside, Wu Zhang study is probably the worst, he unexpectedly Jin Yong book study does not thoroughly. Last night was the first time in Hangzhou, eat crab, many things are new for him, then please Zhang.
Zhang: I come to the Northwest, and Ding taught half-day, two night eating the crab, the other did not have on. Jin Yong's story yesterday on the boat that is not clear, but relate to my name. Because it is to the northwest, would also not hear of Zhejiang too well, everyone is laughing, I did not understand what to say.
I learned last night, Mr. Jin Yong probably twenties or early 49 or 50 years, went to Hong Kong, now back hometown, a pure Zhejiang words. I know everyone is watching Jin Yong, Jin roommate is the village they come, not direct descendant is also very close to the next of kin. I am the person in the state bookworm many years, the University of When I think universities to study, so no time to read Jin Yong. to the United States struggle to survive, there is no time to read novels. return to the past few years, we all know, running around do not have time.
some of the most recent time develop a hobby, made up my mind on board, decided to read Jin Yong's novels. a set of textbooks available to us today, not the touch of Jin Yong, or because the activities described in the novel do know that many, many reasons, not only The truth about martial arts, but the whole picture, the character form, so I imagine. because we say so, learn about the human world many reasons, which have done a lot to learn, there are a lot of ivory tower on the Internet understanding, understanding of the novel direct and indirect knowledge.
said several martial swordfight Internet or just the legend of a certain color, no bayonet training fist sticks, fists actually practiced. different times something different than in ancient times to be versatile, a child reading , learn a word - PHYSICS tour around the world to learn, I was also a physical contest of what the top few. Science, Physics and Chemistry were not afraid of traveling all over the world, learning physics for many years, but could not find work, so I had to change jobs . finally turned to this industry, network, network of industry itself, not just gave me a job, and this practice my martial arts and survival together. If life is a great pleasure, the big happy, if I feel one of the biggest joy you can put your work and your pleasure integrated, every day you work is not at work, not in order to survive, to be exchanged with the community to pay labor, which is very fun. like kicking a ball, a game of chess, or read Jin Yong's novels, I do a day out with relish the Internet, every day after work to chat with other people, good drink and chat, said on the Web, if unwittingly become a interest This is indeed a great joy in life.
I think, to learn a few physics and chemistry from the swords and guns to the previous clubs, to pass the examination, and now several of us sitting here, is now a competitive era, there is competition but also cooperation How to practice both fists to the cause of the Chinese martial arts to a whole new level, this is our common goal, there was indeed a more legendary color.'s novel is the legend of the past, everyone sitting in this room has experienced an era The fist is that this era everyone to create their own business opportunities, and create their own commercial share in the competition to win, and we can win, a win-win situation. Speaking of the Internet I think there are a few ideas.
The Internet is a hh (we do not know why the smile?)
things we do not want to listen to the Internet, only to hear what Jin Yong's novels. Closer to home, of course, is that True Story, made return of the Bank, talked about the Internet I have three point to talk.
one I think I have talked about before in a number of occasions, the Internet really allows us to become a modern Chinese people, and with five years ago, you now everyone sitting in the encountered hand information, the amount of information encountered a click does not know how many times five years ago, there is no such times? now everyone's choice is especially particularly, the amount of knowledge you have access to special special large, so that each person has a very independent judgments. The judge decided that for their own decisions to do their own thing, to liberate their own personality, is a basis for the development of a modern society. I think the Chinese Internet on China's largest The most profound influence of society, to each individual into a more modern person, so that a more democratic, more open a society, there is the foundation of its.
of the Internet on China's largest contribution to This contribution carried out continuously, which is open to equality. on the network are equal to any two people, including Sohu's editors are equal, no one made a thing, has become editor of Sohu Web site, which the spirit of equality, to increase the amount of information each person, so that everyone who becomes more sense, is the basis of our modern.
