Monday, February 21, 2011

Real-time SG 9 December Jie Pan

 SG late December 9 Summary: long and short duel, winner will see the outcome!
Stormy stock market crash in the periphery, the Chinese stock market ushered in one by one bad, the market situation became bad, today it opened low, fell again to close almost 2%. Although large declines, but better than the opening level to go very far, taken off in Japan, leaving a line of small Yinxian video shows continuing long ditch.
Today's weapons are long Sinopec. Following yesterday after a large influx of buying, Sinopec super funds today continue to be care, 3.0 billion transactions a day and closing at a relatively high level. From the technical indicators, there Sinopec Yang folder with two four-pattern of a small Yinxian, that is, over the past 9 days 8 days to close out the Yang Xian, it is obvious there is a large collection of funds continuously. Even Thursday the stock adjustment, not rule out the possibility of the market outlook continues to new highs. Thus, analyzing the general trend towards, can not ignore the impact of Sinopec.
short in Bank and Insurance continued in seeking opportunities to build on the three major heavyweight. securities and insurance stocks continue to stock index futures expressed dissatisfaction quiet period, the price continued to fall, despite the occasional individual small variety of moves, but overall the entire plate are Mexican. Bank stocks continue to be less than 8 trillion is expected, even so, it can guarantee 20% of bank shares profit growth. but these people see the future, while neglecting the present: new lending in 2009 10 trillion in 2010 than in 2009 even reduce the 2 trillion? Is it still appropriate monetary policy? So, now under the definite answer is still too early, wait until February next year, look at trends.
confused as the market outlook, long and short sides today, once in the China Petrochemical Expand on the duel. 10:35 or so, there are short 1,500 shares of Sinopec flagrantly dished out, the stock hit a straight line from 12.9 yuan 12.5 yuan, and led to the rapid decline in the broader market. In the afternoon after the market opened, there are funds quickly Chung into the petrochemical industry, the share price from 12.7 yuan quickly back to 13 yuan, the market outlook was also a recent record high of 13.1 yuan. shorting the intention of the tough job faced, simply because it is not a mere 1,500 shares of large, 0.4 HO The fight dollars selling it? their intentions? give money or panic?
Although a conclusion may not be in the petrochemical, however, Baosteel has in the past 12 trading days 9 days net capital inflows also intriguing. It should be noted that, These two stocks are about to enter the exercise of warrants. Shanghai Automotive though about to enter the warrant exercise period, today's stock price is close to the exercise price, but the institutions to take the Weiweijiuzhao strategy, FAW's two largest auto stocks strong inflation, led to other auto stocks. The other is only the large cap sector is continuing Masukura CCB. and in large capitalization stocks, while an institution Masukura GEM gains across the board today to continue to show small funds offer shares have not yet evacuated. < br> It appears that the market in the duel between two forces. This battle will determine whether the strength in the future large-cap stocks small cap stocks, but also will determine whether this market last week closed at the highest point of the year around.
Thursday market will continue to lack of short power, even if the weaker U.S. and European markets, China's stock market continue to reduce the possibility of deep tones. If the market can stabilize a low profile, do not rule out the index stocks led the broader market before the weekend about the new record high possibilities. The so-called long and short duel, winner, Thursday and Friday will see the outcome.
14:48 weak market trend trading volume continued to shrink slightly
counter, Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock afternoon, Sinopec intraday increase of nearly 2.5%, led China's oil shock strength. financial shares dragged down on the trend of heavier, not to be seen, this impact, the weight plates to offset increased contributions to the petrochemical, dragging the index lower intraday volatility to continue, continuing a record low days. trading volume, the market continued shrinkage lower, stock index traded less than 130 billion, the two cities less than 210 billion transactions. Growth Enterprise Board continued to show negative correlation with the effect of home loans rose more or less.
