Thursday, February 24, 2011

TBC Hunter talent skills of ...

 TBC Hunter talent skills of .....  1 hunter positioning
have to spend a lot of effort through. So in the early 5 copies of wow, the total number of hunters is often the most excluded, and even a copy of the last 40 Naxx often a team with only one hunter in order to avoid waste of equipment. But with a series of changes and a lot of TBC 5 / 10 copies of the emergence of small, hunters also will enhance the position. But what kind of job hunters in the end is what?
1.1 hunter DPS?
Yes Hunter's DPSmm to low-cost This is the general awareness. But before the hunters DPS TBC ability to limit and discourage its mechanism. However, with the many changes in the TBC Hunter's DPS capability has been greatly increased.
l equipment and hunters mechanism to modify the basis for making hunters surged
l DPS hunters mark to provide a new version of RAP are nearly 4 times before the new pet scaling
l system and the Beastmaster talent in PVE is impressed on the output
through this deep, shooting the hunter, especially operating excellence dedicated serious BM hunters can often occupy the position of DM ranking the top few, and even in some copies to maintain the first!
outside the field, hunters should and the weakness of the DM position to say goodbye!, of course, wore br> Yes, although Hunter was once a bad copy of poison, but a good hunter is a team of lubricant can make a copy of the team's progress on the speed and greatly enhance security.
l have to the temporary guest OT Pet
l can be cast in combat traps control two or more monsters
l talent + frost trap to trap the group control
l have the effect of three lines in the level of talent in the above party / raid DPS buff ability
l the new version of the Scorpion Sting targets to reduce the hit rate of 5%, almost all Boss
not immune by virtue of this, in 5 copies of a great hunter in the full lubrication of your team, so we can like Porsche engine installed 8 General brave invincible heavy roller. But there is no shadow priests warlocks and significantly alter the performance outside the domain of the two occupations in particular small copy of a copy of the position, but is still a good hunter team worthy of any one of the selected candidates.
1.3 hunter waist?
areas may often go to the NGA's friends remember Hunter wrote a hunter and I Arena on the article to control each other's attackers, continuing to suppress the other's treatment of occupational and other such relatively vulnerable target the caster. because the range of hunters, because hunters flexible, because the hunter's versatile, which makes high-end hunters, especially in the arena team plays an important role. But I still say
With the gradual opening the Dark Portal, a Tuesday, after the hunters of you will find with a bright white light, body up and everything becomes strange to change the basic formula hh
agility and long-range attack Strength: 1 Agility from ranged attack power by 2 points 1 point to 1 ranged attack power agility.
agility and crit rate: 53 from level 60 agility 1% crit 33 Agility 1% into crit.
agility and dodge rate: 26.5 from the original level 60 agility 1% dodge 20 agility 1% dodge into.
armor and equipment changes: Hunter T series dedicated equipment change from a pure agile strength to make up for the Dexterity + Agility 1 1 ranged attack power of change, so do not worry because the agility to result in weakening reducing the proportion of RAP.
weapons: long-range weapons DPS increase than the previous level. arch from the original mandate of such epic 44DPS becomes 53.3. Other long-range weapons simultaneously increase.
ammunition: TBC has more ammunition for the selection of high DPS, such as high 50DPS the Timeless Arrow.
2.3 skill changes
Hunter's Mark: from fixed-RAP changes can trigger stack addition, see below.
Arcane Shot: TBC in the arcane shot damage by the addition of RAP, a ratio of 0.15 (9 Arcane Shot damage = RAP * 0.15 +273, similar to the the same). Please note that version 2.1.0 Arcane Shot to enjoy the low-level addition to reducing the proportion of RAP.
Scatter Shot: Scatter Shot would have flight time.
Scorpid Sting: Agile becomes reduced by the reduction targets 5% target hit, and only 1 skill level, 22 trainers can learn.
Viper Sting: a 15-second CD.
Aimed Shot: extend the cast time of Aimed Shot by 3.5 seconds, but accelerated by the quiver, and reset automatic fire.
Mongoose Bite: TBC Mongoose Bite by the AP in addition, a ratio of 0.2.
Traps: Traps can be cast in combat, but extended to CD 30 seconds.
