Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jobs, Apple's local stock market performance once again worrying Sickness

 In a note to all staff an email Apple, Jobs said: Apple's major strategic decisions involved. Apple Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook (TimCook) I left Apple in charge of daily operations during the period. more important? Over the past 13 years, Steve Jobs prove to the world, he is the world's most outstanding CEO. Apple's success is largely due to Steve Jobs boldly predicted the industry, the ability to grasp the opportunity, as well as different from ordinary people's talent and reputation. July 1997, former Apple CEO Amelio (GilbertAmelio) left, when Apple's share price equivalent to the current $ 3.34 per share, while Apple's share price on Friday is $ 342, up a hundred times.

under the leadership of the Steve Jobs, Apple iMac with 90's of last century shook the entire PC market, followed by the help of iPod and the iTunes digital music into the mainstream, and opened by iPhone great changes in the mobile phone industry, but also with iPad lead the tablet PC market. A data call in Q4 PC shipments grew by only 2.7% year on year 5.5% lower than expected, while the iPad in the first quarter of fiscal year 2011 sales growth of 50% to 600 million units. Meanwhile, iPhone sales will reach 1,780 million estimate. Jobs

sickness will not affect the market this year iPad2 and iPhone5, because, according to Apple's product development cycle, these two new R & D should have been more than a year, I believe Jobs will not let the absence of product delays launch of new features and products will not occur a significant change. Of course, the only change is in the new conference, Steve Jobs might be missing the wonderful speech. Jobs

55-year-old seriously ill the past repeatedly pass a message, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2004, and delay of 9 months for treatment. 2008, Jobs has been found to speed weight loss, he then argued that only a hormonal imbalance, but the staff immediately by e-mail soon, admits his condition To September 2009, Steve Jobs return to Apple rehabilitation, stomp product launches Apple's Steve Jobs

health problems of the past are the extent to ambiguous policies, especially since his liver transplant in 2009 during sick leave, did not disclose any information that led directly to Apple fell about 5%. Apple re-introduced if the same approach, speculation and rumors may cause Apple's stock hit turbulence. For a listing of companies, CEO's health has always been important issues, Apple in particular. Jobs physical health is not in for sure, investors will be hard to believe that Apple will still maintain a strong competitive position and the leading technology products to keep up with changing consumer tastes.

Apple fans will think the company will continue to remain successful, because Apple has superior superior technology, no matter who the leader. But shareholders in addition to determine the technology's performance, also need to consider the company's management, and Steve Jobs gave Apple a few other companies can compete with the focus and strengths. IPad is about to become history, however, although the second generation is ready iPad, but a large number of competitors coming soon. The lack of Steve Jobs of Apple, will not be enough confidence to shareholders.

on Friday, Apple shares hit 52-week high, reaching $ 348.48. U.S. stock market closed Monday, the day Martin Luther King Day, so investors in response to Steve Jobs sick leave until Tuesday show.

1 17, Apple CEO Steve Jobs (SteveJobs) announced that it will once again to Jobs as the first person to subvert the PC industry has become the soul of Apple's core. Sickness news came out, Apple's stock price plummeted in the overseas market crashed, the highest intraday drop over 8%. U.S. stock market closed for the day Monday, Steve Jobs of Apple stock of sick leave can not be directly reflected, but Apple's local stock market performance is worrisome.

the father of Steve Jobs announced that Apple's share price fell off sickness 7%

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