Thursday, September 16, 2010

Yellow Emperor's health is the classical

 Modern physicians used the traditional method is the method! Modern physicians are advocating is for the modifications of the law! Many famous very effective regimen used, the method is ingenious!

know the classic method, the method commonly used to grasp and understand the modifications of the law, understand the trick method, by looking at the tongue, will be divided into eight modern constitution, application advocated by Mr. Li Jing Heng common law, will be able to see the doctor himself, but also be able to see the doctor to others. Over time, the use of good, and is a form of Chinese medicine and health science shortcut!

value for common law interpretation of who the main value for no disease, while disease of imbalance. To balance it needs to pass, through the balance can be. Is true also with fill, pass through too with the idea. Is true also with make up, is to take precautionary measures! Also with pass through, is to stage a treating disease! Overall starting to find partial correction! To the best line!

Li Jing, male, born in 1952, Anhui Huaibei City people. Born in the Chinese family, studied medicine since childhood. Journal of Chinese Medicine Gao Jian, the National Committee of the National Committee of Experts were Chinese Vice-Chairman, Medical Foundation in old age expert health professional members of the Committee,UGGs, vice chairman of difficult disease subjects, Tai'an, Shandong Institute of Medical Education, Professor, Beijing Lijing Heng Tong Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute. With a home.

Mr. Li Jing has been practicing medicine for 40 years, has a remarkable practice experience. Practice throughout the country north and south of the city, rural, access to many diseases, many patients, deep comprehension of the essence of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine practitioners know that person because of illness due to be considered as a result of the dialectical essence, well aware of the difficulty for the doctors, well aware of When patients are in the dark. Li Jing teacher read, writing, learning from clinical criteria for the governance of the medical side, studying under the length of traditional Chinese medicine all, constantly in clinical practice, summing up, set the culmination of 40 years of clinical medicine, introduced the Chinese Eight outside the common law of value, value through medical theories. Sambo Li Jingheng developed through health products, in the 2007, was employed as a Journal of Chinese Medicine a

's blood like the Yangtze River, a barrier an injury. Smooth flow of human blood, that is fresh water river. If you have a product of local node, that is stinking puddles. Human blood as the road, unimpeded no disease, poor General ill. If the human body at its best, and that is a relative balance. Relatively disease-free equilibrium is lost relative balance is sick. Starting from the whole, to identify bias, to correct deviations! Appears to have no virtual fill, corresponding to up to is to take precautionary measures. To balance it needs to pass because, combined with the tonic, through the power of strengthening the body upright without injury. That is the yin yin, yang yang. Qi qi, blood and blood deficiency. Appears to have smooth communication, is to stage a treating disease! To further treatment until the disease identified, and that is too late. The highest level of martial art is the fly leaf Jieneng Abstract wounding, and the highest state of medicine is the understatement of theft fight that largely rebutted those claims, to the best line! More patients in between laughing!

traditional Chinese medicine that the young people to health temper, like little trees cultivated as it can grow fast, well developed. Middle-aged to Traditional gas, as a country, a city, a factory, as management, to harmonious development. The elderly to kidney qi, as the same car to the regular service and maintenance to health and longevity.

Jing that the different modern and ancient, modern children, mostly small, like the emperor and the princess used to support students Jiao, generally most of a bad character. Therefore, not only to healthy children and adolescents temper, but also Traditional gas. Middle-aged people for work, study and environmental pressures, often in a high state of tension, leading to overload the body organs to function,UGG boots cheap, the body prematurely consumption of scarce resources. Therefore, not only to Traditional gas, but also kidney qi. Older kidney has been bad, but also because of family and environmental and other reasons, leading to liver qi stagnation,Discount UGG boots, the modern state it is menopause. Therefore, the treatment of the elderly not only to kidney qi, but also Traditional gas!

oven-type body is yin deficiency with damp heat and dryness. Red, Purple or Hongnen purple tongue, tongue purpurin am, the tongue has horizontal and vertical multi-cracks, or appear map-like tongue, thick greasy tongue coating thin or white and dry, we describe for the oven. If the tip of the tongue edge is not smooth, there is a defect, deformation, and that is a severe deficiency and loss. Canon sense of precision is insufficient, it is that this type of signs.

refrigerator-type body is cold and dampness caused by yang deficiency blood stasis. Pale tongue, purple or pale purplish, white or thick greasy tongue coating thin lubrication, we describe for the refrigerator. Canon speaking, the form is insufficient, is that this type of signs.