Second, speaking from the business, I think, the Internet, especially in terms of China the first time gives us a huge platform for the circulation. In this platform cross-regional, inter-ethnic, cross-platform specific kinds of people, this platform, people can communicate with many people and many businesses to communicate with many businesses, we are doing all the site is BtoB, BtoC model is best reflected. In this sense, much in the United States in China, I feel more meaningful. because we are in China, is a planned economy in the past mainly of a country, more and more to a market economy, a lot of circulation able to link the individual and the individual businesses. Internet set up this flow, the value is very large. in the United States to replace the traditional flow, before the root in China does not exist, and now the Internet is really to create such a means of circulation, making the whole community become more efficient, generate more business opportunities. I think the Internet is a business have the greatest value.
third In China, we are these people doing the Internet, not only in the Internet, but to the entire China market and contribute to the establishment of a market economy. because the Chinese market economy goes through a long process, sixties planned economy, planned economy, or the seventies, eighties, I was in college, not the so-called business school classmates, to reselling something, to do some night company. It was the first China's market economy manifestations. the late eighties have some enclosure movement, served in big bowls in the sale a little earlier, immature market economy very difficult, the appearance of the original state. to the nineties, we the first generation of private entrepreneurs, this the corresponding enterprises and private entrepreneurs, especially in this particular location, Zhejiang, this performance is particularly full, that is, the development of a particularly large, this is really one of China's market economy constitute the beginning of a foundation.
these companies have great strength, and now several hundred million capital good, a lot of advertisers have such a customer, but also the rich and powerful, these will constitute the basis for the development of us. These companies have certain limitations, to operate in the international community, can have a more advanced management concept, it is the key. I think it is in China towards a market economy in the third stage, a very significant not only in the Internet itself, the whole of the Internet means of financing used by the company, the founder of the company's legal structure, it skills localization, internationalization, international capital markets and the entire management philosophy and the latest modern technology, and exploration of these areas are unprecedented in China. For such a group of companies, our media is very likely cheer . Sometimes pour cold water, it is a bubble. but this is representative of a new generation of business, a new generation of entrepreneurs, with China's township enterprises and private enterprises together to form the world China's future as a team. I think number of enterprises that form the Chinese enterprises to the world the best chance. our media, our entire society to applaud these companies, and encouraging fuel. I think that we explore not only the Internet, but the whole of China business development of China's entire economy to a market economy, one of the greatest ever to explore. Thank you.
Ma: Thank you, Charles Zhang.'re good, can not be seen reading a book about such a long time of Jin Yong. really good . OK, the following is to ask Mr. Ding Lei, Ding yesterday afternoon I remember is the two braved the gold into the tea room, Mr. King, Mr. King, you are a victim of our young people, the time ah.
Ding Lei: I am happy to come to the beautiful West Lake. I'm Zhejiang, just have heard some of you next to me did not catch Mr sun, I now more worried about my accent, Zhejiang, several other Mandarin can not be allowed to hear. However, I grew up in Zhejiang I Fenghua people, living two years in Zhejiang. am very pleased to be able and legend in the West Lake with Mr. Jin Yong to swordfight in a lake, on the Internet, because here are my peers. I think in fact the best idea Jin Yong's novels reflect and bring life to a fantasy, a kind of sustenance. I think it can be here today to discuss with him the topic of the network is a kind of life a blessing. read novels by Jin Yong in about 15 6 years ago, looking very makeshift, from the reality and fiction is how a gap, when reading the novel is fantasy of your life can be like characters in Zhang Wuji and so distinctive, hot topic invincible hand, has a martial arts Cheats. go in the world, there is no legend Cheats martial arts did not really teach you to find a martial arts. In reality, the real martial arts into a fantasy. feeling down, 14 of the martial arts and life in the end what kind of link? our Jin Rong which will see all the martial arts that do not go out to earn money for each character, as long as the martial arts. (Applause)
Jin Yong's novels do not have to go out to earn money for each hero, or the children ran into money at home, or is the rich kids, are more than a dozen out of two, the reality can be said that none of martial art, martial arts did not exist Cheats. the measure of our success a sign of life, often wealth, is the contribution. This means that we have in real life and find themselves Cheats or join their so-called sects. with this kind of mentality to Guangzhou to find the Internet's wealth, known for training the military function can not bring wealth, brought me question and challenge. every person practicing martial arts are the same, I believe the martial arts itself can be mastered, the second dance of the spirit of chickens, that add intelligence and diligence, can we truly got to a certain degree of martial arts Cheats. in fact, is the same in life, school college education or parents of people around you to your start point is an environment, the real inside can be reflected in the industry. Today talking about the Internet, do not think the Internet is the only young man an opportunity. I think when the time into this society, when the work time, any place around you matter, any kind of methods may be your best five years an industry leader.