Flashbang: Duration reduced to 20 seconds, cooling time extended to 20 seconds.
trapping: trapping the restrictions on the movement of time be shortened to 4 seconds, and by the reducing effect of PVP.
Wyvern Sting: You can cast in combat, cast time becomes 1.5 seconds.
treatment of pets: Mend Pet channel spell changed from the original prompt the HOT, and the effect of reducing the mana cost of upgrading. but not by treatment effect of addition.
2.4 pet pet change
TBC by hunters in the scaling properties, as follows mm
melee attack: pet hunter melee attack power by 22% of the value of long-range attack power bonus. < br> spell: 12.5% by the hunter's ranged attack power bonus (for the spell damage bonus class skills).
Armor: Armor by hunters and equipment plus 35%.
Resistance: 40% of resistance by the addition of Hunter.
Stamina: Stamina 30% by the addition of Hunter.
Growl: Growl by hunters to increase the hatred of the addition of RAP (see Digest).
3 new skills Detailed
3.1 hunters mark
Although this is not a new skill, but in the 2.1.0 version of the great changes made by the long-range attacks mm target all remote attacker to increase RAP 110 point, and when each remote attacks increased by 11 points, the maximum 440 points. 120 points from the original RAP into a superposition of the initial 110 points to 440 points a remote trigger, the equivalent of more than 10% of the total RAP enhanced.
3.2 stable
Steady Shot Shooting Skill Level 1
consumption: 1108-35 Code
release time: 1.5 seconds
free interval: 0 seconds
needs a stable long-range weapons fire caused
(150 + weapon DPS * 2.8 + 0.2 * RAP) damage, stuns target for damage caused by an additional 175 points.
TBC stability in the newly added weapons firing is not a dependent but the DPS, DPH Class cast long-range physical skills. and the cast time of 1.5 seconds can be accelerated quiver and almost all the physical tools to accelerate. because it has cast time process, so the right attack speed, more stable release related to the hunters to shoot a ranking in the DM position before take a more important factor. so BM hunters with the snake fast compared to other hunters have a huge advantage.
more stable and can be more powerful!
blame blame Skill Level 1
consumption: 9% of base mana
release time: Instant
free interval: 2 minutes
Distance: 100 yards
your next three attacks by the transfer to the target of hate groups teammates on. caster and the target while the role of only one framed. Lasts 30 seconds.
cast of teammates under after three attacks have been cast hatred teammates counted on. a very interesting control skills of hatred, hatred is often used to help MT accumulation. But 2 minutes of the CD itself, and many of the hatred is not outside the domain of the boss makes it sensitive to limited effect.
Snake Trap Snake Trap Skill Level 1
Cost: 305 Mana
release time: Instant
free interval: 30 seconds
place a trap, after the first enemy target trigger the release of eight snake attack. snakes survive for 15 seconds after death. traps exist 1 minute. At the same time there is only a trap.
triggered after the release of eight snakes, all kinds of random debuf on to the target and the dot. retarder and the delay of which the most valuable magic of the drug. Although HP snakes rarely, but when the opponents will not pay attention to moments and even on the 5-layer retarder, etc. dot debuff, and infighting in the fight against law to receive, often miraculous.
3.5 Viper Viper level
Skills Cost: 40 Mana
release time: Instant Viper
activate a hunter, hunters every 5 seconds to restore the intellectual value of 25% of mana. also can activate a guardian.
according to the number of hunters back to the Blue intellectual guardian. But there is that at least strengthen the eagle hunter PVE output no chance to use it. But in a war of attrition in the arena Viper can play an important role in mm no blue no output. Viper
But the next version will be strengthened, the lower the current mana, the better; the higher the current mana, the effect is the role which will make it worse mm relative increase.
3.6 Gore
wear hose Level 9
Skills Cost: 25 focus
release time: Instant
free interval: 0 seconds
Range: 5 yards
the target congestion, causing 37-61 damage. The attacks of 50 % chance to deal 2x damage.
