Sunday, January 16, 2011

Final weapons Binv

 This is an era of sentimentality. Transformers, frivolous to make a kiss, will pop up in the hands of cockpit smoke; big sister Lori is a good mood and asked the doctor a small interest in the game; there are boys and boys, girls and girls ......< br> too much too much. around the love of this most complex of human emotions has been topic of numerous anime, love can give courage, to exciting, you can make people survived, you can heal the human mind; You just a ruthless used to spend 70 points in the spirit of , all went well worth mentioning, no matter whether twists and turns, love is like a paradise of happiness, even if the experience of how, suffering and separation, and finally through fire and water lovers can always supported, Shengsixiangxu forever.
However there is still such a love : heavy, painful, expensive, and do not see the future, no hope, with the advance of this love is tears, declared, destroyed, everything is hopeless.
However, they still chose to love .
the time until the end of the world.
first I did not like thousands of Seto.
bulging long with a round face, timid, shy, weak, introverted, childish and look short (not to five meters). motionless micro apology. In addition to Lori partisan, the normal adolescent boys and girls should not be like this.
because without him, and tired. and this girl contacts, 话不投机半句多, all out of breath climbing a slope, what are careful to apologize, fragile like a tissue paper, is to be afraid to hug her crush.
most important, and so does not understand love, only because friends encouraged a little girl who went to confession contact, emotional communication is a big problem, nothing seems to say, but say they do not get depressed Xiang Maren m most unfortunate is that thousands of Seto's boyfriend repair times also the first girlfriend, his poison tongue piece of what will hurt her, she was not like in a relationship regardless of the results ...... why should they start? even the words are too shy and not say, let alone further moves, do not forget there are many people keep saliva directed at want to break up, they inevitably had a big squabble changed blaming each other. Such contacts who are not tired? repair times and saw that he also has responsibilities. if they do not open your heart, how can blame the virtual pregnant pending? a vent-style fight between the two men actually resolved the ice, so that both repair times and thousands of rushing to find another love in his own m.
want to love, is not difficult. < br> boys always want to give the girls loved being in her helpless when she supported in her arms when she injured. even been accused of male chauvinism Ye Hao Cheng Kung University, men will always be some For protection, especially for Iraqis to have a bird's well-behaved girls, young boys always make Qingdouchukai carried away, thinking that can use his arms to protect her from any harm.
repair times, especially when kissing Seto thousand small lips, I felt that the care and protection of the surging love to give the greatest motivation.
However, after air above the ruins of thousands in Seto, allows the repair times difficult to accept the huge machine m Seto from the thousands of inappropriate wings back out tender, heavy metal weapons indiscriminately her petite body covered ......< br> This is a strange war, the outbreak of inexplicable, but also somehow intensified. thousands of Seto, and it was transformed into a huge state machine eventually be changed, like the strong arms full of weapons, armor, the leading sports and special body EN. by satellite to monitor any corner of the world, the reaction system can detect risk of auto attack, precision-guided weapons and a map to destroy the entire city gun ...... everything. Seto turned into thousands of a giant killing machine, a powerful metamorphosis.
she was that lovely thousands Seto full? the reduction in his broad chest in the little girl blushing shame? repair times shocked at the scene, then walked up and hugged her. no heartbeat.
easy to get along in love, and many vigorous sudden outbreak of love, will rapidly cool. The reason is simple, spiritual level of love, after all, castles in the air, although because of vague and beautiful, but once loved from the calm after thinking about the future and the outcome will always be all sorts of cruel reality to the ideal of the protective film tearing.
separated? parents object? wealth gap? we seen enough of these, if each is bound to be other life, the other half of the total of all resistance overcome Rao get married because they can not continue even if the separation, but also keep in mind who have memories, and the subsequent assumptions of regret. Repairable Seto thousand times and just beginning to love this Valentine's, but it involved a or whatever, can not go against the imposed on the fate of all who make fun of. They had just ordinary people, even minor, do not know how to conduct a war of love ......< br> so the repair times Seto and thousands chose to escape, it is simple and natural selection. repair times to force myself not to think of as far as possible, as thousands of weapons Seto, Seto go every thousand battlefields, the rhetoric does not matter as much as possible with a smile and expression to accommodate the other side of her . When thousands of Seto find themselves fighting ability to gradually grow, repair time is chosen to flee. military aircraft circled over a thousand explosive Seto automated system, but the repair time is hard to stop her.
