Monday, December 27, 2010

Hacking effort

 Glance at the camera turned to signs outside bars Men who have one foot in leather jacket, gold spectacles vicious and roared: currency to be gang fights in Internet cafes around you? there no justice? there no law? was just a junk with?
leather jacket: (vomited blood) and old ~ great, I really do not know Tsang months is the ax to help the girl, and spared me this time it, you forget, I've also been to prison with you that it ....< br> gold spectacles: Monitor your mother's head, GM had to give us ax to help face, steal your number is this for you, you soon freed from the game, you TMD's ungrateful, PK have to live at home to know I'm sorry two old ah? from today, which not even think about opening a cafe, What is the name check is not good, and Among them, the hacking group pig strains, digging for a little progress, could not help but shook his head, he looked at the empty cigarette with a sigh, not survive the addiction so he decumbent to find cigarette butts, and finally he found in a corner cafe, a long cigarette butts He picked up the cigarette lit puffed in two, and then Master Kong from the ground to pick up a bottle of green tea bottles shook, and discovered that there are drinks, so the Yang-mouth to turn up ...
cafe the other side of the lens, one wearing hat boy lying on the bathroom door shouting: > died in the pit anyways, you depriving me of urine in the green bottle ...; I like the acid that is really my sweet, I have a little bit of adolescent narcissism, the big people of the world waiting for me to take risks ... , sitting in front of the counter greeted smiling boss said: grow up ... seriousness of Jane said: I forgot the account password!
boss: do not remember Ye Hao, memory is the source of the pain, you can not remember your password, it may be a blessing.
buck teeth Jane: Listen to what you said, mixed feelings.
boss: the password as valuable as the hearts of young girls, to cherish, Jane, you remind me of my first love of Warcraft, sometimes with people who really want to battles with the likes of Azeroth, and death are together ... (sorry for the boss took the opportunity to seize the hand of Jane)
buck teeth Jane: (throw off the boss's hand away) Would you like to die with you, make a pair of mandarin ducks Warcraft? I Bah! I have not agreed to accept your love it.
Long Hair: network management, what broke the machine, but also crashed and I do not give money out.
a fat woman suddenly ran in from the bar back door, she grabbed live aboard long-haired head hit the monitor, the mouth constantly cursed the house .. What is called! (readily grabbed an ashtray and dashed towards the Rattus, Rattus middle of the head and bloody)
【A Lin Zhaobao dressed middle-aged man walked into the cafe.】
Webmaster: Big Brother internet connection?
middle-aged men: the machine you have WoW?
Webmaster: of course, ah.'ll give you a fast machine, you take the No. 10 machine it.
middle-aged man opened the computer log of the game, sitting next to the Rattus met with middle-aged man after the game equipment, could not help crying out loud: wow, the wind sword, wow, fearless ...
【pig strains cafe door The two young men in black suits down to discuss.】
Yeh: This came out first, through combat training team, the second is to investigate the new, Internet cafes and thought today we took the hand, take a look at our usual training in how much water mixed with a tall and mighty ...
: Professor Tao since I heard the speech, I felt very noble profession, I expect to save the young people very excited, and sometimes see children are not in class all day long soak in Internet cafes playing games, can not wait to Cafe computer all smashed.
Yeh: I hope you every success in future work more on the first step, we must completely destroy the hard-core gamers the enthusiasm of Warcraft, the number of young people addicted to online games save, so they entered the classroom and the workplace, more than the state and society to make some contribution, Robin Hood, the task of maintaining peace of Warcraft to you a, s good?
tall and mighty: good! you're putting me first, who is called What happened to hell hh
Yeh: Yes, you who do not play Magic World of Warcraft beast, thou who trash when the garbage, go! we are hacking into the Internet cafe!
tall and mighty: and so, I do not think that simple, just put Trojans certainly do not work, Internet cafes are now all fit the ;, and a restart Trojans all gone, except ....< br> Yeh: Unless what?
tall and mighty: Unless you use software cracking : hackers Kung Fu? I will.
tall and mighty: You will?
Yeh: Well, can I study Buddha's Palm would say to you Well?