Ravager and pigs can learn. The Ravager itself is of high type of injury, and the cats as the basis of DPS. So Ravager + Gore is more than the standard output with.
dodge dodge rating 2
the scope of your pet damage reduced by 50%
2.1.0 added a new passive skill, 25 training points. very effective to enhance the pet in the face (Boss) AOE skills when viability. The skills and warlock pets, compared to similar points but it is still better than AOE mm each eat only half and half, but likely do not eat to avoid being second compared to it!
3.8 Cobra Reflexes reflection
2.1.0 Added snakes passive skills, so that your pet's attack speed by 30%, but damage reduced. According to the test or enhance the overall DPS. this talent with pet snakes can fast from the standard 2.0 attack speed to 1.28, close to the old version of the basic level interrupt teeth, is for the wild very helpful.
3.9 scorpion scorpion venom
grade 9
30 focus 5 yd
4 seconds instantaneous cooling
8 seconds on the target causing 44 Nature damage. a goal can stack 5 times.
The following is the time to write
June scorpion venom as a ; old 300 spell damage. each is 344 damage, 5 layer is 2 seconds jump 430 damage. It has reached the top level DOT! and because long before the DOT and Talisman increased spell damage changes (the bug) led to open Beastmaster began after violent and even violent on the end of scorpion venom from scorpion venom as long as they continue to be able to enjoy an additional 50% damage. that is, 645 hop! of course, difficult to maintain perfect, because the scorpion venom has CD and is a physical attack will not hh but it hit the block to become 2.1.0 which could not prevent the scorpions the best PVE hunter pet out. even in the PVP can be DOT scorpion venom on the auxiliary counter Viper as the arena was an important means to disperse! real PVP / PVE dual-use.
, of course, nerf, I foresee a little point ...
The following is written mm
BLZ today really nerf a little point ...
hunters Kill Command magic, pet instant attacks. once instructions have problems killing pets can not attack when mm still use mana, and the impact of CD by the public, but the killing power of command itself, be regarded as a large pet skills. As the inexplicable mana and the Public CD design flaw or bug the two amendments, both Kill Command in PVE or PVP are easy to use a lot. and it hurt, ah, open 31 points BM, X to open talisman, Kill Command had 1000 + damage screenshots. but generally only a few hundred hh
pve raid in the proportion of command is not too much killing, though often to get talent on the rate of 20% crit bonus, but with the removal of GCD, the basic Hunter does not affect the body's output, can be considered to rely on the skills of the.
4 TBC talent overview
Beast Beast With a TBC system in the pet talent changes and the underlying value of the performance makes the subject Welcome to greatly increase the degree. whether it is easy to upgrade farm, or a duel flags, and even a copy of the output hh PVE BM hunters are more than enough. With the players on the TBC-depth understanding and practice, Beastmaster hunter pets and bring about a more rapid snakes the stability of firing high-frequency firing can beat the traditional hunter hunter mm mm even adjust the output of those outside the field position of the Warlock bug! BM Pet DPS capacity as deputy to the position equivalent to a thief, because the snake attack speed 20% faster to bring closer 20% of the more stable shooting mmTBC important skills in the hunter out, because once the rage, whether 2 minutes or hunters on their own pet is not a small improvement. it together bit by bit, making the hunter shooting operation and a more subtle Note is also possible to use their own pets to catch up. and ferocious inspiration on the physical and spell damage are effective and can be superimposed, for the team is considerable buff.
Department of talent, but the beast is difficult to choose an important issue. To pet or VIP? to Solo or DPS? to PVP or PVE? different needs would have a significant impact talent build the first layer
4.1.1 Strengthen Hawk
Rating: 5 / 5 < br> When your Aspect of the Hawk active during all of your normal ranged attacks have a 10% chance to make the ranged attack speed by 3/6/9/12/15% for 12 seconds.
strengthen Aspect of the Hawk has been modified in the TBC, the percentage of reduced attack speed increase, while increasing the proc rate. This is undoubtedly the actual results for the final is helpful, after all, the high proc rate is too poor to avoid RP happening. As strengthen the Hawk in the end can increase the number of output capacity, generally a slow weapon to get a 6% increase this, and fast weapons (with the Beastmaster talent acceleration) is able to close about 10%.