the original or care was, and what can it do? thousands of Seto's body become the ultimate weapon is an indisputable fact. They sit on each other's outlook on stage, imagine the future but happy life m flat work found careless husband, the wife forgot the cooking, eating out with children had patted his head sumptuous meal. after eating naturally spread to the viewing platform, while all the past memory of a young man ......< br> she spoke, tears fail to live up to stay out. escape it, get out of here, been a life ...... no one knows the simple repair times and thousands of Seto that he can have all the cold night, sitting in front of the station repair times Thousands bid farewell to wait for clothes to pack Seto and his family emigrated after, warm heart full of hope. Unfortunately, fate once again opened a small joke, with emergency action against the parents, thousands of Seto's cowardly to repair a lonely times spent night,
that is thousands of rushing last chance, after she could not recover. sometimes always think, when two people walk together if so, then how would? course of the serial on the art does not go only to drink Northwest wind; but for thousands of repair times and Seto, it is because of this Seto was not the thousands of Thousands more can not forgive myself rushing to her lover caused by torture. scars will always be growing. When repair times unlock thousands rushing to see the clothes of non-human carcass that shed tears when the sting of its own, but also Seto aggravated a thousand deep remorse.
Sure enough, I still can not accept it ......< br> they love very tired, the pain much better than the humiliation of the body. So they have reason to re-examine the feelings of sorrow and grief.
people will always be faced with many options and many possibilities, let alone a feeling of no future? repair times is indeed very concerned about the thousands of Seto identity of the ultimate weapons, he has not let go, this not only hurt his feelings, but also hurt Seto thousand. At this time of winter emergence of the United States and the Arab-iron on the two people is a kind of shock.
can only say that the the perspective of the reader comments, for the story of thousands of repair times and Seto, it is a test, but also an opportunity.
winter as a student teacher to the U.S. had carried out repair times taboo repair times to bury the heart of a complex on the early experience of emotion. She seems to repair times for an adult phantom, with the curiosity and imagination of desire into the heart, so he came in contact with an early adult world, but it does not want him in their hearts grow., when the winter with the United States proposed to go with him, the repair time has not the courage to do so when the fantasy becomes m fear came true, he would escape. So When the winter beauty in front of him again, the repair times even re-imagine her as a haven.
want to personally embrace the thousands of Seto, would like to share all her, like ...... But even so Love is always in the country under surveillance. Seto again with thousands of huge metal wings fly away to kill, bloody hands is still difficult to repair sub-girlfriend still does not care about the thousands of rushing the repair appointment times, so restricted to rational and emotional. The room was filled with the original impulse, the United States before the winter with tears thinking of her husband, eager to leave to accompany their repair times, as long as a night ......< br> United States from the temptation of a sense of winter Her sexy body is not mature, but a reassuring sense of relief. do not blame, do not grieve, you can enjoy the release of grievances and discontent. But now the repair times, no longer the carefree boy that year. on and Thousands Seto has become a yoke attachment, heavy withhold his heart. coexistence why only hurt?! own in the end went wrong?! and the United States have begun to lingering winter time suddenly unable to control the repair tears in front of her enjoy to call for pent depressed and unhappy.
sometimes women just need an inclusive all her arms. Even if her hands were stained with the blood of countless people, even if she has just destroyed a city, she your request if nothing had happened only a gentle smile and care only, at this time, what they should not think about it, when her girlfriend on it.
Unfortunately, the repair time is realized does not fit too late.
Xiu times and the happiness of thousands of rushing the last date soon be over, waiting for the cruel war both physically and mentally scarred girl. tattered uniforms, broken walls residual cross the city, there appeared in front of thousands of young officers, O Seto iron, it seems static battle of life seems to have some little changes.
but extremely cruel destruction or still, see their own step by step into a killing machine, afraid to face thousands of times in Seto repair more and more difficult to bear blame, or even A cavalry will want to kill her ......< br> But this can escape it? see A cold iron guns, thousands of Seto hide their faces and cry ...... just like her who started dating, she had many dreams did not materialize, she and he spent many years can be even if I had become like this. All the dreams have been broken out of reach, but thousands still do not want to Seto die with regret that ......< br> If everything is hopeless, at least repair times, is the hearts of thousands of Seto tomorrow. Repairable times but do not expect tomorrow. a violent earthquake to generate thousands of Seto intense self-reaction. that the building will collapse, thousands of Seto hard to repair dangerous times m away in front, but simply can not protect their beloved girlfriend, had watched her by the military away. repair times finally found how they are helpless and weak, is not qualified as an ultimate weapon m boyfriend as he was stubborn.
so it is easy to understand the contents of repair times and the winter beauty of the night was the last of the repair times Winter beauty is a substitute for the feelings of Arab Rail, and now it is winter and the repair times emotional and physical beauty substitutes m her husband is not around just a lonely woman. while the United States for the winter and the repair times now, it is the a far more secure than the hearts of thousands of Seto sustenance. both in the silence of the night sky in the fierce struggle, wounds another Tianshi the object to fill the emptiness with each other.