this and Cheats is a completely different martial arts, and to inner strength. the other one, I think there is a little more important on the Internet The Internet has three years of history, but the real cause because of what the Internet has by leaps and bounds? is because the Internet inside the Cheats, the Internet technology itself has changed during the decade of the entire global economy played a decisive role in promoting.
me today to review the company you started, you may only metaphor in the novel which has a certain skill, and the remaining three years of life that there are many opportunities to find such a martial arts Cheats.
and I hope everyone here friends take the time to listen to our bit in this talk can bring back, that is, How do you find a cheat that martial arts is the spirit of the founder.
Ma: Then please 8848-- chairman of the world's highest mountain Mr. Wang Juntao.
Wang Juntao: Thank you. just like Ma came to power in a few minutes ago, we said before, it seems a bit unusual this time Wang Juntao, one thing becomes not speak, not even walk, because the heroes in the last, both disciples and dares not speak. From the beginning I note the very beginning, a man in front of my eyes has been shaking, he called Jin.
since then, I had a very good habit, as long as leaving home or place of work left to the field travel, probably more than one day of free, like today, there will hand one to two of Jin Yong's book. was originally used, beginning from start to finish to see, then see which of the to which the present, according to Ma, then this one years, according to their own ideas, talk about the network today, talk about Jin Yong.
If Jin Yong wrote 14 novels, there are two places that this person is wrong, first of Jin Yong wrote 15 novels, in addition to 14 The long and medium-length, the first 15 is a short called thinking, he for the society, the idea for the people inside, how many places have Jinda Xia dim floating in it. His work has become contemporary cultural ideas of contemporary people and even moral values of contemporary people is a very important part of I think this is undeniable. that a very popular, then everyone in the sitting you ask yourself, can think about such problems, in your own heart to find that Wei Xiaobao's shadow. Yong moment program of contemporary Chinese society and even various aspects of social attitudes and moral essence of a very deep, I think this is Jinda Xia immortal place, not only the spirit of God shape the South, through their power through their social structure where the deeper problem for reveals a very profound, I think this is the first.
second, Jin heroes teach us a few things below. The first, a man must Xia Qi, to Man. This is the Chinese people in mind Heroes is Jinda Xia told us, not rich people, they will put a business from zero to something big, Jinda Xia told us that we all recognize the heroes of the Chinese nation is a knight, is heroes. Xia great also, indeed there is no money, knight not money, money is not a certain knight, that was the Jinda Xia told us.
course, is abstract to say, he is not for the money, this is the first.
second, there is poor knight born the idea of the unity of the compatriots natural, innate love of our country. have this or that faction, although his boxing and swordsmanship between the camp have a lot of contradictions, if there is invasion of foreign objects, the pen in the Jin Daxia They will have a united people, some unanimously, first to defend their country, to defend their homeland, which is Man.
He also taught us to the second point is justice. I understand Jinda Xia teach our righteousness is back mutual solidarity, mutual understanding, Jinda Xia's rivers and lakes in the world there is always a silver lining mountain, looking down but not see the rise, Huashan Mountain, between victory and defeat is not large, this year also on the end of tomorrow, but loyalty to. In Jinda Xia sense of obligation are not in the book which, in any position inside, this is my second point.
Third, Jinda Xia pen upright, martial arts training out of his own, but also in the process of training will be clever use of active force, but in charity is such a person is moving, a decade of hard work training, work practice that is wrong, even at the arm, the power to scrap the practice was wrong, all over again began martial arts people who have congenital, in the novels of Jin Daxia must be dishonest, these people are not good Jinda Xia's pen. Jinda Xia book on who will carefully read several times and I feel the same. Since Mr Ma thousands of miles away invited us, talk about the views of the Chinese Internet. do not say it seems not enough loyalty.
I think China's Internet sector in particular, we Chinese people in the business sector is also engaged in the Internet reference I have on many degree said earlier, Jin Daxia shaped by our three special words, I urge you to learn with Jinda Xia described by the heroes.
the first one, we say that Xia Qi, meet colleagues or those who need help the new young entrepreneurs , we give them as much as possible with a little help, give them a little support.
second, we say that loyalty, we stand together, for as much as possible to the world the opportunity to truly, make a comprehensive together that our country is now the real situation of the Internet, I think at this point, the Internet all the sects have common needs, is a way that can be united.