financial monitoring: financial and real estate stocks outflow of 10.4 billion drag on the two cities
unilateral deadline at 14:45 on December 9, 2009, the total turnover of 210.06 billion yuan in Shanghai and Shenzhen, Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares were traded of which 209.318 billion yuan, Shanghai A shares traded 125 341 000 000 Yuan, Shenzhen City, 83.977 billion yuan traded A shares, A shares traded, turnover 92.165 billion yuan of capital inflow, capital outflow of transaction -1025.94 billion, 5.839 billion yuan deal of uncertainty, the difference between the inflow and outflow -104.29 billion transaction, All transactions accounted for the broader market -5.20%.
capital flows, the outflow of real estate and financial industry over 2.1 billion. At press time, out of stock funds were the top five of the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (600000), down 2.58%; Industrial Bank (601166), down 3.67%; Hai Tong Securities (600,837), down 4.22%; Golden Group (600383), down 3.73%; China Construction (601,668), down 2.4%.
14:28 motherboard effects negative GEM stocks pushed down
with only two board index continued to show negative effects of higher GEM stocks generally active; today 28 GEM stocks fell only two, or front is still the pharmaceutical, medical concept of stocks, the second batch of eight listed companies will be added Improve Medical (300,030) pharmaceutical industry varieties. Anke Biotechnology (300 009), Hokuriku Pharmaceutical (300016) and others sharply higher.
fundamentals, the GEM expansion soon. As of December 4, starting to apply for the GEM has been achieved by 13 companies, the GEM was the second batch of listed companies to get Commission approval afternoon of May 7, 8 companies are expected to be lucky.
14: 13 shares being sold conventional electricity power sector declines among the top
attention now with the eyes of the world in energy conservation, traditional power generation market stocks being abandoned, Dongfang Thermoelectric (000,958), Inner Mongolia Huadian Power (600863), Ningbo Thermal Power (600,982) and so decrease the top. to the relative resilience of hydropower-based, Yangtze Power (600900), Three Gorges (600116) is half the battle synchronization, Wenshan Electric Power (600995) contrarian up.
Dongfang Thermoelectric (000,958) : We believe that now is not possible, the pulled heavy volume, nonferrous metals, chemicals and other cyclic species are just around the corner, but are showing a rebound soon betrays itself weak. We believe that Friday's monthly economic data are not likely to exceed market expectations of a large, short-term market trends reflect transportation equipment +1.5% +0.4% chemical, pharmaceutical biotechnology -0.2%; decline among the top are: Utilities -1.8% -1.7%, transport, financial services -1.6%.
financial monitoring: 3.62 billion of funds FAW shares
chase ended two at 13:50 on December 9, 2009, the total turnover of 159.058 billion yuan in Shanghai and Shenzhen, Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares were traded of which 158.494 billion yuan, 94.576 billion yuan Shanghai A shares traded , Shenzhen A shares were traded 63.918 billion yuan, A shares traded, turnover of 72.309 billion yuan of capital inflow, capital outflow of transaction -754.59 billion yuan, 4.909 billion yuan deal of uncertainty, the difference between the inflow and outflow of transaction -31.50 billion, accounting for All the broader market traded -2.06%.
Xiali (000927) yesterday (8), released on the evening of November sales data, FAW Xiali 11 rose 49.78 percent per month, sales grew 83%. by the end of the year hikes and worries about buying the double cancellation of preferential factors, China's automobile production and sales in November hit a record high. According to China Association of Automobile Manufacturers statistics, as of November, China's automobile production and sales had reached one million level for nine consecutive months, 11 months before the sales were more than 12.2 million vehicles, 13 million full-year forecast is no longer complete the suspense, China has become the world's largest car producer and the new car consumer market. affected by aspects of information-driven, FAW Xiali afternoon a strong limit, FAW Car (000800) also rose 9.21% approximation limit, two of 362 million influx of funds will continue to
mall chain plate yesterday rose to become the star of contrarian plate, which, Xidan Shopping Centre (600,723) shares performed well early high of 11.75 yuan break. Today afternoon, Xidan Market Zaidufali, buying power and then boosting the share price high sign. In fact, the plate has a transaction the same policy background mm central economic work meeting on With the New Year and Lunar New Year is approaching double the retail industry will enter the traditional peak season in the fourth quarter.