But note that new and enhanced Hawk mm from each point they are now likely to increase trigger speed for each percentage point increase, which determines either without or plus 1 point for 5 points. This inevitably points to some previously used to RP's bet 1 point friends, some unhappy. but to strengthen itself through the strengthening of Hawk PVE output for the determined hunter is still a very good talent.
but strengthen the position of Hawk is also very embarrassed. for the main BM hunters to said Hawk is often enhanced and durable pet training to strengthen capacity mm mm in conflict, but the main PVE hunter shooting a 5-point easier to add to strengthen the Hawk.
pets, or yourself, this is a problem.
related natural skills: endurance training without

rating: 5 / 5
the value of your pet's life and improve the 2/4/6/8/10%, increase the value of your life 1/2/3/4 / 5%.
This can be regarded as a new talent hunters in TBC one of the people feel good. in raise pets also can improve their own, this pet for the TBC can be enhanced by the hunters themselves attribute complement each other, is the process of completion. you have me, I have you, sweet sweet stroll outside the domain of hh
but durable layer of intensive training and with how much there is a conflict Hawk's choice. and want to The Beastmaster PVP talent in non-primary lives on a 5% increase are also some headaches. may not be the main point of the non-existence for 20 shooting, the main shooting attack in full force at the same time enhanced by somewhat like a real live system does not protect themselves very tense, the simple life and better improve the percentage of survival, is also a choice. However, often a solid 3-point resistance to movement impairing effects by 15% of the actual value of some more.
talent skills related to: no 4.1 .2 mm Requires 5 points in the second tier talent
focused anger
Beast Level: 2 / 2
when your pet is active, all damage you by 1 / 2%, Kill Command crit rate increased 10/20%.
Kill Command is added TBC new skills, crit hunter pet can launch a command prompt attack (similar to the combat soldier's death). The Beastmaster hunters Kill Command, especially the addition of concentrated anger, even more power in the violent state of quite a lot! in some cases, pets can be a critical strike while Kill Command after the 1200 + damage, very impressive.
need to add that the killing was command does not trigger a similar frenzy crit and cruel revelation talent skills, and good in this huge patch 2.1.0 fixed this!
related to natural skills: Kill Command
strengthen the Monkey
rating: 3 / 3
increase the Monkey dodge rate increase of 2/4/6%.
the Monkey is certainly enhance the PVP effect is clearly present. But the long-term hunters themselves are not similar to the thief to close receives melee attacks, nor is the top defensive fighters need to blame, take 3 points to a number of skills not commonly used in some not worth it. selection can also increase their thick armor and pet survivability, not a bad thing.
talent skills related to: no
rating: 3 / 3
make your pet's armor by 7/14/20%, you get the armor from the equipment, to enhance the value 4 / 7 / 10%.
similar endurance training, but also complement each other thick natural finished. increase by 20% armor, can be understood as a simple matter to avoid the pet a 20% increase, compared to 6% Life (also 3) is better in dealing with the monster of Physics. Of course, life on the law and effective. related to talent skills: no
strengthen the Revive Pet
rating: 2 / 2
your Revive Pet's casting time by 3 / 6 seconds, mana cost reduced 20/40%, the value of pets to improve the life of the resurrected 15/30%.
First we look at Revive Pet: 80% of base mana consumption, 10 sec cast, 15% of the resurrection of life. For the hunter pet is a huge revival in terms of consumption, 2 points in Improved Revive Pet can make you more comfortable when in PVE Solo application without worrying about frequent pet pet death fear fear first leg greatly increase operational efficiency. If you want a more comfortable upgrade and farm, strengthen Revive Pet is your best choice. It should be noted that the pet after the resurrection of life, not because hunters stamina enhancement by the zoom increases. < br> There is a small Tip: (dissolution) with pet summon pet move out of the value of life will soon be back to full rather than natural recovery. So copy and even less blood 2v2 arena will be dissolved and re-summon pet will make the pet back full of blood. It is sometimes very helpful for pets mm on the Beastmaster (the injury) is essential there!
related to natural skills: Revive Pet
4.1.3 Layer 10 mm beast talent
need to find its way
rating: 2 / 2
your Aspect of the Cheetah and Aspect of the Pack to improve the rate of increase of 4 / 8%.