【Yeh turned to the beginning recalls the events of his self-taught】
when Yeh was a student often to stay up late night bar in front of the school, when the energetic Chunxindangyang on Nannvzhishi Yeh very curious about the Internet to search for those who can not help but Passion of small films, but those who have a web site can not open the yellow, because the Internet cafe computer installed the to crack, read a lot of information of a few days of the system registry did not succeed, and finally one day, Yeh angry, of course, very serious consequences, he held his breath condensate internal forces beat up body shot toward the host computer to Buddha's Palm was beginning to achieve power ....< br> tall and mighty: I guess you take the bad things in the computer, and coincidence.
Yeh: You do not believe is not?
tall and mighty: Pirates in the end you have been number ah?
Yeh: Of course, I am famous in the industry.
tall and mighty: Oh, that to listen to.
Yeh: long story , then there is software called Half the sky was a number I steal ...
tall and mighty: Oh, I know the sky software, is that every day, I do not know how long, in almost every response posted there, but also to the major forum for hair, can not believe you actually be able to steal her number, you are really high profile!
Yeh: Those are just .. Fuming .
【Xi Yi Shuihan wind Xiaoxiao, the two went into the net!】
Yeh: network management, what broke the machine, speed so fast, do not give money out!
network: speed soon it not okay?
Yeh: Why not download something?
Webmaster: You can download, but download a virus file to not work, we have dozens of computer anti-virus software ... oh , you open the page with the Trojans, shielded by our machines.
Yeh: wow card, you or our professional expertise?
【tall and mighty off the black suit and wearing a pair of black gloves, face and glared at network】
Yeh: Well, black suit and black gloves you saw, the ax to help the hacker comes, do so many anti-virus software, for an expert, to the dead know?
【 ],[M: As far as I know, the African people known to hackers, little brother you see, I remember this is not the account number and password is secret treasure card.
Yeh: Haha, it is also close and treasure card, ensuring ah you ...
stolen boss came】 【
Webmaster: he downloaded Trojan horse virus, do not want to give money.
【boss looked disdain Yeh, took off his slippers】
Yeh: Oh, fat woman, the responsible person is you, right?
【boss black slippers gave a slap in the face】
Yeh Yeh: Hello, ax to help.
【snapped, proprietress of a slap in the face】
Yeh: him for the medical expenses!
【】 Yeh again suffered a slap in the face
Yeh: dynamic Superman!
【】 Yeh again suffered a slap in the face
Yeh: Pig bacteria (Jun Zhu)!
【】 Yeh again suffered a slap in the face
Yeh: (Internet cafes to escape the door) wow cards, there is no mistake, you dare to beat pig bacteria? well, you kind of, I ask somebody to, ah, you are dead you, broken bars waiting to be acquired it ...
Yeh: an arrow through the clouds, to meet brother of Warcraft! (out with a lighter and lit a large firecracker thrown out .)
【firecracker sound, siren then sounded, a police car pulled up, two police officers came off】
Police: Who put the firecrackers? thrown into the car was!
Stephen Chow: one of us, ah, big brother, my uncle's wife's uncle's son is also a police station, number 9527, Liu you should know, right?
police: you lost?
Yeh; a nice day , put a firecracker to celebrate, huh, huh.
Police: Since it is our own people, it would be dealt with leniently, in the forbidden zone fireworks explosion 1,000 fine, pay!
Yeh: Do you still take me away it.
police: not so serious, since it is one of us good money penalty.
Yeh: Who told you it was people, I'm bad I'm a hacker, ah, I steal other people's games and equipment, to jail!
Police: Who cares Pirates of the game equipment, ah, eat a hold of, you've got to dig the number of how many, you understand?
Stephen Chow: I see you mug me! I'm not afraid!
【Yeh black and blue came out from the station entrance, tall and mighty greeted.】
tall and mighty: Big Brother, think also put a firecracker in detention ah?
Yeh: (Wei readily to tall With a sudden slap in the face) shit, met bad people have beaten you fart. I did not loyalty ah, just run so fast!
