Thursday, February 10, 2011

Japan's former senior leader of the grace admire China

 House of Representatives, Japan-China Friendship Association
5 30, the seven Japan-China friendship organizations of Japan and four overseas compatriot jointly held a welcome banquet Premier Wen Jiabao's visit to Japan, Japan-China Friendship Association juridical association Koichi Kato Premier Wen Jiabao to sit in the right seat. That night, after dinner, journalists were invited with several Chinese friends, and Mr. Koichi Kato, went to a company called Mr. A said, not without emotion: the course at the banquet, I saw a Chinese youth went to dinner across the table, Premier Wen Jiabao shouted across the table: age can do about this young man's grandfather, but, Wen did not because the young man politely Gezhuo propaganda is not angry, but as an elder, like gently waving to him, expressed his thanks. China leaders of this grace, I admire.
see Mr. Koichi Kato, the Chinese leaders so carefully observed contacts with the overseas Chinese, the reporter had a desire to interview him. This year has been a 71-year-old Mr. Kato , Japan's Foreign Ministry had earlier worked in China Branch, Taipei, Hong Kong has worked, can speak Chinese was first elected to the House of Representatives .1972 Mr Toushi Masayoshi Ohira and subsequently served as Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan, Defense Agency chief , LDP secretary general and other senior positions in Japanese politics is a dominant figure.
political upheaval in Japan on the occasion, Mr. Koichi Kato, is pleased to interview. Here, there is a small thing worth narrative: the agreed interview in at 10:00 on June 12, the reporter came as about Mr. Koichi Kato, the Japanese House of Representatives in the House of 711 rooms. this time, Mr. Koichi Kato, who has not arrived, but the phone call came in, requested the Secretary told reporters on behalf of sorry, because he was late for two minutes.
two minutes after the beginning of this interview -
Reporter: Democratic Party of Japan government recently introduction you though the LDP House of Representatives membership, but, and Naoto Kan is a good friend, many ideas are the same. Please talk about your views on Naoto Kan, and predict the life cycle of the regime.
Koichi Kato: Naoto Kan as prime minister, did the Democratic Party can bring a lot of popularity. However, this popularity may be due to minor setback or a little something to immediately crash or disappear. So, in order to continue ruling Democratic Party of Japan down, the best way is to use existing popular Naoto Kan, seize the time to do a good job on July 11 Senate election preparations.
today (June 12) morning, you must see. nationals of the Party, New Party Shizuka Kamei, announced the ruling from the Union Cabinet in Naoto Kan resigned. The Democratic Party just from the ruling coalition cabinet Yukio Hatoyama resigned, actually led to Yukio Hatoyama Cabinet of the end of life. Now, the National New Party to take Party, resigned, to maintain the joint government approach, in fact weakened the base plate of this new regime.
power of the base plate from the point of view, the conservative Liberal Democratic Party can be said to have a base plate, especially in the regional society. Naoto Kan of the Democratic Party or the power to the site to support his basement mainly some Therefore, to see the Liberal Democratic Party power has been weakened, while the strength of the Democratic Party while Naoto Kan also weakened, his popularity will disappear. So long as there is a little small storm, the basis of his regime will be a huge swing . Now, the LDP and the Democratic Party is not much difference between the policy. If there is any difference to say that I just talked about the political power of the base plate. Naoto Kan, one step wrong, gets out of control, we must lose seat. < br> Reporter: the last 4 years, Japan has replaced the four consecutive prime minister, not to the year of their term of office. It is rare in international politics in the history of the phenomenon. In the past, former Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa has said, national development objectives. see Japan know, from the Meiji Restoration, Japanese gradually raised the years, the Japanese also an anti-communism, against the tide of socialism. At that time, the entire international community in the Cold War confrontation between the two forces. However, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992, became a symbol of the Cold War ended, China began implementation of the reform and opening up policy, that thinning the rigid communist colors, the taste fades out. this period, Japan has undergone great changes, the LDP one-party dominance of the where is the country's development goals, sometimes confused them. clear Beyond these aspects of the European family. So, how do the Japanese do in the future? should set a new target of what it should be in what direction development? these, the Japanese have not been thoroughly discussed and studied to start.
Japan is inside the non European countries the first encounter against globalization (Anti-globalization), post-globalization (Post-globalization), post-modern era (Post-modern ages) of a national. So, the direction of Japan's answer to national development is not so easy to find. Now, we feel as if gradually found a direction to solve these problems, but because Japan is now the political parties lack of personality, hardly able to assume responsibility of the political party of national development, so there will be frequent replacement of the Prime Minister phenomenon.
Reporter: July 11, the Japanese Senate elections will be held. At present, the ruling Democratic Party of Japan, split, some have set up a new party, the media said that the Party of Japan has entered a new forest of For the July 11 Senate election, I personally think that the Democrats lack the ability to rule a country, so the Senate will not win the general election too. However, the LDP is also a lack of new things, not people take the eyes and ears of the policy of one mind, So the LDP is not going to win. So, the Senate election could be the emergence of a winner is neither absolute nor the result of absolute losers. Japan would be a have been in the Senate after the elections, said political parties in Parliament to form federations to send, and some said that after the Senate election, which was spun off from another group of Liberal Democratic Party, New Party. This > Reporter: There is this analysis that the major failure Hatoyama Cabinet diplomacy in the United States that it takes the policy to do an analysis.
