Friday, October 15, 2010

Note AC plug Friends of the Don East, sent a new work from the United States

 It is Carter's book review memoirs, talked about his visit to Beijing, North Korea and so on, must-read. Carter ------ warm motor


Sharing Good Times

--- Carter read the memoirs East Man


I found this little pocket book is in my neighborhood Rockford Public Library Book Fair. All U.S. public libraries each year, spring and two book market, sell new and used books, these books, except the shelf collections, as well as community, especially the bookstore and public donations. New World Library reading no ban, no Deputy Commissioner Associate Professor, old gentleman tribunes children, are equal. There are exceptions, if you donate five dollars a year to upgrade from the ordinary reader, Bookstores, whether old or new, all hardcover one dollar and fifty cents the book spine paper, children's books, all the fifty cents.

this book published in 2004, I spent a dollar to buy, just because of the above are signed by Jimmy Carter. The last decade, I have this library already buy a lot of books and book signing, I bought a cloth spine last year, the 1953-1956, above his autograph, but also this to say: For my very good friend, DelMeeks, Mr. Republican of theseventh word, from his fellowRepublican ... Dwight D. Eisenhower, 3 December 1963Gettysburg

I also bought a book in 1978, Special Edition, to the


the 39th president of the peanut farmer frank and kind, not bumbling. This book is only two or three pages per session, very good read, for me, the most interesting is about to visit China and North Korea that the two sections. I am in the coffee, accompanied by candlelight the night reading, feel that he and Nixon had a more than worthy: his pen stopped working after they left the White House, prolific. In addition, he studied Churchill, oil painting, of course,UGGs, pen and ink color as the old Winston is so strong Zhuangwei.

Americans said he was

(East Africa Swahili are saying:

After retirement, he was still busy than the presidency, he has not been to a small global no place, and often the whole family out together three generations, two thirty mighty: Tanzania Deng Qi force Mazha Luo volcano, Mount Fuji, Japan Teng, Nepal peak impact Anna Puna (attempted), Spain view of bullfighting, appreciative Goerig painting, Goya later years for the historical picture of the magic of the night deep shock and awe; in Africa Wildlife Tour to teach Zulu ethnic corn (not peanuts!). They even Soviet military restricted zones have been to the Kamchatka Peninsula (2004), also from Zuba Nova floated down the river rafting, trout fishing pole rejection, this place is also from New York than in the past from Moscow. The peanut farmers never idle, he carpentry job thoroughly cooked in the chest, do a few each year dedicated to mahogany rocking Need fundraising auction for the sale of the Carter Center. The Carter Center has long been vigorously launched the However, he build a house where the most energetically the Philippines, a large number of enthusiastic volunteers to help in the under five days built 293, for the autumn winds have ruined huts of the poor grief. The man maverick, go where there is no scruples, and he retired after those busy feet of the former president is not speaking the same money. In 2002, he did not stop listening to the State Council should be invited to visit Cuba, Fidel, Havana, Tong Fu baseball field performances by the Bush tightness intolerable. The dog two old baseball card signed later in the Carter Center, the $ 165,000 fund-raising auction, the hammer, and he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He also volunteered to act as a lobbyist for the U.S. nuclear conflict, to three thousand Lijindalai blooming paradise golden sun met the great Juche idea and nearly completed the task. The people love to work, but also love writing books. No wonder his wife Rosalynn was his first reader and polish! Husband and wife singing, she wrote a memoir, His memoir, Guide His articles spread all over the newspapers and magazines, attend TV and radio talk shows, CNN Larry King

be fair, Carter writing a book done quite well, style is not low, dare to step on mines, and not adulterated, are their own writing, not text biliary surgeon ghost, so far, has been published 24,UGG boots cheap, almost every year --- is not an opportunity to repeat the editing, refurbished recycled, old with new turn, as the year of the seven books of the Chinese writers, he is a take a written book: memoirs, novels, poems, international and domestic affairs political commentary, essays, everything. His style of writing simple, straightforward, poetry, pumpkin muffins, as the South Georgia is so straightforward, catchy, novel


here to brief Carter's visit to China and North Korea's story.

Nixon in his ice-breaking trip in 1972 signed the Shanghai Communique, wrote: Carter said he wanted a break awful detective, because he and the Chinese affinity for an understanding of cross-strait matters, he had in 1949 been to China, when he served aboard the USS Pomfret diving, vice-captain, as a base to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, cruise the Pacific to Okinawa, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Qingdao maintenance refueling. After a year of secret negotiations, China and the U.S. resumed diplomatic relations to complete the great cause, and soon Deng Xiaoping visited the United States, and invited him to visit China as early as possible, but this time Carter has been badly battered, dying ridden economy, coupled with the Iranian seizure of American hostages and threatened to hand over the king in Samoa, if not * Pahlavi to death a day, the situation is urgent, the final year of his term of office not been abroad.

left the White House, the Chinese invitation to him again, except that the couple, but also carrying six people as a public guests to visit Beijing a few days after the official schedule, want to go look at the walk can be by his own set. Reception list, and calendar of former President Jimmy Carter than his wife, and son, Chip (Enha splashed Lancaster (Wayne Harpster) --- his title on the roster is at the time, the Chinese

Carter three decades after the second China trip, an eye-opener. In his view, this country is still a closed society, no private enterprise, not the Chinese people the right to freedom of travel, all dressed in Maoist revolution clothing, men and women without distinction, few cars on the street, the main means of transport is the feet. They stayed in the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse ethereal, Building 18, but only two television channels, one 24-hour live broadcast Sino-US relations, and Deng Xiaoping visited the United States signed a documentary. The first day arriving in Beijing, the reception staff to ask what special needs, Carter said, the body can take a few more biking and wandering the streets, enjoy the scenery.

next morning, Carter couple found a bike are ready, and accompanied by a large team of people, these are the security personnel, in a People's Liberation Army led by Colonel security, ready to go. He opened a map, pointed out that the above pre-drawn line, that this road has a safe deployment, one hundred percent control. Carter quickly said, I choose the route, do not do it, not to be accompanied. Colonel said that it is not easy. This way to proceed, at loggerheads over. Finally, Carter Road:

Well, I'm going to call Vice Premier Deng and asked him I could not ride the streets as they wish, or have to do by what you mean. Colonel and discuss about some, come back and say, this feather small, Ho Lo, Vice Premier Deng? The above has been the speaker, you go where.

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