Zibba the one of the symbols used to reflect the ultimate kite flow. However, the gradual collapse of the CWOW server PVP quality and more complex scenes, the search has not become popular natural way to a now lost its value. Perhaps the spirit of the role more right.
talent skills related to: Aspect of the Cheetah, Aspect of the Pack
beast quick
level: 1 / 1
make your pet's movement speed increase outdoors 30%.
Help :
hh in the long, long time ago after pet speed is standardized, under normal circumstances have been unable to catch up with players of the pet and pet moving attacks Pets can often be seen when it took a long time to go strange / players around, stopped, raised his claws, the target ran out of melee range. and then began to chase pets, stopped, raised his claws, the target ran out of melee range hh so beast rapid increase in general are necessary.
talent skills related to: Pet
rage release
rating: 5 / 5
damage your pet 4/8/12/16/20% increase.
rage release of the physical attacks and skills, pet attacks (yellow damage) are working. this talent from the previous 15% to 20%, the cost of violent crit rate increase from 15% reduced to 10%. the surface look the same, because the pet crit damage is 2-fold, largely offset by the two. But Wind Serpent Lightning Breath (perhaps Dragon Breath Flame Eagle) is a magic, a critical hit 1.5 times . So mm lower crit rate for more damage but will return.
talent skills related to: violent, maniacal
4.1.4 mm need 15 points to the fourth floor beast
Improved Mend Pet talent level
: 2 / 2
treat your pet with every wave of 15/50% chance for pet to remove one Curse, Disease, Magic, or toxic effects, and reduce the mana cost of 10/20%.
Please note that 1 point Improved Mend Pet only 15% chance. surface looks Improved Mend Pet is a great talent, especially in PVE Solo. But the beast is very tight talent tree, so it according to personal preference.
also mentioned earlier, the 2.1.0 version will require treatment of pets from the original boot prompt channel magic into the HOT, and the effect of reducing the mana cost increase. This is a great hunter buff.
violent < br> rating: 5 / 5
make your pet's critical strike chance by 2/4/6/8/10%.
violent crit rate increase from the original in the TBC 15% to 10%, this number will have an impact on wild, but the good news is BM hunters are viper fast, and reflective pet snakes can learn to further accelerate the IAS, so the whole has been strengthened rather than weakened.
related natural skills: rage released the fifth floor frenzy
4.1.5 requires 20 points in Beast mm
soul link talent
level: 2 / 2
when your pet is active, you and your pet restored to life every 10 seconds worth of 1 / 2%.
or both copies of SOLO, and even the lives of PVP in the recovery effect of this level is fairly obvious. Of course this can not and soul Links related to the ancient version of talent than the hh
Skills: None
Level: 1 / 1
Stress Level 1
Skill Cost: 6% of base mana
release time: prompt < br> free interval: 1 minute
Distance: 100 yards
command your pet in the stress when the next hit the enemy, causing a lot of threat, and to stun the target for 3 seconds.
Description: < br> BM hunters only active control skills. The only drawback is the need for a melee pet, 2, and hit each other (which means you can not dodge being hit can be parried), 3 there is 1 minute CDhh
related talent skills: Pet melee attack and hit the beast tamer who
rating: 2 / 2
focus on the value of your pet's recovery speed 50/100%.
talent skills related: gore, lightning breath
4.1.6 mm needs 25 points in the sixth floor
tamer beast who
talent level: 2 / 2
make your mount speed increase on the 4 / 8%, hit rate increased by 2 pets / 4%. mount speed increase on any other speed increase does not stack with.
hit rate to your pet pet, whether the output is expected to improve the success rate of stress, it is more important . But relatively speaking, here to save one or two added to the ferocious inspiration, perhaps even better. because the same 2% of the damage caused by pets and pet hit 1% 1% damage + damage + hunter teams own the remaining 1% of injuries to several people , the latter is more ferocious inspiration. and ferocious inspiration on the physical and spell damage are effective
rating: 5 / 5
need: 5:00 violent
make your pet 20 / 40/60/80/100% chance of critical hits increased by 30% attack speed for 8 seconds.