I think there is a third point, All the people in the Internet in China, should be described by the heroes as the Jin Daxia learning effort needed to train their own good. Let those crooked ways go far, everything is done to our practice from scratch, not a year or two years, the two three years is not enough to strive to excel at a Chinese market with Chinese characteristics needs the Internet for martial arts unique offerings.
Thank you,UGG bailey button, thank you.
Ma: Thank you. really deserves to be capable of Fujian, well written, oral good I had to say on Jin Yong's understanding, this is the case, I drew back, did not read any book in five years, to read some of Jin Yong. I remember half a year ago, our first contacts with the media, with the U.S. to Hangzhou to interview us, they asked: Are you particularly rich in knowledge, is not read many books? I am ashamed, and then I saw Jin Yong. and another recruiter during our company has a special meaning, as long as the other sense of Jin Yong's books interest, eight gave enrolled.
Zhang: If you have not been admitted Alibaba come over here, I did not read Jin Yong.
Ma: Jin Yong inside the loyalty, not so much, I was taken out of context. I bought a whole Four sets of Jin Yong's books have also bought pirated, the last meal in Hong Kong, so that the signing of Jin Yong, the result is out piracy, so ashamed. because it does see quite a lot of time reading this book forget, forget to look at, the first time in the last five years, Maldivian resort, sleep for three days and woke up to see There can be proud proud proud, the network is the rivers and lakes. network is very bad. I feel that through the years, many people do not earn a penny Alibaba criticized, what did not train well, a very thick skin'd practice. their training outside the skin of firing breath, people from 95 years to do the network that we are liars, ZB 97 proposed that we are crazy, the people that are crazy, do not care how that is to insist on doing it . wronged, misunderstood lives in the network is normal. I feel, it touches on the more practice the more thick leather. How the Steel Was excel? we are doing the network, various investors have their own views, with employees Our own view, there are critics. especially the Internet, commentators, critics of China's Internet far more than any country in the world, and their positive attitude is more than any place. We see the various comments online users many. critics more, the network a total of five or six years of history, comment on it five years history of the sixties, the mode will not work in this model line. changes in the network now is really very fast, just heat up six months ago B2C three months B2C die suddenly said, do B2B, B2B did not get how, do the infrastructure, hard to read the word, to become ASP, ASP is not clear, ASP word not popular, This is the network constantly changing, the process if the changes are too concerned with how others say you, you may really say anything bad.
outer layer of skin outside the training, the network companies, in practice breath also very important, breath is the company's management. I manage up to 140 million yuan, the original 56 individuals when the teacher taught the students a good pipe, the distribution of our company more than two people in eight districts around the world, as well as from 17 different countries and regions of the staff, so it is complicated and particularly difficult to breath training. well transferred along one breath, they said that not that no, this means that the network is the skin's most important to train well, gas should train, The most important is the gas, which is on the lakes and the sword Jian Qi, respectively. I think gas should practice, practice sword also, first payment is not made of steel, we trained these people because it is not made of iron is an effort, within each network company training breath is the most troublesome problem, I believe that the network went so far in China, most companies run into internal management and staff to retain staff, attract talent and develop talent, these problems are a tone of the question.
Finally, I would like to say is that people often say, what the network five years later? I think so, five years ago, I make bold predictions about how the network five years later, there is no who dare to speak. like twenty years ago very lively color TV, and now no one talks, some five years later the network to everyone at home, talk about the network, Hangzhou, people call it obsolete.
I think next year I hope rivers and lakes swordfight, swordfight, our rivers and lakes of West Lake to have new forum out, I really hope next year, five of us here have lost two or three or even five people not in the best, give the new network of young Xia, joke Network current events.
Ma: cause network news out a lot of attention, many users asked many questions, we want to give today's first question asked Jinda Xia.
Yong: five summit, asked two questions, put up a question on behalf of the Internet, the main problem is that, on the one hand is very knowledgeable, very good two aspects. all of you is not busy collecting money, some income come from? I listed to attract funds, I foreign transfer over, the money interest to them, is not affirmed? they are concerned about this issue. you are now spending a large, very successful large-scale, on the one hand you really admired, but also worried that you do if this continues, money ran out, unable to maintain how to do? they are worried about this problem. Please answer the five. The major users of the problem, ask your good. well I hope you will prosper, but also worried about the source of your economy.