(twisted ass then a beautiful pass in front from the duo, the two stared the beauty of the twist of the hips.)
tall and mighty: Memories can be misery,
Yeh: A World of Warcraft Do not look back,
tall and mighty: a year or so later, thinner than yellow,
Yeh: three to five years later, the ugly like a skeleton.
tall and mighty bird: hey, no WoW I used to be handsome, now so ugly, no longer than foam woman.
Yeh: What is the use handsome, more handsome you think I still can not MA bubble, to the rich and equipment for the job and this community, like World of Warcraft on, with the equipment there will be a woman, who can be determined to go deeper into the hacking technology, who will be able to succeed, and now the opportunity comes, we go to learn hacking, formally joined the ax to help, then all the equipment and the woman had.
tall and mighty: Listen to Jun's words, Mine wins dug decades.
Yeh: get rich by robbery, piracy by rich, riches to play gambling, the richest man to buy!
tall and mighty: I think we played it dry hacking from the basics, go to learn computer technology, yesterday I saw a game on the site in the recruitment game participants.
Yeh: how to say it?
tall and mighty: (a newspaper from his pocket, read it) you would like to from a game player to the professional game producer, Evil Dead you?
Yeh: Evil Dead the idea of me every day!
tall and mighty: the company make your dreams come true, the company has a complete The Evil Dead and training system, from the living to the disability, from disability to the dead, for different horizontal and vertical positions for the training program. covers professional skills, personal qualities, career planning and other aspects of training. for the staff Evil Dead development of the necessary preparations. a planned, step by step to carry out Evil Dead work ....< br> Yeh: wow cards, play games, but also with training ah? game company with such a money cheat?
tall and mighty : So how are we to do?
Yeh: Hackers ----- day disabled list to the first residue, is my buddy, want to learn hacking techniques ask them to drink a bowl of chaos on the line.
【street a barbecue at the door, snow and groaning, very cold. street voices, wine tepid. Yeh, tall and mighty with the day residue to sit and drink residue brother】
Yeh: This meeting with such a professional Hackers drink with it, little brother honored hh
day disabled: a sausage off, where to find Concert of Warcraft. Yeh talent unrivaled, no I do not know ah human Warcraft.
Yeh: Two ranking first among the hacker bit Big Brother, you are the real big man ah.
day residues: wrong, we ranked fourth, hackers list the top three is the , ranking the first knife was a singer went to the wolf, the wolf repented second curls disappeared, the wolf is the third ax glasses to help the current boss.
to Disability: Strictly speaking, we only businessman. because tired of hacking career, had left to start the sale of Warcraft, Warcraft obsession if it continues, will not be operating today, such a large industry ....< br> Yeh: wow, successful people !
to Disability: (Chow Yun-Fat hollow imitation of twice) Oh, a success? I just do the road.
【next to someone shouting: kebabs, but also do not do business with you?】
to Disability: You first talk, I went to socialize my most important business partner to go, he would buy a 10 day lamb skewers ....< br> tall and mighty: Two is a computer expert, it is a pity to sell mutton string . might as well go when the network does ....< br> Stephen Chow: What Webmaster ah? ah you will not speak, the two brother retired IT industry fame and fortune, to reappear at least properly a ; group owner ....< br> Days residues: job is equally divided, Although we have kebabs, but consistent with million fortune.
tall and mighty: (immediately knelt down and bowed) Master ah, you are my regeneration of parents, saying father day life as a teacher, you do not forget the will to write my name ah ....< br> Days Disability: No problem, I left a lot of World of Warcraft, G coins You take it slowly to enjoy.
Yeh: Closer to home, the two of you please run for it, is to deal with the gang of Internet cafes pig bacteria, they are all anti-virus computer software, we can not start.
day disabled: No problem, we must all engage in the paralysis of their computer.
