Monday, January 24, 2011

Chen Pengfei dialogue Microsoft Bing e-business innovation and development needs

 According to China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) 1 Dated 19 27th China Internet Development Statistics Report. As of December 2010, Chinese mobile phone users reached 303 million, representing an increase of 6,930 million end of 2009; mobile phone users in general, further increase in the proportion of Internet users. The most striking is that online shopping grew 48.6% user, is the fastest growing application of the user, indicating that more economic activity into the entire network e-commerce era.

recently successfully held in Shenzhen, China age, how effective use of resources, help SMEs to build the entire network e-commerce platform to facilitate e-commerce and mobile network platform toward the

industry experts, Chen Pengfei (left) and Dr. Huang Dinglong Microsoft products Bing (right)

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need for innovative development of e-commerce

forum, e-commerce industry experts believe that Chen Pengfei: The Future of e-commerce is not just a business in the traditional sales practices on the Internet It involves the global supply chain, the whole network platform and all online and offline channels for cooperation. Behavior changes with the e-commerce, e-commerce needs of small and medium enterprises are constantly changing, which makes the traditional marketing model of e-commerce are quietly undergoing change, with the triple play in the implementation and progress, will give a new e-commerce model to bring more development opportunities. Chen Pengfei said: e-commerce is the future of a lifestyle, and the future development of each enterprise, which itself will be the e-commerce, e-commerce is behind the whole network from the enterprise business platform established to promote foreign companies to maintaining customer relationships. Chain of the company's business can be conducted through the whole mobile Internet operation. To get through both online and offline, whether it is indoor or outdoor business, generating information anytime, anywhere interaction with customers. Information on the frequency of interaction is the business exists. E-commerce is the triple play of the whole network is indeed inevitable.

According to statistics, the number of mobile phone users in China reached 780 million, the number of global mobile phone users than any other country, of which more than 200 million mobile Internet users. In this regard, Chen Pengfei said, > According to the report of survey shows that SMEs in network marketing there are three essential ways: First, e-commerce; Second, search marketing; third is online advertising. And in the past, these three platforms have often been antagonistic or even isolated, but with the further development of the whole network and e-commerce applications, these three platforms have shown the

this, Microsoft products, Dr. Bing Huang Dinglong that: With the development of mobile Internet, more people are surrounded by the whole network of e-commerce era, in this era of information explosion, More and more people are overwhelmed by information ocean, people need to understand the technical user to do more in-depth and thorough, I hope that through the Internet and mobile phone user who knows? Where is he? What is he doing? The whole network is very important that e-commerce: a comprehensive understanding of the nature of the customer's property and thus be more accurate to analyze, and then released through the search engine something really useful for users, enterprises can more accurately analyze the precise When customers want to see your ad, so that accurate advertising companies to achieve a good conversion rate it. diversified development of e-commerce services

diversified development with e-commerce services, as well as control of the chain's internal needs, in recent years to gradually render outlet line e-commerce platform to the trend of solid expansion platform. This ability to make up for the online platform services, but also makes e-commerce platform from a single diversified profit model, barriers to entry and followed the industry to further improve, which will inevitably bring a new round of e-commerce industry revolution The revolution is behind the business model, business value and business position to reshuffle the cards, can do all these things must be accepted in this industry who can quickly, dare to do it. Future production enterprise for all audiences, their lives, information communication, work is inseparable from the scene all e-commerce environment.

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