In addition, aspects of the news from Hong Kong stocks, . Industrial (600 393) pulled intraday transactions, the impact limit; Suning Universal (000 718), Fuxing shares (000,926) were significantly pulled session; heavyweight, Vanke (000002) shocks meteoric rise, as the heavyweight in Shenzhen strong performance.
East Industrial (600 393): appeared in two bodies of the figure, the total purchase hh stock transaction afternoon, with the FAW Xiali (000 927), FAW Car (000800) pulled up the cover on the transaction limit, the plate stocks generally rose; Dragon Motors (600,686), the Bus (000 957), Chang'an Automobile 000625), Shanghai Automotive (600104), and other common pulled session. today's automotive stock transaction, with the between mm 22 near the State Council approved the city's subway construction plan, with a total investment of 882 billion yuan, China has become the world's largest urban rail transit construction market.
financial monitoring: 130800000000 manufacturing side deal between the two cities out of 36 billion
ended at 13:10 on December 9, 2009, the total turnover of 130.786 billion yuan in Shanghai and Shenzhen, Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares were traded of which 130.326 billion yuan, 77.398 billion yuan traded Shanghai A shares, A shares traded in Shenzhen 52.927 billion yuan, A shares traded, turnover of 56.844 billion yuan of capital inflow, capital outflow of transaction -634.15 billion yuan, 4.378 billion yuan deal of uncertainty, the difference between the inflow and outflow of transaction -65.72 billion, accounting for the broader market all transactions -5.27% .
standard industry's largest in the manufacturing of capital outflows, the difference between the inflow and outflow transactions -362486.19 million, representing all manufacturing turnover -6.13%. outflows related stocks were the biggest Wuku Jiangxi Copper, Tongliao chemicals, the Oriental electrical appliances, sea large group, Moutai.
13:05 Hang Seng Index below 50 day moving average within the next bank shares the main memory callback pressure
Global stock markets fell, dragged down Hong Kong shares lower again this morning, beneath a row of 22,000 points crossings and 50 day moving average, as of midday, the Hang Seng Index was reported 21,871.43 points, down 189.09 points, or 0.86%; state-owned enterprises index was 13,003.19 points, down 148.91 points, or 1.13%. from the disk of view, most blue chips down, the financial stocks weakened across the board, dragging the market down, the silver stocks, Bank of Communications (03328), China Ping An (02318), China Construction Bank (00939) are down more than 1%.
SG afternoon to read the tape: Wednesday is the capital
most stressful day Wednesday was the greatest day of the financial pressure this week on Monday to freeze 1.33 trillion purchase of new shares, subscription of new shares again Wednesday. tape shrinkage decrease diversion of funds in the purchase of new shares and favorable policies the Central Economic Work Conference Game , the expansion pressure is clearly an advantage. release the data set next week in November, is expected to once again pick up the broader market. morning after an hour, the two cities all across the board against yesterday reduced ink volume, comprehensive interpretation of the the market or even in the shock wave down to complete conversion and valuation style repair process. large-cap stocks and small cap stocks in the high-end, small-cap stocks will continue to increase the process of facing the division. intraday among the biggest gainers are: Pharmaceuticals -0.4% -0.7%, information services, delivery of equipment -0.7%; decline in the top are: public utilities -2.2% -2.1% animal husbandry and fishery, non-ferrous metals -2.1%. Hong Kong, the Hang Seng Index -0.9%, China Enterprises Index -1.1%.
11:21 a weaker broader market once again who is Che Houtui? < br> near the close of morning trading, the two cities near the stock back to the opening, trading volume has contracted stock index less than 700 million, the total turnover of 110 billion between the two cities up and down.
heavyweight, the strong performance of China's petrochemical heavyweights, meteoric rise Dikaigaozou intraday volatility, but this time there has been less effort to support the market; the performance of financial stocks is still weak, stocks fell across the board plate, heavy drag on the index. Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (600000) opened soon fell below 10 MA, near the close continues to accelerate the decline, falling 1.87%.
financial monitoring: the wave of software, which attract 280 million to lead the contrarian market information ended
blowout at 11:05 on December 9, 2009, Shanghai and Shenzhen City, the total turnover of 100.034 billion yuan, which Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares were traded 99.711 billion yuan, 58.883 billion yuan Shanghai A shares were traded, Shenzhen City, 40.828 billion yuan traded A shares, A shares traded, turnover of 44.156 billion yuan of capital inflow, capital outflow of transaction -455.09 billion, 3.714 billion yuan deal of uncertainty, the difference between the inflow and outflow of transaction -13.53 billion, accounting for the broader market all transactions -1.45%.