Ma: I see with everyone so excited, I did not catch the excitement of a whole, I think Jin Daxia problems represent the interest of our users, Jin Daxia question is this. first question the money come from websites, ...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The original visit is a need perseverance to do it seems I can not .. ..

 Last blog of other people feel too amused to see a reply lol ~
poem, a girl after all, not little girls do not want to fight do not want to rob ... .. Think that's too hard girl just want to live simple life to be simple love ......< br> Posted by Uncle, lose the ink of the line does not (
Well .. .. I am not young, after all, do not want to fight do not want to rob. feel like too much work ..
just want to live simple life to be simple business ...
without moving the gun in a knife .. much money I just want a clean ...
If you can not love a love of money ..
ps. just a message to all friends: Hi, a return visit.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Constellation of the 36

 Chart, 360 degrees, a constellation of 30 degrees each, according to the various constellations Zodiac position for the second division, a star for every 10 degrees for the grid, this analysis is more in line with your personality analysis?
Is your birthday in the constellation corresponds to which you type?
View constellation type of analysis, please put your (sign + letters) to write down!
birthday in March 21 to March 31 Type Aries between the mmA
birthday in April 1 to April 10 Aries between the mmB type
birthday in April 11 to April 20 Aries
between the mmC type Taurus
birthday is in April 21 to April 30 Taurus
type between the mmA birthday in May 1 to May 10 Taurus
type between the mmB birthday in May 11 to 05 19
between Taurus Gemini
mmC type birthday in May 20 to May 31 Gemini
type between the mmA birthday in June 1 to June 10 Gemini between the mmB type
birthday is in June 11 to June 21 Gemini
between the type of Cancer
mmC birthday in June 22 to June 30 Cancer
between the mmA type in the July 1 birthday Day to July 11 Cancer
between the mmB type in the July 12th birthday on July 22 to type between the mmC
Cancer Leo
birthday July 23 to July 31 between mmA type
Leo birthday on August 1 to August 11 Leo
type between the mmB birthday in August 12 to August 22 between the mmC type
Leo Virgo Birthday
In the 23 August to 31 August Virgo
between the mmA type birthday in September 1 to September 11 Virgo between the mmB type
birthday in September 12 to September 22
between mmC type Virgo Libra
birthday in September 23 to September 30 Libra
type between the mmA birthday in October 1 to October 11 mmB between the type of Libra
birthday in October 12 to October 22 between the mmC type Libra Scorpio

birthday is in October 23 to October 31 Scorpio
type between the mmA birthday in November 1 to November 11 Scorpio
between the mmB type in the November 12 birthday to November 21 Scorpio
between the mmC type Sagittarius
birthday in November 22 to November 30 between the mmA Sagittarius
type in the December 1st birthday to December 11 Sagittarius between the mmB type
birthday in December 12 to December 21
between the mmC Sagittarius Capricorn
type birthday in December 22 to December 31 mmA between the type of Capricorn
birthday in January 1 to January 10 Capricorn
between the mmB type birthday in January 11 to January 19 of the Type Capricorn Aquarius
between mmC
birthday in January 21 to 31 January Aquarius
type between the mmA birthday in February 1 to February 9 mmB between the type of Aquarius < br> birthday is in February 10 to February 18 Aquarius
between the type of Pisces
mmC birthday in February 19 to February 29 Pisces
between the mmA type in the March 1st Birthday Day to March 10 Pisces
between the mmB type in the March 11 birthday to March 20 Pisces
between the mmC answer type format meaning:
letter - corresponding to the type number (remember yo If a certain type of number is the corresponding type of yo)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


 Moderator: Welcome to Sina Sina Academy guest users chat room guests.
Tu Survey: Hello everybody, I am a Chinese movie host Survey reported today, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to guests Sina chat chat room together, to share the Oscar ceremony. First of all introduce the guests arrived at the scene. here is a famous movie actor of the original Chinese, here is the CCTV Movie Channel br> Zeng Air: read some.
Ni Chun: I saw nominations, with what you expected different?
