Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Healthy snacks out to play

 Now they can leave for three days, everyone will go out to travel, always with some small snacks to travel, especially in foreign countries sometimes want to eat salty snacks, greedy nutrition and how to choose healthy snacks, then I To recommend the almonds. With increasing age,Discount UGG boots, and I also increasingly concerned about their health, so the diet will set for themselves some good eating plan. almonds Oh my snack of choice.
the benefits of eating almonds one: eating almonds can be beauty
Why eat almonds beauty it? mainly because of large almond antioxidant and anti-aging effects.
the antioxidant effect of almonds: almonds rich Vitamin E, and a known antioxidant flavonoids, which is a group were found in wine, tea and plant nutrients in fruits and vegetables. These antioxidants help cells resist oxidative damage, prevention of cardiovascular disease.
almonds anti-aging effect: In America, vitamin E, almond is a good source. Vitamin E can help improve the skin against aging.
the benefits of eating almonds II: prevention of cardiovascular disease
large Almond good for the heart of the fat. research shows that eating at least 5 times per week almond person,UGG boots, heart disease or heart attack will reduce the risk by half. This is because the amygdala is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids,Bailey UGG boots, which can reduce the harmful low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
the benefits of eating almonds three: diet, weight loss benefit.
almonds with excellent fiber. can eliminate hunger, This diet is very effective.
the benefits of eating almonds IV: cancer
almonds contain a special chemical composition of rich plant, known as help combat cancer,bailey UGG boots, prevent heart attacks and other problems caused by age.
benefits of almonds to eat a lot, but several big almonds over the most prominent role.
Although there are many eating almonds benefits, but should not eat almonds, almond should not eat the recommended daily more than 20 grams. 

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