But that agreement? In thousands rushing to be taken away, repair times, and she cried in despair at the viewing platform see tonight, to see the kingdom of repair times, thousands of Seto went to an appointment at insubordination, for which the A team of iron were the enemy attack, had been thousands of Seto the soldiers who rescued struggled and died in pain ...... such a heavy price to pay, but when thousands rushing to the viewing platform, they were just lonely night in the cold and accompanied by tears eating and repair times wanted to share the rice ......< br> repair times come, and unfortunately too late. flustered, he explained himself and to the thousands of rushing the United States happened in winter, and that because they do not willing to hurt thousands of Seto, the United States to do their own talents and winter should not do those things ...... poor guy, until this time still pass the buck, still escape, still thousands of times suggested her own Seto m is not a girlfriend, but the final weapon girlfriend.
girl's heart is sensitive, do not trust the cracks spread in the human heart to the two.
so they broke up, in an ordinary morning.
introverted extroverted men have a hack that seems to have become a confidante, a law of Japanese comics, and our repair time is no exception. but his side's next United States can not escape the fate of confidante, to own repair times become unbearable feeling heavy, had encouraged thousands of rushing to declare that the repair time she saw Seto and repair thousands of times along difficult and uncomfortable feelings to her own feelings of deep ...... deep depression, out in the United States chose to love the most painful way to torture yourself until this pressure to the innocent little sun who ......< br> crush out the small sun happily U.S. went to war. In that One day, out the United States agreed to become his girlfriend and himself to him. with love lukewarm, small sun vowed to use his all to protect her.
Akemi very selfish, she use a small love to the sun find their own sustenance. But the .
Ming-mei, but still like the repair times, the warm taste of the good impression so that repair times some loss. be kept in the dark though a small sun of the poor, but immersed in a lie is it not one of happiness? at least has been Stung by the truth of the repair times, has even protected the rights of people you love are gone. Even if he saw thousands of Seto, even if she was depressed to the limit of the thoughts so desperate to kiss him a thousand Seto, even if He is also thinking of thousands of Seto, repair times, but still not solve the knot, even afraid to face the eyes of thousands of Seto .......< br> revised again and again deeply hurt the thousands of Seto, and further Seto will push thousands of redress beyond redemption. abandonment of thousands of rushing into a radical force yourself to the ultimate weapon, with the battle and another cold to numb myself. repair times indeed too immature, his sensitivity and cowardice he lost an opportunity to But even more unfortunate is the emergence of thousands of Seto's side A of iron, a gentle adult men.
thousands Seto just a girl, she does not seek repair times wealthy there is room car, do not require great talent to save him people from untold miseries. she's just a sense of security, one does not need disguise and keep a smile of tolerance, one can drop everything whenever the burden of investment in one's arms. Although the ultimate weapon, as thousands of Seto, however, who will willing to bloody love and terror weapons? This has been difficult to unlock the hearts of thousands of Seto's knot, and the repair times reluctant to thousands of Seto identity of the ultimate weapon into his girlfriend's heart was just as direct encounter, resulting in the endless pain and suffering they will have to cut them scarred ......< br> A iron do not care. Thousands Seto in his eyes is a normal girl, even if she had just destroyed a city, even if she the body fell out of a bunch of missiles, Ah Fe still holding thousands of Seto gently, kissed her. he was thousands of Seto most in need of gentle care, a repair time can not give her a sense of peace of mind, iron front in Afghanistan, Seto does not need thousands to cover up their weapons capacity, do not worry they will scared each other. long with a > will hurt even more. So the mature A mentality of iron is best to rely on thousands of Seto and selection, the two cities in ruins as easy to live and share the battlefield in the warm and romantic, this happy in the end is not unprecedented Love? Seto for thousands of unknown and perhaps some not altogether unpleasant, for the Arab Iron necessarily. In the face of desperate, perhaps future generations of men and women want to continue the passion will lead to the outbreak of the instincts, but at the moment is only the physical desires but love, trust no one Come to see thousands of Seto and A Fe, two lonely people violently twist tied together, but at the last minute, it is still unable to put down thousands of Seto and repair time period of childish love, but indelible. fear of injury each other, afraid, not tomorrow, not afraid of death ......< br> love are the most vulnerable, a little bit of frustration and fear will never feel too emotional harm to the boys and girls and to avoid withdrawal . the girl has no experience and only the more help the more busy. Only by such a tough winter and wife deal with the United States for many years Ah iron, have enough experience to slowly untie the knot of the hearts of thousands Seto: love to men and women the most sensitive with the mind and body contact between vulnerable areas, so will hurt each other, but the only way to have the happiness of love.