Recently, the State Ministry of Science, held in Jinan, Shandong International Science and Technology National cooperative base awarding ceremony, the wave of the Group was awarded the Wave Software (600 756) today opened the way ascribed to around ten strong Feng Ting, and promote the outbreak of the electronic information sector. As of this writing, Shenzhen Huaqiang (000 062), the wave of information (000,977), China's software (600,536) increase surpassed 5 % .2.77 billion wave of software into a single unilateral capital stocks, the contrarian side of information technology industry, which attract 441 million.
10:51 another new car sales auto stocks move up
consecutive small car segment adjustment, a wave of successive FAW pulled up the concept of plate, for example, Changan Automobile (000625), Changfeng Motor (600991) on 10 points after the Jingxian rocket launch. The latest data show that in November a new high of automobile production and sales , both more than 1.3 million.
investment opportunities in the sector we focus on pre�� ��have prompted the same, due attention!
10:38 subject shares were sought after a pre-flow of things together active < br> subject shares pre-market funds get re-sought after venue, the concept of trading showed some things active. wave of information (000,977) increase of nearly 7%, Changjiang Electronics Technology (600,584) increase over 4%, high-hung shares (000,851), Datang Telecom (600198), Galaxy Technology (000806) are thus to be seen.
In addition, a flow of stocks today are active. Clearly, shock city, the subject shares is still the main choice of funds.
SG 10:30 ����: modest increases in the broader market Monday
China Heavy Industries purchase of new shares to freeze three funds 1.33 trillion, a record since China issued new shares in a single day rule to freeze the amount of funding a new high. Wednesday have three subscription of new shares , the venue was less than active funds, opening one hour one-third of volume shrinkage. heavyweights omission, hot intraday low, modest increases in the broader market. From the industry point of view, the disk is still a lack of bright spots, the two cities only medical and biological, information equipment, information services increases, in addition to things, the GEM performance of relative strength, currently at the message, the policy vacuum, waiting for the degree of economic data this week, announced in May, the direction will be more clear. intraday among the biggest gainers are: +0.7% bio-medicine, information services +0.5% +0.3% information equipment; drop the top are: non-ferrous metals -1.6% -1.1%, utilities, financial services -1.1%.
10:21 Vanke A Zaiduofali real estate stocks also play?
Vanke A (000002) After a few days ago after a strong trend, dropping as yesterday with the broader market index be adjusted, real estate stocks in early trading today, force, followed by iron and steel , software, bio-plate after.
investment opportunities in the sector we focus�� ��already pre suggested by short-term concerns still!
10:15 Hang Seng Index opened lower consumer stocks attract capital concern
by the double impact of the mainland stock market and U.S. stocks, the Hang Seng Index opened 154.72 points lower in early trading, reported at 21,905.8 points. from the list to see the Hang Seng Index increased consumer concern about financial stocks get inside, highlighting some hedging. And in the capital shares, PetroChina rose 0.21% or 0.46% of ICBC, Ping An down 1.17%, Chalco flat.
financial monitoring: Return of the King A Sea King bio-flow plate of gold over 300 million
suction ended December 9, 2009 10:00, the total turnover of 48.06 billion yuan in Shanghai and Shenzhen, Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares were traded of which 47.929 billion yuan, 27.778 billion yuan Shanghai A shares were traded, Shenzhen City, 20.151 billion yuan traded A shares, A shares traded, capital inflows 18.901 billion yuan of turnover, capital outflow of transaction -193.40 billion, 2.541 billion yuan deal of uncertainty, the difference between the inflow and outflow of -4.39 billion transactions, representing the broader market all transactions -1.08%.