【probe into the tiger's den Xi Jiao Palace, Come into the sky and call Bai! accompanied by the sorrowful sound of Zheng Ming's hit buildings, four swine strains toward the Internet cafe residues around ....】
days: As a professional hacker, in addition to a superb hacking techniques, it also must be tailored hacking tools. (a black box and took out a hammer )
Yeh: This black box is what?
day disabled: it is a set of digital camera, camera, sound recording, computer camera, USB flash drives and other functions in one product, it is the price of only more than 1700 yuan's Disability: very simple, as long as you stand in someone else's hand behind the machine, photographed under his fingers enter the account login password when the game moves slowly take home after the study finished you can break someone else's password ....< br> tall and mighty: If someone found how to do?
day disabled: Good question! people found to use the hammer to knock his halo.
to Disability: you will be waiting in the cafe door, semi- hours we'll get this Internet cafe.
【about as a Zhancha the effort, the day residue to residue was boss hit with a stick out of the meat they have is the open skin wounds covered Ding, at the door of the Yeh and tall and mighty scared seeing the back hides the trash ....】
day disabled: Please do not fight, we give you your singing is not enough?
boss: Well, you sing Three Bears TM really cute teddy bear, day by day grow up ....< br> boss: Enough! Get out of it, next time you come back trouble dogleg break!
【boss turned back to the cafe, Yeh secretly climbed out from the trash pull after the day residue in】
Yeh disability: can not think of two also go out of hand?
to Disability: We originally appeared to be succeeded, who knows at the last minute .. .
Yeh: how?
to Disability: bar protection system appeared to be cracked, this time Computer Tip: Because you are using counterfeit money online, the administrator has locked your computer, please go to front negotiations ....< br> Days residues: boss took us a stick on the pursuit of this ruthless woman, hey, legs Haoteng ....< br> 【boss holding a wolf with a stick ran out, Hu Shi Delays Delays staring】
Yeh Yeh: Do you have any civic-minded ah, the Internet with fake money, Internet cafes do not make money? people have to pay the electricity bill at the end of Na ~ Go away.
boss: (combat roar) you these garbage, do not Get out!
【Yeh ran away, too fast by a four Aberdeen knocked to the ground.】
Yeh: four young, will not walk ah? do not have eyes ah?
four earners: obviously, I hit you first, took the liberty do?
Yeh: medical expenses ah! much holding point out, put a ten tables eight tables, or half of the table are four rows ~
【Aberdeen ran into cafes, laughing at the cafe door to make faces】
Yeh Yeh: ah you kind of not into the bar, I'll kill you ....< br> tall and mighty: You're going to kill?
Yeh: Why, yes, I kill the four Aberdeen, scrapping Internet cafes in the fat woman with that network, Well, fat woman can under the roar 2 intimidated by me? we are ready to weapons first.
tall and mighty: that is to kill robbers do, lose the skill to kill, and that spread out before us hackers face off.
Yeh: less wordy, Do not stop me!
tall and mighty: If you really want to kill it, my family has sworn brothers of the Sword (AL), was prepared specifically for the kill, you go home and get me, I fixed a human anti- .
Yeh: What? I think, or select some light weapons to facilitate the better.
tall and mighty: There is a saying called It is scary to be cool, my career there are two sets of clothes ...
Yeh Warcraft: they can scare you?
tall and mighty: I think it should be no problem, at least in the game effective, and it took me the AL is looking for a few hundred pieces to create the master blacksmith, AP force high ....< br> 【Cut to cafes, four earners in the foreground was stopped】
network four earners: It seems that Mr. network who wear glasses, have a deep prejudice, actually not allowed to let me online.
network: four young, I know you.
four earners: As a student, wearing gold spectacles, is very normal and very logical. I'm wearing look good, why are you not allowed to let me online, I'm not money.
Webmaster: I do not know an ax to help the boss come to this backwater of small cafes, What are you doing?
four earners: Oh, the wolf turned out to be curly, straighten your hair a little not cute, how do you hide this place from the network when it ? Well just a waste of your talents.
Curly Wolf: (finger 10 middle-aged man machine) you far away to come, it must have been to kill prey.
glasses Wolf: Yes, he's No. The only region of the wind on the sword, and I followed him for a week, from the provincial capital chases here, can not get his number I never give up.
Curly Wolf: I will not let you come by .
glasses Wolf: We two hands to make a success of the result, in the words of a row, lost a second thief, that you look at that person, within ten minutes I steal his number, I did not get, I go, I get to the hackers list I had in front of you.