have 1.0 attack speed because of the broken teeth The King B, because it has 15% of the violent , 4 basic guarantee can be full speed frenzy. But now, 5 is not enough, because this is the standardization of pet attack speed (lower) makes the effect of reducing wild, while violent nerf more This is the 2.1.0 version before, then after that?
hh because snakes are fast (people) and snakes reflection (pet), pet attack speed directly to the 2/1.2/1.3 = 1.28, and added 2 points concentrated anger High Kill Command crit after crit to br> 4.1.7 seventh floor mm to 30 point beast talent
Ferocious Inspiration (Ferocious Inspiration)
rating: 3 / 3
when you pet a fatal blow, all your teammates damage increase 1 / 2 / 3% for 10 seconds.
based pet crit rate of about 10%, 20% after a violent, BM 1.x pet attack speed and a lot of pet skills use, making the trigger time of this talent is greater than non-excitation time, and a number of violent inspiration Beastmaster hunters can stack, physical and spell damage are effective, efficient team!
related to natural skills: violent, frantic, focused rage + killings
level instruction
Bestial Wrath: 1 / 1
Bestial Wrath rank 1
needs: 1 point skills, stress
consumption: 10% of base mana
release time: prompt < br> free interval: 2 minutes
Distance: 100 yards
make your pet into the rage, causing 50% additional damage for 18 seconds. In this state, the pet will not have any fear or mercy , can not be stopped unless killed.
Bestial Wrath is BM hunters pets under very powerful source of damage output, either PVE or PVP. and the killing of pets during Bestial Wrath hh, of course instruction is worth seeing, TBC is that the essence of the beast talent Bestial Wrath + The Beast Within two-violent.
related to natural skills: the heart of the beast, killing the cat command
Rating: 3 / 3
make your dodge rate increased by 1/2/3%, your pet's dodge rate increased an additional 3/6/9%.
as a deep talent, if only to improve your dodge rate of 3% as too scrap it. but we have pets, so a value of such a deep talent has been diverted to pet pets mm dodge rate increased by 9% .9% said it is very good. but is precious pets mm consistent, talent prices higher. But the key is that pets can tank it? Druid's bear form with mixed occupation only a part of strengthening their hunter pets, pet, tank, only a very rare thing, especially a copy of the heroic!
so the talent is, of boring hh
talent skills related to: no section 4.1.8 Requires 35 points in eight-mm snake beast quick
level talent
: 5 / 5
make your ranged attack speed by 20%, and your pets melee attack speed by 20%.
Help :
BM hunter DPS to dominate the panel, the first of the fundamental faculties of the Hunter, which is often TBC PVE BM hunters in the output can cause more than a hunter shooting mm high panels DPS + high attack speed led to more frequent use of stable shooting. < br> Related talented skills: shooting
4.1.9 stable mm needs 40 points in the ninth layer Beast Beast Within talent

Level: 1 / 1
when your pet into the wild state anger , you enter the wild status page at the same time, and get 10% extra damage, all mana cost reduced by 20% for 18 seconds. In this state, you will not have any fear or mercy, can not be stopped unless killed death.
ah, double red. in additional damage to 10% after being nerf, BLZ compensatory to the wild state, consumes 20% less mana. damage increase and mana cost reduction of this is actually minor, the key is immune various control 18 seconds. This is the BM hunters in the wild, 1v1, or even excellent performance under Arena 2v2/3v3 root cause. When the small number of pets can not seem to be ignored, while the hunters out of control clearly than the damage / explosive but controlled more effective hunters.
related natural skills: shooting
4.2 Bestial Wrath has been the fire department gives the impression that PVE, and there are a lot of people think but the main Survival 0/21/30 output better. but after TBC, equipment and talent changes, the fire department with a high RAP and further strengthen the multi-shot, of course, there are relatively deep talent garbage Survival reasons, the fire department in the output capacity With no small improvement. but let us look at PVP in What are the requirements for skills, especially in the arena.
l for a long time stability / long period can give rise to stability under the control of the outbreak as the skills; < br> l be an effective control skills, effective short-l have enough CD lethal
l is better to have complementary skills, in order to contribute to the team
survival compared to the so-called system for mm < br> l PVP and equipment make up the master shot with high resistance to agility / strength of causes of RA ...

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