At press time, a flow of stocks whole line, the Sea King bio (000078) rose 6.64%, Baiyun Mountain A (000522), Hualan Biological Engineering (002007), Tiantan Biological Products (600161), CONBA (600,572) were more than 3% increase.
10: 03 steel plate first to start
signs today the opening of each sector rotation is apparent, the more prominent is the steel plate, the first start, led the broader market index rebounded.
investment opportunities in the plate before the hot plate at ���� advance notice has been actively concerned about!
09:54 broader market heavyweights ready to exert!
9:50 minutes after, the market began to bottom pick-up in oil (601857), Sinopec (600028) and heavyweight development effort, the broader market shocks up. statistical results show that the number of new lows and new highs on the stock trading flat; the main data continued to rise recently, to do more and more markets, trends in the market outlook remains positive. that the whole market stocks division further exacerbated the market outlook will be more inclined to blue-chip heavyweight hot, waiting for the main force pulled up after the whipsaw.
Sinopec (600028): contrarian up, get some attention to the main funds.
09:52 Chi Zinc and Germanium grab the right macro market leading stocks rose colored
London, December 8, according to news, LME base metals mostly higher Tuesday's close, get rid of the dollar higher and the U.S. and European stock markets downturn. copper is the closing down of one of the few metals, but remained at 6,900 dollars per tonne key support above. the secondary market, non-ferrous stocks have soared in early trading, leading Chihong Zinc and Germanium (600497) get 3 shares 10 shares, which lead to grab the right market. quickly after opening slightly higher in early trading covering the gap, followed by price shocks all the way upstream.
09:41 effect of boosting shares of electronic information listed stocks trading today, try to be brave
key bridge communication (002,316), Focus Technology (002315) contrarian first day of trading performance, rose sharply among the top. propelled by this effect, the electronic information stocks try to be brave, contrarian been active. Xin Network Video (600403), Shenzhen Huaqiang (000 062), Orville communication (002,231), etc. are shown.
09:39 10 lines long short Bash strong resistance
Shanghai Composite Index opened sharply lower in early trading, long after the opening bell began to resist. blue-chip heavyweight after day, the market began to messy .120 hot Under the three-weekly instead of what it means to attack, Shibuguosan, again and again, and thrice, it appears that 3350 point of 120 weeks of intensive online side chip area, there is a big pressure. To break, Blue Chip weight is not continuous with the heavy volume rising, the market is difficult to effectively break through and firm to the position. As we have late yesterday ��Summary�� in stresses, accelerated. environmental protection industry is expected to benefit from it.
. CBRC Chairman Liu said on the 8th, will lead the banking sector effectively optimize credit structure. Liu reiterated in particular, to strictly control high energy consumption, high emission industries and industries with excess production capacity loans, focus on improving credit quality and efficiency. It also means that new industries will be the focus of the credit target.
. a number of insurance company investors, said market optimism looking forward to the next stage, and began to actively set the layout of New Year Quotes , energy saving, new energy prospects for future economic growth implies the plate to become the favored target.
. A source close to the Ministry of Housing and Urban said that the recently held a multi-sectoral participation in the real estate market regulation joint working meeting, no department of regulation and control of the proposal. Therefore, the short term will not introduce the real estate control policies.
.11 on heavy volume of land market supply, an increase of 47%, more urban usher trading peak. investors may be concerned with more land Poly resources, gold, Vanke and other listed companies, also recently become the king of China, Beijing building can be focused.
. since the fourth quarter, the Fund Awkwardness rose across the board, as of Monday, there Qicheng Fund Awkwardness The benchmark for success beyond the CSI 300. As a test of the touchstone of fund stock selection ability, at the end of the performance of the Fund Awkwardness is still a good opportunity to take an active interest.
. steel demand.
2009   12 varieties of the past and the month is a month, which means that prices will continue the upward trend had also reserves the kinetic energy market for the coming year .12 will have more than 60 billion in January institutional money market, margin trading and index futures The market is expected to give more vitality and fresh elements, we think, A consolidation of shares will be poised to move up in the shock and starting the year in 2010 to accelerate upward. Therefore, the December market repeated shocks, is to speed up the layout of the best time! More

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