Curly Wolf: I'll give you ten minutes to see you in the end more powerful.
【eight minutes later, Yeh go into the cafe】
Yeh: four young, you come with me.
glasses Wolf: (glasses wolf turned contemptuous smile) Give me a break.
Yeh: Oh, that is not too to discuss, yes, World of Warcraft rules, gang fights ah, that is, the two of us hit you one, Shui Yebie want to foul ah.
glasses wolf: a serious point, which is hacking it.
Yeh: Well ! Hell. hacking effort you even close, to let you know my Buddha's Palm!
【Yeh Tsai force palm toward the four took to the computer, power cord loose computer crash was shot, at the moment glasses can wolf half a minute short of a successful password cracking.】
glasses Wolf: I'm big bad boy!
Yeh: tall and mighty on!
【tall and mighty was wearing a black anti-armor gigantic AL came out, his eyes fierce, much like World of Warcraft that LM just go in the eyes of soldiers.】
glasses Wolf: wow! you're filming ah? COSPLAY show?
【network and boss came up with a stick】
glasses Wolf: many people right, you wait.
【wolf ran out of glasses, cafes, from his pocket and pulled out a wolf rockets】
glasses: a Arrow through the clouds, a mighty force to meet!
【wolf sounding rockets glasses, fireworks onto the air, burst upon the horizon appeared a huge ax】
Yeh: wow, what a great a broken away!
【siren sounded, a police car pulled up, two police officers came off】
Police: Who put the firecrackers?
glasses wolf: one of us, ah, big brother My uncle's wife's uncle's son is also a police station, number 9527, Liu you should know, right?
Police: Fuck! again this, the first beat to say ...
【meal face lightweight nose swelling of the glasses on the police car pulled away by a wolf, and pig strains cafes finally resumed their former quiet】
Yeh: how many times I said to you, point to hard Well ~ your armor and sword so cool , is all the more scary eyes Zaihen Oh.
tall and mighty: install hard tired.
Yeh: tired? subsistence ah brother.
tall and mighty: Now what? still hacking up ?
Yeh: hacking and more no future, ah, we go directly to the robbery!
tall and mighty: Well, we went to Qiangdian practical things, like lollipops do not need to rob.
【next day, corner stand tall and mighty Yeh and underestimated, Yeh took the dog wearing Bloodfang teeth, Xiao Cai anger sets of birds wearing leather holding a knife aside,】
Stephen Chow: wear it clothing to rob other people will not laugh at us ah?
tall and mighty: (legs shaking) does not, and if we caught the crew said.
Yeh: Do not be afraid, I go to sneak, AL today, how can you not get it?
tall and mighty: rob do with good equipment.
Yeh: I remember a little to hard Well, the drop in to hit, you ready?
tall Vermeer: ready!
【they wear diving helmets, entered the corner shop】
a tall and mighty: I get down all the robberies ~~~~~!
Yeh: the most expensive to pay out all of inflatable dolls, Viagra on the cabinet in the ...
【camera slowly pulls away, the final aim of the shop signs ---
Studio Highlights:
【boss: Let Big Brother take you to open the room today, guaranteed to make you grow up overnight ...】 Yeh: CUT! actor professional point of OK? lines are not Do not handsome ah, laugh ass Ah .......< br> 【tall and mighty wearing black armor AL against a gigantic knife came out swaggering, ... audience uproar】 tall and mighty: I'm sorry, it does not move ...
anti 【Yeh: Oh, that is not negotiable, yes, WoW rules, singled out ah, that is, we Two hit you a ...】 riffraff hui: wrong, is the gang fights ...
deleted fragment:
long hair in a corner at last found a long cigarette, he picked up cigarette butts light puffed two, suddenly found the edge of the computer desk corner shake violently, the ground was still littered with a lot of toilet paper, long-haired shouted: hold back hair stood up red-faced and whispered: licking dry lips of the strange smiles ....< br> Yao Qi Shan practice, four districts had just stolen the dragon roar training small numbers, the server updates, boring, purely YY ...... < br>

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