Koichi Kato: I think your argument is right. Hatoyama government's foreign policy ideas are not clear. For the . If you oppose, then it should study what will be Japan's own defense policy, research in Japan without the U.S. Hill did not mind 5 years, 10 years after Japan's defense policy, although he resigned when he was waiting to cross the 5 years, 10 years later, people will feel the benefits of his administration. If Japan really wants to take self-defense policy it to regional security issues in the peninsula made more effort. However, I do not see any way Hatoyama security policy formulation process. that he can not see the implementation of the policy direction of security policy. There Hatoyama I fully understand the problem of inhibition, just like the feelings of their own to solve the U.S. military in Okinawa Futenma relocation of the airport, only relying on how the emotions that the people of Okinawa, to difficult to place a heavy burden, he thought that can easily solve the problem the U.S. military airport, so naive as to think so you can put the U.S. military airport relocation outside Okinawa or abroad.
for this reason, the Democratic Party regime in charge of policy-making people in a haughty feeling. They come from the LDP regime, this arrogant prejudice that politicians in the LDP are being manipulated by government bureaucrats, and those bureaucrats in the development of policy, and only consider personal or group interests, to consider their own the future and leave the job after the retirement issue. The Democratic Party government bureaucrats do not know who these government agencies is to have very rich knowledge and experience. The Democratic Party believes the so-called the final say, can not follow these bureaucratic baton away, engage in wisdom and knowledge. This is also the Democratic Party of Japan's foreign policy failures of the important reasons.
Reporter: Recently, on the surface, Sino-Japanese relations has been greatly developed. However, considering the joint development of the East China Sea gas field issue, the sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands problem, whether Okinotori reef can become
Koichi Kato: I think now most Japanese do not think China is a threat, even though China has a considerable number of nuclear weapons, has a huge army, but did not attack his country's intention, that the Chinese military has been With the attack, but there is no intention to attack his country. However, in recent years China's military expansion is constantly advancing, so giving the impression that China is implementing the policy of a military power doctrine. China is now the military every year, double-digit budget increase, also began to manufacture aircraft carriers, but the Japanese do not understand why China, that is, what is the purpose to do so. So, we hope that the information in this area of China to be more transparent. this context, public opinion in Japan compared strong.
I remember seeing two or three years ago, when Chinese leaders, he said, the increase in China's military spending and military spending increases are targeted at the problem. I remember when I was met with Chinese leaders inside the fifth Li Changchun characters. Mr. Li Changchun met with foreigners does not seem normal, so when I raised this issue, he answered me very carefully. I think the increase in military spending if China is to solve the Taiwan issue, it should be the problem clear. In the context is not clear, more than ten per cent per annum increase in military spending, let the Japanese have to worry about.
common on the East China Sea oil and gas field development, I think this is an economic problem, as long as Japan and China to fully consult with each other, we will be able to find a starting point to solve the problem. So, to jointly develop East China Sea gas field issue territorial issue is not so much better to say that ultimately a problem of oil and gas field development, is an energy problem.
Reporter: You are now a large group of Japan-China Friendship 7, which the head of the Japan-China Friendship Association. Now there is an argument that the Japan-China friendship organizations of the historical mission has ended, your perspective on this issue?
Kato A: The resumption of diplomatic relations between Japan and China before 1972, economic exchanges between the two countries, exchanges are actively promoting Japan-China friendship groups to carry up under tough. Now, the smooth development of Sino-Japanese relations, even if No Japan-China friendship organizations, can also be carried out smoothly between the two countries economic and trade, cultural exchange has. From this sense, the historical mission of the Japan-China friendship groups is over.
However, as Japan and China both use Chinese characters Like many of the characters is actually not the same understanding. In fact, Japan and China is not a lot in common, such as lifestyle, communication and so on. So, I think in the next 30 years or 50 years Japan-China friendship organizations can also communicate with the national feelings of the two countries to do more things, its historical mission is being given new content, there are still viable.
end of the interview, the reporter asked Mr. Koichi Kato signed taken. He wrote the brush as opposed to former Japanese Prime Minister Mr. Junichiro Koizumi visited the Yasukuni Shrine, his old house in Yamagata Prefecture is Japan's right-wing set on fire. His 97-year-old mother was almost killed. Still, all this does not allow this, Mr. Koichi Kato bit strong politicians to change their ideas, he still described on various occasions with their own views, and to view. (This is part of the content published in the June 18, 2010, U.S. military guard: China suddenly high-profile open a video! suihongjun Japan is very embarrassing! Russia and Japan, I used to get China to scare! suihongjun U.S. shock: China sunk the consequences of a U.S. aircraft carrier suihongjun ; in the end hurt the feelings of who? U.S. aircraft carriers into the Yellow Sea, the political significance than military significance 2011-02-11 Comsenz Inc. 

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