lantern-type body is cold and heat caused by stasis mixed. Pale tongue, purple tongue, tongue with red violet spots, thin white fur, or the back of thick greasy tongue. Body dry, winter cold hands and feet, and is Yang within the Yin suits, outside the cold heat. Also on the heat under the cold, have dry mouth and throat, cold under the lumbar and leg pain, we have described as a lantern.

desert-type body is caused by deficiency of both qi and blood stasis. No color pale tongue,Discount UGG boots, pale tongue Nenhong purple, thin tongue, no tongue, or the tip of the tongue side of a clear defect, is the yin and yang, all virtual, the body and Manner loss, depletion of natural resources too much, we describe the desert. Canon said, and fine enough, form is also insufficient, is that this type of sign, caused by virtual stasis.

mud pond-type body is hot and humid stasis. Purple tongue, tongue purpurin am, thick greasy tongue coating and drying, is poor qi and blood stasis, both hot and humid. Signs of this type of non-Xu Zheng, is the accumulation of body heat, modern medicine can be found three high, is visible knot.

winter, Yellow-type body is the visible end. Tongue dry and Tourism Bureau is small, the tongue has more than Purpurin points, edges tend to have defects of the tongue tip, tongue often tired and dirt. This type of body as a whole and dry all yin and yang, qi and blood deficiency, and locally to look up the build-out is to have virtual reality.

dark corner-type body is sub-health state. Dark purple tongue, the tongue tip edges and teeth marks and defects, the lack of a lively tongue states and became dull, they look non-sun person, is the lack of yang Yin and Blood sluggish, blood stasis is not smooth, is due to Stasis induced false.

see the front end type body is invisible, is a hidden danger. Purple red tongue, thin tongue, the tongue red spots and the defect was not obvious, more difficult to see the sick, modern medicine often can not find the disease, but patients know their own sick, medicine carefully Tongue, see blood behind the tongue, can often spot a the blood stasis barrier. Purple tongue is blood stasis barrier is functional lesions.

mainly male sexual function, such as impotence, premature ejaculation, Western tests check it out. Woman mainly in the absence of menstruation and fertility, the modern medical check normal uterus, are neurological problems.

insomnia, Western medicine is neurasthenia, Chinese medicine is the wind, the equivalent of Western nerves. Epilepsy and manic depression card, Western medicine is mental illness, Chinese medicine is the wind. So I said, wind is the nerve, the wind. Moreover, the Chinese still fall within the ambit of wind wind wind outside.

We all know that is outside the mouth crooked eye oblique style, Western is facial paralysis. Chinese Opium stroke, cerebrovascular accident, type of stroke, also known within the stroke, moving inside the liver wind.

and insomnia, dizziness, tinnitus is the wind, allergic rhinitis, allergic urticaria, allergic asthma, and so are outside the wind motivate the wind, the wind increased in the outer wind, need to carefully distinguish Therefore, be called an invisible front, is a result of stasis wind.

Chinese medicine consisted of yin and yang, such as the oven is a partial deficiency of the type of constitution, but the lantern can be transformed into type. Heat cold outside, the heat under the cold, heavy winter can be the formation of the Yellow type, desert type.

mud pond type is the heat and blood knot together, for the time being can be expressed as oven-type, a long time can be transformed into the Yellow River winter-type, but also the formation of a dark corner type.

people as a whole, problems inside the body, is bound to show changes in the tongue state. Modern science and technology can detect disease years, while the use of tongue diagnosis can experience the way their own can see their own bias. Even modern medicine can not find the illness, with the tongue inspection method can spot a sick.

the main features of the normal tongue is: the tongue soft and flexible, light red tongue out moist, thin white tongue coating uniformity, coating quality wet and dry medium. Referred to as

tongue inspection in early disease, chronic illness experience tongue. Long illness will be stasis, long stasis will be virtual, virtual long will damage. Tongue thick, and dry, or no tongue, and tongue of the map or there. More Purpurin point tip, purple tongue, and tongue purple points higher than the tongue, the tongue body fat, big, small scenic area, and there are cracks, and a depression of the tongue, the tongue and the tongue has teeth marks and defects on both sides not smooth, and Shen She is not comfortable, and skew of the tongue, the tongue behind the purple or dark purple blood vessels, and the tongue base with papillary highlights are not normal. Time to correct it, so their own body in top condition, this is the Shanggong treating disease!

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