repair times and only think of thousands of well-being rather than rushing injured, but not Arab Iron and Winter Beauty and repair times are dying in the next United States Institute of the people create a better future? Ming-mei was just a teenage girl, it is the most beautiful love life time dream of youth.
but she has no tomorrow. As was seriously injured, Ming-mei's lower body scarred, appalling . In the last moments of life, she did not want to control yourself, then do not want to care about the feelings of thousands of Seto, and finally to the repair time that their true intention m she still loves him, even if for the first time has given a small sun, it is still hope to repair times with repair times ...... tears blurred eyes, the United States in the next life, the last moment, he desperate to hold her, kiss her body was decomposed ...... how? die laughing out or that the United States at this moment, clearly the United States only wanted to be a girl belonging to repair times, and not an ugly body!
want to ride with the repair times, meet with friends, think of the room where repair times to ....... At a time when people in the arms of love, but clearly the United States already know they have to leave this world soon. She also want to die, she has not done a lot of desire, she also much to want to repair times that of blood and tears ...... the United States with out crying a little bit and smiled, tearing the repair times of the heart, so beautiful and lovely girl, do not want to put down until the dying dream of those beautiful . But everything is in the late ......< br> many people have died, but thousands of times and Seto repair or to pursue their love of luxury. survival has become a well-being, and shoulders the body of the mother weak , repair time suddenly understood everything to protect himself.
it would take responsibility for love, to escape only hurt others, and will hurt themselves.
thousands Seto as a br> I do not know her body has gone through much renovation, and now she is more like a machine too.
only the heart of love, is she still mad man's evidence, but also her guardian has been little happiness. < br> In this era, to live is the only happiness, but not this lucky Ah iron. in the streets, her wounded face of the enemy hesitated a moment, the price is his life. Seto hold thousands of bodies Ke Ah iron was broken, desperately shouting his name, do everything possible to comfort him. However, iron is in the Arab-Israeli terror screams in pain and die until the last moment, it is still winter in the United States shouting name ......< br> Thousand Seto for him only a passing interest, Ah Fe still worried about the winter beauty in mind, though his head is green and lush. the fate of these people opened a embarrassing joke, A death by iron, heartbroken to the repair times in front of the U.S. winter, I hope he can give himself to the embrace of comfort and warmth. the same people, the same temptations, as if the United States many years ago and the repair times in winter the same time meet scene, when the repair time has not lost. Winter beauty is only part of his feelings, not meant to enrich the world m the United States can be for the winter, the repair time is it not so.
two adults with their own lives and feelings of cost to the boys and girls a lesson called U.S. iron and winter easily in their own way but they throw off, then disappeared in their lives. the adult world, for the repair times and not out of reach for thousands of rushing, but always with the poor so that the furnace level, or a state.
with the growth of tears and blood stains, repair times and met thousands of Seto again. They fled no one place to share the intense love for each other. It is waiting for thousands of Seto for a long time of happiness, but there is no tomorrow in this world are going to die, this happiness is a luxury feel uneasy enough to allow thousands of Seto.
only alive to enjoy it with love.
with thousands rushing to repair times to the beach town, two people have found the bottom of the job and began living as husband and wife. the hardships of life under the weight of breathless rhetoric, but they have a taste of the future well-being. with lunch work, dragged his exhausted body back home, and then embraced each other to share the care and affection ......< br> happy days are always short, thousands of Seto medicine is running out, her the body has crumbled. responsible for thousands of Seto studies of the river of the original Uncle is still in the town on, repair times sensitively aware of any impending danger. Although the river of the original warning thousands of Seto may become crazy Hermit machine, but attended the meeting but seriously warned him that he will be personally taking the lives of thousands of Seto ......< br> can he really do that? the inevitable war to the town, the radio songs and it has become a swan song. thousands of Seto the body become distorted, even though she resists the sense of the ultimate weapons, but could not prevent their evolution, or even want to kill the repair times ......< br> repair times of love as proof of thousands of human Seto precisely because such a feeling, repair times m can not start to kill her he did not mention this capability. far away and he put thousands of Seto. she could not speak, can slow repair times for her grooming, take care of him to eat, then watch her eat the last pill.
the collapse of thousands of Seto's body once again, the ugly tentacles spewing out from her body. could not bear to start the repair times rebelled against his own commitment to the river to thousands of original Seto.
lives around the world, for the repair time is smaller than the girls love.