Ni Chun: strange, big production, or the works of Anthony Gora.
Jingwei Tu: There Tom - Cruise, Kidman did not get nominated for best actor and actress, is also quite regrettable.
Zeng Air: The Big stars get nominated are extremely rare, like You've got a Golden Globe. Oscar seems to particularly like to vilify their own beauty.
Tu Survey: what do we think that this practice be considered to demonize their own kind of speculative behavior?
original China: Not necessarily is to demonize the act, is to open up their own road show, there are many successful examples,bailey UGG boots, Nicole - Kidman is the most character of the thing itself destroyed, creating a very far distance and their own role, which is acting of their own test, should not mean, all women are not deliberately put herself to look the ugliest.
Ni Chun: Some people say that this Charles - Sialon may award last year, put his nose Kidman Special ugly confused, this time Charles - Sialon his face confused especially ugly.
Zeng Air: Two years ago Harry - Berry, too, especially to herself to look ugly to winning the.
Lu Chuan : Comparison of remote role, the role of extreme judges may be prone to the attention of, say, Silent, or blind and so on.
Jingwei Tu: Oscar is not the same as the Nobel Prize for literature, like the Chinese people is a pain, but also what makes this pain lasted?
Zeng Air: Oscar and the Nobel Prize is not the same, right? Nobel Prize is an international literary award, for each country relative open the window in terms of both, but why the Chinese winning less, mainly because of the translation, Chinese translation into English may have some damage.
Lu Chuan: Nobel Prize for literature, there was a person almost get this award that Lao She, Lao She had died, but then, the Nobel Prize is not awarded to people who have died, which is a pity our country literature. Academy Award that year, mainly from the business results, level of production and production process . China's film is certainly near, with our own market system, there is a strong film industry, certainly close to the Academy Awards, but not get is that there is no pain.
Chun Ni: Oscar is not America Native, Best Foreign Language Film Award is the world, this road is quite narrow. and the U.S. film industry is a big country, in fact, we get an Academy Award, Academy Award is a business.
Zeng Air: Early Oscar are U.S. domestic awards, but later the Western English-speaking countries should be the grand prize, a large addition to American films, as well as the British film,UGGs, etc., can be award-winning English film, like the mainstream English-speaking countries of the awards, but it is mainly commercial large and small cost of things, relatively speaking, they are less valued and therefore get the kind of Oscar to shoot the epic, great films.
Ni Chun: You just said the full in the face of commercial films, in fact, not all that.
Lu Chuan: Actually, as long as the film festival, has been flowing criteria, the mainstream business, it is no problem. like br> Ni Chun: This year we have seen, social background, there are some trends in popular culture references.
Chun Ni: that it is purely commercial film event, but we also have to paste the Gold, so to find a little art.
Lu Chuan : NBA to move towards China, we must move some Chinese players, do some marketing in China, the most direct is to China to play games, look for Chinese players. He expanded the scope of this award to Spain, Brazil, or Asia, This is a part of its market, or is part of globalization.
Chun Ni: Again, the Academy is a business.
original Chinese: I thought about two years, the Chinese market, then they fight Americans are very smart, why Yao Ming is selected, the development trend of China's value, or the development trend in Asia to select such an atmosphere the basketball to the extreme.
friends: I like the original Chinese play the movie I like the temperament of the original Chinese, the original Chinese film recently in the cinema?
original Chinese: Sorry, I did not make a movie for several years. I took a few TV series, has just completed called series, in which I am satisfied with the role of shape, but also, and I have quite a big contrast, may have the opportunity to win the China Academy Award series.
Tu Survey: We see Sialon has come out shining The low-cut dress, very pretty. see this beauty, it is difficult, and the Devil on a Lenovo.
Zeng Air: When I see the nomination list, a little stunned, the actor who is? but looking back , most of her movies are pretty, but unimpressive, is a vase.
Ni Chun: The actress is very complex life experience, is a South African, she was a child, her mother killed her father, to have such experience .
original HOWARD: I think she played such a role, I think she is very feelings, I also want to try to break his own, hoping to play a particularly special low-level, I'm at home drinking wine, smoking smoke, how to shake this feeling is not to shake, there must be the basis of this environment in order to demonstrate the accuracy of this man. really want to improve their acting skills, then, really should experience a different life.