Saturday, September 25, 2010

Branchlets reddish-brown or green-brown

 Glabrous, pilose with winter buds, leaves elliptic lanceolate or oblong lanceolate
  apex acuminate, base wedge wide, leaf margins serrated, leaf base with gland, single flower Health, pink; stone fruit nearly spherical, the surface densely short-villous, 3-April flowering.

Bi-tao is a traditional Chinese garden flowers. Early spring flowers before leaves open, brilliant Fangfei, glamorous charming. Configuration in the garden, usually a large plant, constitute the , Ning Xia, Man-Lin, Falling Cypriot way, fascinating. Application in the garden often compared it with graceful weeping willow

, the vegetation in the lake next to streams, the river, flowering pink Liulv, spring, really, flow. Dark green leaves after flowering, easy to litter, so the most

courtyard with other trees with good configuration. The ancients often the peach, plum, compared to students in his disciples, known as the In the small courtyard of the corner, planting a few plants scattered

extremely desirable. Tao Zhu mixed farm, the formation of Optional birthday potted peach, peach and other types of Weeping, whichever

plant type small, compact of the characteristics, are unique.

Prunus triloba Prunus triloba alias pink shirt, Rosaceae Prunus. Deciduous shrubs or small trees, 5 meters, the red-brown on the skin was peeling off like; single leaves are alternate, elliptical or obovate, 3-6 cm,

tip acute angle or 3 cracking, base broad wedge-shaped, serrated edge with weight; first flower after the leaves, flowers solitary or 4-5 clustered flowers, flowering from March to April, pink; fruit spherical, the red, beautiful. Cultivars include: petals

flowering plum,Discount UGG boots, flowering plum and flowers flowering plum branches Luan. Flowering plum originating in North China and Jiangsu-Zhejiang region, joy light, cold strong, and can alkali soil, on the soil loose, but neutral to slightly alkaline, fertile

better loose sandy loam .

triloba is an important concept in Central China flowering shrubs, lush foliage, flowers a bright complicated, because the shape of elm leaf, flower appearance, such as plum, so named Garden often and yellow Cimei match

, a gold, a pink,UGG boots, competing in full bloom, reflect each other. Cong Road, the intersection can be planted, the trees can be planted before, as basic materials, such as plant cultivation on the road on both sides of the column, the date of bloom, in fact, reason

to flower border. Natural-type grown in the park lake, the weeping willow next to the pool, then the red, green and serves as contrast, the U.S. exception. Garden can be planted flower bed entrance hall, among the flower beds, can also be planted in hedge-style building

side. Ornamental plants are also suitable.

cherry cherry

aliases campanulata, mountain cherry. Rosaceae Prunus, deciduous tree, about 2.5 m high, bark smooth, chestnut brown; Leaves ovate or ovate lanceolate, 6-12 cm long, apex acute, with a heavy edge

serrated edge , surface pilose on the back of gray-green, petiole with glands; or umbrella-shaped inflorescence of total room-like 3-5 Poly students, gray patch pink, ill with double petals; mosaic with the release, or the first leaf After spending;

stone fruit spherical, mature in July. Cultivars are: Yoshino cherry, early cherry and weeping cherry trees. China's Yangtze River basin of origin, Japan and North Korea. Likes the light, hi, good drainage, fertile deep loam,Discount UGG boots, adapted

strong, warm place may grow cold.

cherry flower in Japan, cultural heyday. Cherry enchanting, light Jiao Yan, colorful flowers, colorful, is an important ornamental flowers in spring. Often to build tall in the garden were, as a mountain

Sakura, Yoshino cherry, to tree planting alone, or several strains of Cong planting; spot in the park, extensively planted, and the scenery more pleasant. Plant can also be shown for the tree, bloom time, flower-called. If planted evergreen

ago, the red, green and serves as contrast, is more complementary. Planted in the waterfront next to streams, lakes, can cause fallen flowers, water gurgling

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