Although it is selfish, but he has the right to choose.
repair times back to home, The following diary, so that repair times to be comfortable to see the inner world of thousands of Seto.
the viewing platform, repair times and finally met thousands of Seto. at this time has been just like thousands of Seto machinery, but the inner sense of residual agreement led her to the Holy Land. tears to fall as quietly, waiting and longing beyond the traditionally cold steel, allowing repair times kiss. cyborg, she finally do not need to worry about the girl's modesty, tightly, and repair times touching together. In the death at the edge of happiness, repair times, and thousands rushing to break through the final hurdle, there is no tomorrow, no results in this crazy day and night to vent their love for each other ......< br> destruction will come soon, all in an instant relief, quiet frightening. evolved into a huge statement to repair the body's thousands of times rushing into their hearts, along with leaving the earth. everything like a dream, who knows he is in a dream or in dream outside? not important for the repair times, it can always be together in the thousands rushing to represent happiness.
their love, is living proof.
species makes a good mood after watching instantly knocked the lowest point of the work, not because the word that Quanmie outcome m since the last century, it is similar in many works, has put a lot of people are looking numb.
said that love is difficult to get along easily, always have a variety of practical problems would break up the lovers vowed to accompany a lifetime. And the .
aside science fiction and war stories and characters of the inner depth is not difficult to find that this is a very real love story, first love, longing and confusion when, with the face of past feelings of helpless and chaotic, there instead of looking for the lost, lonely emptiness of a comfort to each other; a deception, a betrayal, have to escape, as well as injury. true happiness is a very small part, but precisely because it is under the well-being, but increased the overall tragic love. repair times and thousands of desperate love Seto, constitute a period of the world's last love song, unrequited love their tiny helpless because of lack of Arab iron and only the United States as open-minded tolerance of winter: the pure love on, even if How can you be the ultimate weapon? repair times and one is not willing to face thousands of Seto, one is self-blame, and finally inevitably hurt each other deeply.
Therefore, as her as a Even if the vows, Shenqingxiangyong can not change the fact that damage to each other (really frustrating, but for everyone as it). Fortunately, the two later the United States through the Arab Iron and maturity of winter ushered up after anesthesia tragic life around you. Also in the SITH not help but say something here, personal views; if you do not take into account the background of science fiction and war, only a simple love story, the plot development to the two people on stage all night in anticipation of ending the lingering can ......
speaking, the original author Takahashi really creative this coming year will come from a sense of the words that seem completely irrelevant. just finished the first chapter of Ministers serial In a work on some lost (the the germination of the to love the earth before the demise of the story. But do not call the first thousand Seto , Miss also worry; also a world destruction comic? Come on, have fired rotten, is not want to play the trick to fool the audience awareness? but soon let her rest assured Takahashi true story, this is a Ultimate Love million. In addition to tear-jerking love and war in which there are the two best-selling science fiction elements (though not a major part). At the same time as a magazine serial in the youth's sake, in which the Chinese version of the official authorized VII still significantly to printed Animation charge KASE female child. parterre way to fully take into account the original parts of the emphasis on love, so basically all focused on this area, especially the parts about the thousands of Seto specifically in a more detailed animation to performance. < br> Of course, the choice of monitoring is well-intentioned women, after all, only the delicate and sentimental for women only directed this love story. but said that, Kase supervision over the animation Porter Williams Cavalry added some new characters (such as the appearance did not take long to buy gifts for his girlfriend was killed in the unfortunate children), other Daohai meet the original. but really, from the original lines as Takahashi sake of more unique, animated version of Modeling feeling of change is relatively large. Of course, if you want to compare, then, is a matter of opinion.
another do not we all concerned about is the voice actors and music. as the lead repair times voice the speech stage is the stone home field Shiro, he is is selected at the audition, and when the voice actors can with the first main character, this guy could be bad music. thousands of Seto seiyuu is quite strong Li Fumiko off, with too winter months and cautious, and not for the voice of Arab Rail's and Ito Miki Shinichiro Miki. The two men in the animation is mature men and women, in particular, Miki Ito, winter beauty that Enchanting gentle words, if the little boy with ears get about the temperature of breath, and no one can not stand. the two men when the word is also to participate in chat program to talk about the Topics of the ...... ha ha, but fortunately the

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